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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57863908 No.57863908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


ik u sol degens are retarded
cat memes been going crazy and this ded coin encompasses all of the other cat memes in one
truly retard friendly as cats are the only friends most of you have

>> No.57863929

missed every other cat meme
ig this time I can be early even if it doesn’t go above 10k

>> No.57863970

put 10 dollars in please dont dump on me

>> No.57864003

wtf is this retarded shit

>> No.57864056

kek. fine. honestly there's no reason not to throw a few dollars at it. liquidity is locked and is higher than the mc

>> No.57864058

Community takeover?
Seems like all the old buyers are out not the worst thing shilled on biz today

>> No.57864086

>the absolute state of crypto
inb4 1000x this market is so retarded why not lol

>> No.57864104

the distribution is surprisingly decent.

>> No.57864105


>> No.57864129

kek looks like a few other biztards put in a burger worth
left curving is the way lets send this

>> No.57864161

haha fatfuck lolcat go brt

lets get a twitter up for this shit

>> No.57864209

fuack im in popcats hit 100mil and this have even bigger meme appeal

>> No.57864238

found the tg @lolcatportal
lets try to get some activity in here and maybe this can PAMP

>> No.57864281

we need a new website and twitter first join tg and lets work together anons

>> No.57864500

gonna need to keep making threads on biz too. its gonna take some effort over the next few days to get momentum started on this again.

>> No.57864513

Hi guys I Made a Twitter think this could be something: https://x.com/lol_cat_sol/status/1765214791470043265?s=46&t=cTHpXW6mBCOC9UslB7twHg

>> No.57864557

Any anon bro here can help me out with 900$? Send me an email please heartist100@gmail.com

>> No.57864594

You're the goat. Let's make a telegram channel. I have experience with outreach, somewhat.

>> No.57864603

>all these blatant rugpulls advertisements on /biz/
Fuck off Pajeet, get a real job.

>> No.57864679

How retarded does one have to be to invest in this coin?

>> No.57864705

u mean smart this is how big shitcoins started like big biz coins starts

>> No.57864741

Okay. Me like ticker. Me invest.

>> No.57864747

i think this is what they mean by retard strength
this somehow seems super sendy

>> No.57864773

get $100 into $LOLCAT now before it's too late
I know I did, and I am holding it til deth

>> No.57864775
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based twitter anon

>> No.57864777

>be me scrolling 4chan
>i see lolcat appear on my screen
>oh what is this another shitcoin
>my cat meows when I click the thread
>maybe not????
>i go to the chart and my cat hops in my lap and starts purring and scratching at the screen

yeah time to max bid i dont make the rules my cat does

>> No.57864890

Most of the money I've made this year was form tiny mcap revialvs like this, so I dunno.

>> No.57864924

the autism here is strong lol
im in fuck it

>> No.57864974

4k mcap LFG

>> No.57864999

This isn't a tiny mcap. It's absolutely microscopic. If this hits 10m mcap...

>> No.57865016

Retard here. What do you guys use to swap sol?

>> No.57865049

Birdeye or Raydium to buy $LOLCAT

Check twitter, here:

>> No.57865075


>> No.57865119

seeing the offical twitter being banned made me lol pretty hard for some reason

>> No.57865211

what are solana transfer rates like? im new :s

>> No.57865231

literally free, that's the only reason it is used over eth

>> No.57865235

Like transaction speeds? Should be pretty instant. You might need to increase slippage if the transaction keeps failing.

>> No.57865295

Normal priority = 0.000005 SOL (0.066 cent)
Fast = 0.00005 SOL (0.66 cent)
Turbo = 0.005 SOL (66 cent)

So a little cheaper than ETH, which was around 200 bucks at the peak today.

>> No.57865316

this is it, fuckers. 11k MCAP. heading to schleep. keep it alive

>> No.57865418

Make that 22k.

>> No.57865527

which one of you bought 17% ss20jof the supply...

>> No.57865575

Whoever did needs to split that up into different wallets.

>> No.57865587

the original jeet scammer, he is back for seconds AHHHHHH

>> No.57865635

guy funded account from coinbase so I think he is a chad but need to split them wallets or burn

>> No.57865684

shit's so retarded that i will buy it

>> No.57865786

in 2009 my wife left me
right after she told me she wanted a divorce i remember coming on 4chan and seeing a lolcat
i broke down crying
fuck u deborah!!! this is going 1000x to spite you

>> No.57865945
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>> No.57865991
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lol this cat remind me of someone

>> No.57866024

jupiter, raydium is slow as fuck

>> No.57866061

This proves the bullrun is back. Reminds me of grumpy