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57861291 No.57861291 [Reply] [Original]

I'm heavy on ICP and expect it to explode in the next real bull run. What are your favorite bets in the ecosystem for max returns when this happens?

So far, the best I've found is Dragginz and ICLighthouse.

Dragginz is created by the founder of Neopets and seems like a cool way to use ICP's tech and ICLighthouse just seems like a good infrastructure play since they've put out lots of cool shit that couldn't really be built on any other chain. Both seem to have heavy backing from Dfinity and other projects too.

What are your main holdings in the ecosystem and what's your strategy to max profits?

>> No.57861298

Top signal

>> No.57861312

>(Real Gems only no memes)

>> No.57861333

My avg is like $4 even if we dropped 20% further I'd be good.
Lol I don't want to gamble more than necessary. Memes are the scratch-offs of crypto.

>> No.57861349

Open Chat and the other one Catalyze I think is what it’s called

>> No.57861770

I did try these and I like the products but the MC are a bit too high for my liking and they don't seem as "guaranteed". I got in dragginz super cheap plus with the financing and dev being that neopets guy it seems solid af. ICL I think should end up being under 10m cap too based on the sale's price/circulating estimates and it seems like these guys basically work alongside dfinity with all these conferences and grants.

>> No.57861823

I was so bullish on hot or not being the tik Tok of crypto until they rebranded it as "yral". Such a retarded name. It was supposed to be digital heroin meets defi degeneracy but now it sounds like a straight up venereal disease.

>> No.57861890

they spell it both Y-ral and Yral, makes no sense. supposed to be pronounced "why-ral" but it looks like "y'rall"...

Y-doe? y u do dis?

>> No.57861956

Hot or Not is a scam they changed the name to Yral so it dies and they run off with the money

>> No.57862384

i have 295 pees
will i make it

>> No.57862434

I like ICL, potential ten-bagger IMO.

>> No.57862456

You need to get to 1000. You sound poor and might be tempted to liquidate, so I recommend locking up in an 8yr neuron. At least you'll catch more yield that way.

>> No.57862497

>lock your coins for 8 years bro
lmao even.

>> No.57862540

I've heard some people say while the tech is good, the tokenomics are poor and using btc/eth/whatever will eventually replace the ICP token.

What's the argument against this? I'm too new to crypto to figure it out myself

>> No.57862568

I SEE (dead coin) People

>> No.57862612

You'll do alright. Keep trying to stack more tho

>> No.57862636
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I do vaguely remember hearing of it but honestly rehashing mainstream apps on the IC hasn't gone over well for any project that tried so far.
I feel the same way. SNS-1 was equally as bullish and it made me 10x in like 2 months. I am kind of wary how the token sale will go though. If it stays around the minimum 200k we get much more than if it caps out at 600k.
Its smart to lock some if you understand icp and think its got a long term future. I'd never lock everything but I have 15% in an 8 year neuron to make sure I literally can't sell everything. There's no way I don't make millions if this chain ever explodes in popularity.

>> No.57862656

>Its smart to lock anything for any reason. even if you just buy 5 year treasury bonds you are a dumb fuck.
its gigadumb.

>> No.57862778

I would agree for anything else, and even did agree at first for ICP, but I know enough about this chain to be confident. In a few years I'll have gotten the full amount back in rewards and still be earning indefinitely with high age and delay bonuses. If I didn't lock any I'd be earning no yield and probably never be holding any by time it reaches $200+. Its just a nice hedge for weak handing it.

>> No.57862813

You get staking rewards and decay rewards with age bonus it’s 100% worth staking some if you bought low and are up a shit ton. Idk about 8 years but staking for a year isn’t that retarded.

>> No.57862910
File: 338 KB, 583x1011, Screenshot 2024-03-05 191408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a scam, but it was a dumb name

>> No.57863147

say viral in an indian accent and then the rebranding makes sense

>> No.57863164

Lmao I think you are onto something anon

>> No.57863182

helix is suppose to be good, not sure if they will have a token though

>> No.57863365


>> No.57863420

Helix does look awesome but as far as I can tell no token (yet?). I'd probably invest in that too if they end up launching a token and it had decent utility.

>> No.57863466

What is it? What does it do?

>> No.57863494

>these guys basically work alongside dfinity with all these conferences and grants
? example

>> No.57863815

Its an exchange that supports cross-chain swapping. The main downsides seem to be it needs kyc and its at least partially centralized. Iclight is reminiscent with a lot of the features but fully decentralized and no kyc. Seems like iclight might be the inspiration for a lot of their concepts and features too since they release something then helix announces similar. Like TWAP order support and the cross-chain routing capability both on iclight first then helix announces it lol.

>> No.57863874

They've gotten a shitload of grants from dfinity to fund the project. Don't remember specifics off the top of my head but its easy to verify on the dfinity forums or twitter. And they're pretty consistently included in dfinity streams and stuff like that.

>> No.57863876

Thanks mate. Yeah I've noticed a few things in the ICP ecosystem requiring KYC which pissed me off. Think I'll stick to the ICLight dao about to launch for the moment.

>> No.57863974
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Is dragginz good or another shit meme?

>> No.57863985

Dragginz isn’t a meme coin it’s going to be used in the mmo the neopetz people are developing

>> No.57864036

basically this >>57863985
Its definitely a legit project and has a lot of bullish aspects. Only time will tell how the game itself turns out but even before then its likely we'll make intense profit off of it if ICP begins to moon.
Yeah, fuck kyc. Especially for on-chain platforms it just defeats the purpose at that point. Helix may have some edge due to its capabilities but every Ethereum DEX that had kyc and/or was semi-centralized flopped fast. People rather a major CEX if they're going to kyc at all.

>> No.57864771
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My body is ready

>> No.57864800
File: 75 KB, 1170x399, D3C16C11-6FD2-479E-A3FC-AA5BCDE4C8AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The piss is about to hit the fan

>> No.57864810

The devs first game had 11 million monthly players at one point

>> No.57865115

>People rather a major CEX if they're going to kyc at all.

>> No.57865626

The token seens to be in distribution phase, i bought at 40, sold at 420. Im thinking about getting back in, but the impact on price would be too big and im sure im going to get dumped on.

When will this shit release at least some news? its dead gaem

>> No.57865665

Ima be real with you anon the neopetz devs are notorious for starting project then never finishing it they acknowledge this on the website somewhat. I do believe they will eventually release it though since this seems to be a passion project more than anything.

>> No.57866186
File: 143 KB, 738x738, 6CE8677C-C9FA-47E0-9549-687BF13FD47D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dom finally stopped selling