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57867537 No.57867537 [Reply] [Original]

Im 19 years old and I just finished Flight school, which cost me so much money and I am now 32k in debt, I know its not a lot of money, that is because I worked full time as well as going to school full time. I quit last month because I was fed up. Anyway I did graduate flight school with all certifications and licenses and I have around 310 hours of flight hours which is quite a lot at 19. In 3 weeks I turn 20 and i have applied to all small companies like 3 weeks ago, I know it takes time for a response ,but i have never needed in my life, I have no friends, I have no Wife, I am so depressed, I work so hard just to be put in this situation and my mom wants me to go work at my old job, which is so dumb because I sacrificed everything to be a pilot and I have to start paying my debt in July. Also i am obsessed with a girl from 2 years (that I might see this summer) and I just woke up now and I feel like bursting in anger or sadness. Please I beg you, what do I do. Everything has worked out in my life, I know I should not be stressing, but this is too much. I only have 5k left

>> No.57867669
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white culture is returning, stratified society, centralized control as a means to suppress and extract from host to parasite.

The white peasents were given a reprieve during the age of explorartion but as the free world is no longer free, the domestic side will return to the mean.

The first leg of Kali Yuga, post ww2.. intermediate period of reprieve, now the second leg will descend and crush any bit of hope, dream and aspirations you held dear, and you will be happy

Make Rome gReat AGian

>> No.57867722
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Grow the fuck up. Who gives a shit. You draw breath, you are a pilot. It might take a while but you will get a job, you will also have plenty of opportunities meeting hot girls when you are flying for an airline (cabin crew hotties). Go lift and do interesting hobbies in spare time. Things will get better.
Don't take this shit so seriously (take your job seriously though). And stop simping for some random hoe, she is getting miles of dick and she does not think about you at all, lmao.

>> No.57867744

You're still practically a kid, anon. Everything is gonna be okay.
Keep grinding. And don't obsess over girls.

>> No.57867893

You guys are right but this girl is a good high value girl, she’s never had a bf or anything like that and she’s a 10/10 she’s rare

>> No.57867942

as a Pilot you can forget about having a wife. you will never be home because of your job, she will feel neglected and will cheat on you with some guy who is around.

>> No.57868040

son you need to pull up your bootstraps and harden the fuck up mate

>> No.57868081

Oh sweet anon. I know words are meaningless to you, and honestly it can't be any other way. Only experience truly changes you. Everybody is unique, but nobody is special.

>> No.57868104

>I'm 19
>I have no wife
>3 weeks unemployed
You pampered little cunt :Dd I bet your asshole father didn't even buy you a Lamborghini for your sweet 16? Shut the fuck up.

>> No.57868116

you'll be fine lol. and if not i hear the homeless girls give hella good blowjobs without teeth

>> No.57868149

Youre doing great anon. Holy shit I wish I was a pilot at 19. Just keep applying for jobs and it will be fine.

>> No.57868209

I really appreciate you guys but I don’t even have 5k left, I lost Iike 1k on online gambling because of how bad I feel right now, I know it’s stupid but I have no money, I can’t be confident, I can’t do anything.

>> No.57868272

>but this is a good girl
That is your perception of her, the reality is always somewhere in the middle.
I guarantee you no matter how good you
think she is after a year with her you will find out hings that will bother you, trust me.
And while you think of her maybe even waited
for her, two years is a very long time for that
pussy to come back with the same milegae as
you left it 2 year ago.
Regarding your pilot career, somewhere exists a parallel universe where a version of you failed the pilot course and is completly lost.
Things are going your way just not in the speed you wish they were, just chill the fuck out, stressing and bitching wont help you will
just build resentful energy around you.
Dont listen to the incels and retards on this board you are young and I will guarantee you
worse thing will happen down the road in your life, man the fuck up and enjoy what life offers you.

>> No.57868297

honestly op by reading >>57868209
you are such a faggot I am actually mad at myself that I have spent the time to write such a long ass text

>> No.57868299


But the girl has no mileage but yes she nags a lot (classic trad wife)

So you promise me I am young? How old until I am not?

Also, I have no money now and 30k debt, like I used to have a nice car and now it’s gone, I have zero self esteem. I can’t afford her nice things or to marry her this summer. The amount of money I had saved and made when I was 16-18 was insane and school sucked it all up

>> No.57868312

Dude, I did a mistake, why am I a retard?

>> No.57868396

>She's rare
She isn't.
Half the world population are women, it's up to you to put yourself in a situation where you meet them. Many times it's a chance. Ask her out, if she denies, move on. Life is short. Stop being a simp.

>> No.57868414

>he fell for a "dream" shilled to him by the military industrial complex
I'd say LMAO but then you were only a child, just an innocent victim of the psyop.

>> No.57868416

you are a retard because you fell sorry for yourself on a incel buisness forum.
If you are 19 and she is around your age I can guarantee you she got rawdawged in those two years.

>> No.57868442

some people are in your situation while being 30yo.
chill the fuck out, apply for pilot jobs, fuck that oneitis bullshit, go for a walk, touch some grass

>> No.57868462

One thing to keep in mind is that men are idiots before their mid 20s. You are still mentally a child. All of this melodrama will pass when you get a little bit older. The most tragic thing is when an early 20s man kills themselves over some nonsense.

>> No.57868515

What is oneitis

>> No.57868563

I wish I was 19

>> No.57868565

my god I don't hope I was this big a fag at 19

>> No.57868610

I didn't even learn to drive or get my first car until 25. At your age I had $500. Similar debt.
I met my now wife at 29.
I'm was poor all my 20s, now at 36 I'm pretty rich. Life doesn't go in a straight line.
You're doing FINE, my friend. Enjoy being young, don't take anything too seriously.

>> No.57868632

19... he was just a kid. Me I'm an old man (24)

>> No.57868654

>I have to start paying in July
Just don't pay lol, give your money to your parents and neet until you find a job, what can they do? If you own nothing they take nothing

>> No.57868663

Yeah but what happens when I do start a job

>> No.57869020

I literally read your post 3 times and I'm still wondering what the fuck the problem even is
your mom wants you to work a job? go fly airplanes
you owe money? go fly airplanes
you want some girl? ask her out, and stop pretending its this big once in a life time thing - you don't live in a fucking movie
your only real problem is being a victim complex faggot; resemble a fucking man, don't let your retarded generation psyop you into thinking it's acceptable to be super emotional and create gay pathetic sobposts

>> No.57869267

This kind of posting belongs to reddit. There you will get the pats on your back you so desperately need and also the rest of us don't need to see your underage blogposts and can focus better on the various curry flavor of the month catalog.

Hit the gym and go back to your old job. Keep searching for pilot jobs meanwhile. Approach the lady and either take the disappointment or acceptance but then you'll get it off your mind. And stop fucking whining.

>> No.57869292

>hit the gym
Why is that needed?

>> No.57869331

I lost 60 pounds 30% body fat to 20% body fat in the last 3 months. I’ve been doing gym at home

>> No.57869342

>flight school
>when planes fly autonomous and they are now only putting 1 pilot in planes instead of 2

>> No.57869482

Just do it

>> No.57869582

OP you are 19, I would kill to be 19 again
i'm 36 and have 500k
I would still rather be you

>> No.57869650

>Fed up?
With what? Is it a temporary thing (like your coach sucks)?
Im >30 and wish i could get my license. If you want to be a pilot and have the hours and license for it I dont see a problem here. When I was your age i was broke and surfing everyday. As a pilot you will be able to fly all over the world. Chicks love that shit. You’ll make new friends who are also pilots. You can literally create an entire alpha lifestyle around flying and being a pilot if you want. It’s more doable than becoming a cool dentist.

>> No.57869692
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>finished flight school
>holds no AVI

>> No.57869730

>Depressed and unemployed
>At 19
GOD you babies are hilarious, literally every male your age is depressed and unemployed you retards have jack shit to your name. Well you've at least done flight school which puts you at the 90% bracket of men who've done shit at that age only next to YouTubers and niggas who make it at a young age. You'll be fine stop being such a faggot and move on with your life .

>> No.57869844

What do you mean by rather be me? The most money I’ve ever had when I was 16-18. A little over 100k (80% money I worked for since I was 13) I spent it all on flight school and now I have 30k debt with Almost zero money in my bank account (barely 3k). Two years ago I couldve afford to marry that girl but obviously we were too young, now my car is destroyed and I have no money. Plus I have to be anxious to get a pilot job. I haven’t started living

>> No.57870002


>> No.57870039

:DDDDD good viewpoint

>> No.57870170

I might take up flying after I make it. It would be nice not having to become a commercial pilot just to cover the cost of training

>> No.57870188

that's why we need to send these soft chucklefucks to war. half of em will die but at least the ones who come back might not be pussies

>> No.57870274

itt: people falling for obvious demoralization thread

>> No.57870315

However, he now has an international harem of better looking flight attendants

>> No.57870348

This has to be a fake copy pasta. How the hell do u get 32k debt at 19 and cry about not having a wife lol. Youre fucking 19

>> No.57870440
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Not only this, but pilot is one of the few careers you can have multiple families in different countries if you want.

>> No.57870568

Military: join army reserves, finish your college degree, retire a veteran at 22 or whatever, join airline that could be bought by another airline like Breeze. work at that company until it gets bought by another company then you will get seniority over the peers at the company that just bought you. If that doesn’t happen you move to another airline and you plod away at that same airline until you become super senior 777 or A-350 captain and retire with a fat pension and taking your family wherever they want. Your kids can go to any university like Hawaii or Alaska-Fairbanks since they can fly for free, and they will love you so much

>> No.57870639
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>> No.57870654

Yall posting in a larp thread. Hes crossposting this elsewhere

>> No.57872263

You are still a kid. I'm above 50 and just starting over because of divorce.
Just started a blog which I'm looking into monetizing via Hydro online because of the numerous rejections that I got from adsense.
You still have time and lot to do with your life so keep grinding

>> No.57872376

OP, I too still have a oneitis I am obsessed with, a roastie whom I glanced at thrice and spoke to once. She was beneath me in appearance and intellect but her personality (which I pretty much invented in my head based off of observing her a few times) struck me like an arrow. Fortunately, over the years I have learned to cope and brace myself with the following whenever I think of her. So OP, repeat after me:

There is nothing wrong with cope. There's also nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself. Fuck all the poor grammar moralistic old faggot subhuman retards in the thread and in the real world who read ABOUT HOW U GOTS TO TAKE DE ULDIMMATE RESPONIBILITY MANG I READS IT ON DA HEARTISTS BLOG 20 YEARS AGO

t. around your age

>> No.57873467

IMO, hydro online is better than adsense since it won't need publishers to display ads before earning