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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57860828 No.57860828 [Reply] [Original]

You stupid niggers. I told you yesterday, and the day before that. Hell, we haven't even gotten listed yet on Coingecko. There's a lot more to get out of the coin. Just join BarronSolana on tg.

>> No.57861113
File: 255 KB, 720x1465, 1709568087147928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barron is the Golden Child. He has more than x10 my money in 3 days because the dev is an absolute gigga chad.

>> No.57861141

This is the first jeet shit i bought

>> No.57861143

>haven't even gotten listed yet on Coingecko
was supposed to happen last night, right? what happened?

>> No.57861193

devs are white like Barron

>> No.57861201

2 more weeks

>> No.57861286

they wanted more volume and twitter followers
should be good to go now

>> No.57861352

i can't exactly confirm, but i saw the prelaunch alpha thread the dev made about it, and it was written properly without a noticeable hint of curry.

>> No.57861358

Can you niggers get this shit pumped already??
I only got a 5x because I got distracted and bought a few hours after that first /biz/ post.

>> No.57861413

the devs are white, no jeet would have that much liquidity locked and burned, i didnt mind sacrificing a small $50 amount for a million tokens when this could literally go to $7. The Devs really out did themselves getting on that name.

>> No.57861446

its literally done a 200x from when i got in at 4k mcap

>> No.57861467

why $7?

>> No.57861475

just buy $EARNFI and make real money NIGGER

>> No.57861484

the liquidity is a joke and its on SOL where all the pajeets run rampant.

>> No.57861494

this shit is about to send
oh how i love getting rich in my sleep

>> No.57861496

delusional. MAYBE 7 cents

>> No.57861504

how do i buy this coin t. newfag

>> No.57861512

its on sol where you dont have to pay a $180 fee just to make a transaction

>> No.57861524

DrL4gQE7d6nKHy3m3khKUcyzwetqRMM93yXmjgZjZNe7 on birdeye

>> No.57861542

Smells like curry and cow shit in here, why is that?

>> No.57861580

because you entered the thread, it only smelled of success and money before you came in, now shoo shoo stinky jeet

>> No.57861729
File: 994 KB, 500x277, idklookslikeandrewtate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>buy random memecoins
>people keep telling me to go for dogcoins
>find one called vinu
>nobody talks about it
>spend 3k on it for the lols
>x2 in a week
You wish you were me, fag

>> No.57861818

threw $50 at this on a lark. If it's really jeet street shit I hope patel has fun with the average month's salary I tossed at him

>> No.57861833

Holy cope my 1k x10 in 3 days

>> No.57861843

>get coinbase wallet extension on your browser
>buy SOL on coinbase
>send SOL from coinbase to coinbase wallet
>go to https://raydium.io/
>connect coinbase wallet
>trade SOL for $BARRON

it's really as easy as 1 2 3 4 5 6

>> No.57861894
File: 66 KB, 656x611, 1709318400117315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I just got
>no u
from a literal pajeet, feels bad man :(

>> No.57863093
File: 5 KB, 513x64, A87F9450-1544-47B0-80CC-139741EBFB25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they did it. and more burns to come to celebrate barron’s 18th birthday which is two weeks away

>> No.57863353

Fuck, the burn is real. I was too late to get in it. So sad.

>> No.57863354

I love this dev

>> No.57863389

EvErYtHiNg UnDeR $100 MiLlIoN iS eArLy!!!

>> No.57863393

Holy kek, Barron team just burned over $20k USD! Confirmed white, god bless that team.

>> No.57863928

Good for you anon, but did we ask?

>> No.57864268

Well, I aped some leftovers in. Let's ride this, boios.

>> No.57864450

2 million mcap. barron was first shilled here at 2k mcap.

>> No.57865110


>> No.57866381

Barron mind my bags have been fully packed a long time ago