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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 179 KB, 900x900, F1899BAE-21BA-4B8C-8C9A-BDD6731F21B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57870403 No.57870403 [Reply] [Original]

It’s going to go to 1B, isn’t it…

>> No.57870416

10 mil if the marketing guy does his job

>> No.57870441
File: 15 KB, 360x270, 80DD8D79-D9FE-4888-B9A6-49BF513BC20D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God just called. He said pamp it.

>> No.57870457

Go ahead and post ca and perhaps I throw rupees into this dumpster

>> No.57870529

It can definitely hit 50m+, ETHP managed to do so on AVAX a few years ago and it only stopped going up because the retard dev rugged it.

>> No.57870530

$EARNFI CA: 0xac17ee2beE7E06D3E98f7F99818572Ed9EA5774D

On base network.

>> No.57870701
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1615363988160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did a deep-dive. It's dogeshit. You trying to get me to sell my MOCHI for this horsedung? Bring the price down to 0.04 and perhaps I will deposit rupees. Until then, next.

>> No.57870745

You lose 7% when you buy and 7% when you sell. Because that is what generates the ""passive reward"". Fucking kek. This shit will be dead long before you make that back (if it doesn't rug in the first place)

>> No.57870750

KEK nigga got priced out and you’re praying for a dip. If you truly did a deep dive you would know what’s about to happen next.

>> No.57870854

>muh tax
find a new fud faggot

>> No.57870866
File: 22 KB, 363x550, 1596740790192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've doxed yourself as a brown zoomoid. I will explain how, you typed 'nigga'. You think someone is 'priced out' of a sub 1M-mc shartcoin on shartchain. Only someone of little networth and low iq would type what you have responded with. You also responded to my post nearly immediately after providing the contract address nearly immediately. You are desperate for us wealthy europeans to pump your pathetic little shit token. There is an inherent rule of nature amongst us more civilized beings. The intelligent exploit the imbeciles. In the modern economy, you are the imbecile, buying imaginary fart tokens. The person who created this project after a 2 week coding bootcamp, is your intellectual superior. While you were spending your pittance of a saving on this nonsense 8 hours ago, the developer was off-loading one of his many wallets designed to siphon your money from you. You will remain poor. It is your genetic destiny. Now bring the price down to 0.03 and maybe I will deposit rupees.

>> No.57870872

Still cheap to buy under 10m

>> No.57870926
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>> No.57870959
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>> No.57871475

Is that the coinbase wallet?

>> No.57871607

This could be huge if biz gets it early, I've already made about $150 in ETH from the reflections after a day of holding. That's with this tiny volume.

>> No.57871704

This is a definition of a ponzi

>> No.57871755

Are you new to crypto? It's all a ponzi. If you aren't in to make money then why are you even here? Don't tell me le tech.

>> No.57871810

Your point being? Ponzis pump the hardest and this is literally the ground floor, first of its kind on a new L2 that normies aren't even aware exists yet.

>> No.57871819

Only faggy people like chainlinkers are in it for le tech and look at where it got them

>> No.57872418

awfully quiet you silly brownoids.. Bring it to 0.03 and I deposit the rupees

>> No.57872497

this thing is too hard to buy, which goes against the planned pumpanomics

still got a bag

>> No.57872650
File: 247 KB, 2140x1182, 87BE7484-F2AB-495E-8646-A02D2D27EE77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why you buy now before coinbase makes it 1easy to buy layer 2 shitcoins on base in 3 weeks.

Nigger picrel is your .04 entry.

>> No.57872780

the cryptonite of these deflationary coins is volume, can it survive without dying before the plebs arrive?

>> No.57872947
File: 433 KB, 955x716, 1708100889955666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a decent size bag too. Pretty addictive seeing the ETH airdrops right into my account on the hour. It may also be worth mentioning that im Lilly fucking white.

>> No.57873536

I scrolled up in the chat and I saw them talking about a dapp coming so the coin doesn't just rely on reflections. Any ideas or insiders want to hint at what it is?

>> No.57874807

Good entry here for slurrrps

>> No.57874897

All I can say is that there is a lot of big shit coming down the road in order to improve the ETH reflections, which will hopefully lead to a smaller tax in the long run too to balance it out.

Dev is already making money from the treasury wallet on this coin, so he has an interest in seeing it succeed. Even though right now he's forgoing any personal earnings to make sure the entirety of the treasury goes to growing the protocol, hiring new people, getting marketing going, etc.

>> No.57875284

he needs to add liquidity if he wants this to last until base season is in full effect

>> No.57876453

100 mil if the dev doesn’t jeet

>> No.57878609

I need to hear the dev's speak desu

>> No.57878812
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1677194536534462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs rollin out press release campaigns. Blue checkmark imminent.

Our News Article Campaign Is Starting To Roll Out!

























>> No.57879135

Holy shit bullish as fuck

>> No.57879272

how the fuck do i buy this shitstain of a scam?? just send ETH to basechain and then buy this on sushi???

>> No.57879435

bridge eth erc to base eth using orbiter or binance or trustwallet swap page then buy on SushiSwap

>> No.57879499

Use coinbase bridge, trade on sushi swap, chart on dexscreener.

>> No.57879504

sushiswap bridge worked fine for me. Wasn't expensive.

>> No.57879560
File: 33 KB, 612x408, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that's something - LP should be added to uniswap as well soon judging from the tg chatter

10M mcap eow

>> No.57879928

SushiSwap is good. Just bridge some eth and pump this fkn ponzi

>> No.57880031

This is the most promising coin on biz right now.

>> No.57880644

i listened to the digits. give it to me straight basejeets, what am i in for?

>> No.57880694

a 10x over the next week then a hard dump

>> No.57880733

how often do we get paid out?

>> No.57880919

Around once an hour.

>> No.57880921
File: 158 KB, 1072x1087, wn0s6l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5% eth rewards gets sent everytime the contract reaches the threshold then it sells and distribute, depends on volume, could happen every 10 mins every hour or even once a day

Anyways, this ponzi is hitting a new Ath tonite

>> No.57880925

You can trigger the contract whenever you want on base scan.

They were promised to be hourly but it can be anywhere between 15min-4hours.

>> No.57881264
File: 287 KB, 860x710, 1597679820097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this shitcoin? i get paid just to hold it? why? where does the money come from?

>> No.57881289

7% tax

>> No.57881719


>> No.57882100

its only going up?

>> No.57882155

relax bro. zoom out. look at the trend. your blind if you cant see its about to pamp.

>> No.57882339

Even the people calling this a scam are buying small amounts because this is still under 1mil mc.

>> No.57882506

I seriously hope no one is that retarded but you are probably correct. streetshitters will keep buying it and then they must keep shilling it.

>> No.57882936

I'm white and I bought it
Passed the smell test
Giving me safemoon vibes

>> No.57883096

You lose 7% when you buy and 7% when you sell. The telegramoids posting this are trying to trap you in it because it's the only way they can get out.

>> No.57883167

try 100B >B)
7% of $5 is 35 cents you greedy street shitter

>> No.57883255

post your hand with a timestamp, you're a brownoid

>> No.57883466

it is being promoted by some finance YouTuber with a paid group named Luke Alexxander, should go to 30-50 mil and print a ton of eth

>> No.57883479
File: 1.37 MB, 2249x2999, 20240306_224838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a bunch too. Its pumping rn. Been getting solid ETH sent str8 to my wallet on the hour. Stay poor

>> No.57883789

Anyone else not getting hourly payments? Only got 7 in the last 12 hours

>> No.57883813

kek my sides

>> No.57883862

voice chat AMA tomorrow, twitter space soon

>> No.57884101

>be shitcoin Jeet dev
>Copy and paste the same fake site to different domains with different css
>Add your fake shitcoin spiel to each one
I get that it costs like fifty bucks for each site but why bother

>> No.57884765

if the dev is white and american will you apologize?

>> No.57885167

Just woke up to another .01 ETH in my wallet, feels good man,

>> No.57885176

No white person would be that stupid.

>> No.57885916


>> No.57885937

Nice ponzi, so if the volume dries up so does the passive income.
This is just bsc dogbat with a fancier website kek.

>> No.57885966

A passive income just flew over my house!

>> No.57885972

wdym? it's at 7 cents. Did you not buy at 4?

>> No.57885985

Yes it's a Ponzi but you have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor and make a shit load of money. Realistically if this thing lives for even another week I am going to make my initial back from the rewards alone. Now give us some VOLUME anon.

>> No.57886863

Someone launched a legit version, TMS. This ponzi probably won't last now.

>> No.57887172

So some poojeet copied it and THATS meant to be the legit one? I swear to god you niggers make me wanna do something.

>> No.57887303

Then do it. Nobody is stopping you.

>> No.57887551

Contract address?