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File: 9 KB, 443x130, kucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5785188 No.5785188 [Reply] [Original]

Signing up for kucoin rn. I'll use the referral code of the first person to shill me the best coin to buy on there right now. Should I buy Raiblocks or something else? I ask because it's going to get listed on binance in a couple days right?

>> No.5785237

Is railblocks added already?

>> No.5785367

Raiblocks isn't on there yet. Kucoin shares are the best thing to get right now.

I joined last week, bought $2k worth of kucoin (1322 kcs), and have been getting roughly 70 cents per day in dividends.

Dividends depend on the exchange volume, so if it reaches 1 billion I would get roughly $15-20 per day in dividends ($450-600 per month). If it reaches binance's current volume, which isn't difficult since the market is exploding right now, then I would be getting around $50-60 per day ($1500-1600 per month). This is just for holding onto their kucoin shares. Not to mention those dividends are in cryptocurrency, which will grow along with the market.

The price of KCS will definitely surpass $15 by March, so make a decision quick!

Referral code: 1aHh7

>> No.5785489
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Raiblocks will soon be added, in the meantime go for elixer, it's has lot's of news coming and great room for growth. And get some kcs


>> No.5785514


best coin atm: DBC
use: 1a3xH

>> No.5785662

You want to buy as much KCS as possible. It's probably the strongest buy on the market atm.

Use my referral code 1b3PN if you'd like.

God bless all yall anons, we're gonna make it friends

>> No.5785720
File: 53 KB, 393x700, 1500857356728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiblocks is trash - pay attention, Kucoin is not the one to miss. RB and PRL have proven in the last week that anything that touches Kucoin is going to surge. Now DBC (Deep Brain Chain) is on the same path, as you can see it has the highest trading volume on KuCoin. On the other hand Kucoin's total daily trading volume is sitting at a tiny $32m compared to Binance's $2.8b and Binance is only 5 months old. Kucoin has grown 800% in the last 60 days and it's aggressive listing of new unknown coins such as BNTY and DBC is going to be a major contributor to this growth. We're at a point now where normies are seeing this: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/kucoin-shares/ or https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/deepbrain-chain/ and scrambling to get onboard with the moon missions.

How do you take advantage of Kucoin's growth? KuCoin Shares.

Anon, what the hell are KuCoin Shares?

KuCoin is dead serious about being a major force in the exchange world. They want growth and they want it fast - to facilitate this they're offering dividends in the form of trading fees to their investors. 50% of the entire trading fee revenue on the Kucoin platform will be shared daily with those holding KCS on their exchange. This is a two-fold investment with ridiculous growth potential as a result, you buy KCS, the exchange grows, your KCS rises in price, and the amount of dividends you are generating grows with it.

Details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NolXWUOalQ [Embed] [Embed]

My current plan is to ride our /biz/ alt-coin profit and reinvest into KCS down the line. See you in 2020 when I'm still holding and living off my dividends, I hope you are there with me.

Kucoin's referral system is genius too; you are rewarded some % of the trading fees that your invitees take on. If I shilled you into this Godcoin please consider using my referral code when signing up if you don't have a Kucoin account yet:


>> No.5785778

DBC, now.
Sell-wall just fell.


>> No.5785834

OP here, I'm currently looking at coins on ucoin rn. Havent signed up yet. What about utrust? It seems really legit, just in its infancy though.

What makes DBC so good? I went to look on their website and I got some gook crap

>> No.5785884

I like the idea of KCS it just seems like it's going to correct soon.

>> No.5785969

Just buy kucoin. No need to gamble on anything else. If the exchange continues to grow, kucoin rises with it. I've almost 2x just today. This is not coining the "dividends" you receive for owning it. I will also send you back half your fees. 1uKh7

>> No.5786008

kucoin useless once DEXs are released dont you realize that anons?

>> No.5786102
File: 326 KB, 1200x1200, 1514867532039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kucoin shares and Dragonchain
You simply cannot fail.

DSS = early access to ICOs. The first one being for LifeID. It's private identification on the blockchain. Token sales start Jan 29th. Dragonchain shilled them earlier today-

referral ID as thanks: 1eur5

>> No.5786188

Even if it corrects, it will rise with the use of the site. Go look at it's growth over the last week and a half. This model was implemented with having 10% of the trades binance has. They are past this already, meaning greater rewards for anyone owning kukoin. If you don't believe me, out in 10% of whatever you planned to invest. 1uKh7

>> No.5786244

Get in dbc, now!

>> No.5786334

DeepBrainChain anon.

KCS only a few for trading, because they are overpriced now and even if exchange goes to Binance levels the return is small compared to other coins. Coss.io provides more dividends at the moment at a much smaller marketcap.

KuCoin Code 1bHtM

>> No.5786448

Don't listen to others. Go Dragonchain, platform releases in two months and normies love it because Disney.


>> No.5786494

One word: RChain

Expecting x30-x50 by the end of the year

My code: 1y8rf

>> No.5786519

def grab kucoin shares primarily, and then invest in whatever new coin they have that is shilled hard like dbc right now. even if you are unsure you should atleast signup right away all it takes is an email confirmation
referral 1v4y1

>> No.5786724

Used yours.


>> No.5787064
File: 3 KB, 192x192, kucoin1bf7t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBC and KCS look good.


>> No.5787438

You put some effort in so I used yours.

Here's mine: 1t7bN Choo CHoo

>> No.5787852
File: 215 KB, 753x921, kucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join now and buy some KCS if you want to get rich!


>> No.5788499

OK i know you already signed up but buy Stox anyway. Its a prediction markets platform with a user interface that will be infinity better than augurs disgusting interface. If your wondering how large this can go, Augur currently has a market cap about 18 x stox market cap and it is dog shit. Also please use my referral code 1Q554.

>> No.5788559

Also it just dipped significantly and now is a good time to buy.

>> No.5788615

Just signed up with the train, if anyone can use mine it would help alot!


>> No.5788665

just get more ethereum or bitcoin and hold for 2018.
https://www.kucoin.com/#/ ? r=1uac5

>> No.5788825
File: 124 KB, 1280x958, 1514555264758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Referral: 1gbxJ

Funny gif/webm for your time, thanks anon.

>> No.5789597

Icon, everyone knows itll be the top mooner of 2018


>> No.5789723
File: 214 KB, 545x307, benny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically FUN

ICE Gaming Conference in February - includes product completion.

Sometime in February - FunFair will get its gambling technology license (0% chance they'll be denied).

~March - probably some casino partnerships announced.

~April - full commercial release

Beyond - more casinos adopting.

This is a non-stop moon mission, my FunFriends.

If you found this helpful use my code, i've got five kids to feed


>> No.5789764

So how bad is Kucoin exchange to use?
I heard it is slow, hard to log in, and extremely laggy

>> No.5789799
