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57846430 No.57846430 [Reply] [Original]

When does the bull run officially start?

>> No.57846437

Honestly how much for sex with this creature.

>> No.57846438

I wish that was a male but sadly its not

>> No.57846441

It's a man

>> No.57846448

It's already over.
If you want to have sex with a big-tittied girl you don't belong here.

>> No.57846452

It is not, it looks like one of those super cute trannies that have great genes but sadly its just a boyish-looking femoid

>> No.57846453
File: 55 KB, 640x599, e70d8dddbc4594d0c7375b13da39f7f8bb0b8af85fd97201aac9bf25236e7064_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it wasn't nigger

>> No.57846458

She's 15 in this video. I've logged all your IPs. Have fun in jail chumps

>> No.57846462

Sex only, marriage is for flat girls

>> No.57846464

all women are whores.

>> No.57846465

They/Them has been 15 for 6 years. Pedobaiting is nothing new.
And yes they are unironically a they/them.

>> No.57846470

No money necessary she just has to like you. You ARE likeable, right anon?

>> No.57846484

>it's just an attention whoring biological woman using they/them to trick people into thinking its a tranny
>no penis

>> No.57846493

why would anyone on this board be likable at all especially you, you're a fucking faggot!

>> No.57846496

That's why you pay them duh.

No nigger, neither is anyone on this board we're all autistic wages/nests
Even rich niggers who make it with crypto all look like skinny or fat retards

>> No.57846501

How much for a perpendicular titfuck?

>> No.57846512

That's someone's son.

>> No.57846518

>If you want to have sex with a big-tittied girl you don't belong here.

>> No.57846523
File: 68 KB, 687x701, You know who.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm certain it's not a man, the texture of the breasts look too realistic to be a prop, like trannies use
Plus they jiggle a lot, compared to implanted breasts, so they're natural
I know this shit cuz i hate trannies and hate wasting my time or braincells to talk about them
But well, at there's a shitcoin to laugh at them while getting money at the same time (bigmike)

>> No.57846534

*at least

>> No.57846539


>> No.57846567

name is realfrogg
you can delete the thread now

>> No.57846571

It's not hard anons! Just treat people the way you would like to be treated : )

>> No.57846665

she looks the type of girl who cuts and will ruin your marriage

>> No.57846677


Why would you do that yourself? And to your children? Do you want them to live sickly life?

>> No.57846832

not realfrogg you faceblind autist

>> No.57847014

I miss getting Ricardo Milos'd whenever I opened a Tik Tok whore webm.
The warriors of light are no more...

>> No.57847023
File: 90 KB, 824x983, 1671302560607347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc 1% away from previous ATH
>when does the bullrun start?

nigga are you retarded?

>> No.57847025

I know girls (female) with this face

>> No.57847248

In case my offspring is a girl I would like her to be flat chested so she doesn't get tempted into meaningless sex and online prostitution because of the attention, but rather settle down with a decent man. That's why I marries flat chested and the big titty girls who I had fun with in college now live a shit life looking to chase the high from back in the day.

>> No.57848581

If you raise her well she will never think of selling her body. This tsunami of whores are fueled by shitty boomer and gen x parents. Lots of them condone "sex work" so it's no wonder their daughters use their wholes for a quick buck.

>> No.57848697
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bullrun already started with plebbit ser.
2m to 11m mcap in a matter of weeks after 2 years of development and working demos.

>> No.57848727

She's 15 you pedo fuck

>> No.57848738

see this >>57848614
anything else is cope

>> No.57849277

I want to long her position if you know what i mean bros

>> No.57850425

Source and I’ll send you .1 eth

>> No.57850503

can u give her handle or smth?

>> No.57850526

ah I've just found her handle.

>> No.57850564

Those titties aren't 15.

>> No.57850579

>its a fat

>> No.57850630

If you're not a windbag, then here's the address:

>> No.57850658

here's archive with her tiktoks btw:

>> No.57850730

Speak for yourself faggot. We don't all like 14 year old boys.

>> No.57850772
File: 14 KB, 240x320, 03921439354485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bullrun is here, retard, we already on our way to break ATH and all the BRC20 tokens are bullish too, i'm getting all my EVMs swapped only for this season with satoshirouter

you need to have at least 5 BTC in your wallet to ever think of having sex with that man

>> No.57851656

>Those titties aren't 15.
Actually you're right. I went back and checked and she was 14 in OP's webm, not 15. (18 now and turned into a whale)

>> No.57851797

1 year and 3 months ago

>> No.57852121

April 20th

>> No.57852137


fat arms would not bang

>> No.57852175

>be white woman
>peak at 14
>hit the wall at 18
many such cases!

>> No.57852276

When I make it this cycle I will have a big titty Chocola and a flat chested Vanilla as my servants/pets. They won't be allowed to break character at any times and will do all the household chores like cleaning, cooking etc. How much do you think this will cost? Of course I'll give them days off to live their normal lives so it's not a 24/7 job.

>> No.57852325

Such is the life of huge tiddied lolies.

>> No.57852352
File: 6 KB, 240x210, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post current pics
>verification not required

>> No.57852447


You want an honest answer from an autistic chadlite ex-model?

#1. Be confident, charismatic and have status. You can literally be a 5'5" 200 pound goblin and women will sleep with you because you have popularity. Status and wealth overpowers looks.

It doesn't matter if you're good-looking if you're so autistic and shy that you're boring and can't even talk to a woman for 5 minutes without coming off as insane.

>> No.57853597

It started already and if you've missed out on the recent move, you can still get into new projects like Nuklai which is about to go live

>> No.57853618

it literally is her you fucking retard
she gets her tits out in the EXACT same outfit

>> No.57853700

It started already anon, am 3X in profit already on QANX

>> No.57853809

Some photos from last year: https://www.instagram.com/deltatrikk/
And here's the tiktoks from 2020 when OP was made, since her account went private since then: https://tik.fail/search/deltatrikk

>> No.57853918

Holy fuck, I wonder if she is dating someone who has a degree in architecture...

>> No.57854265

Quantum resistant blockchain is the next ETH

>> No.57854572

I like what this project is building with Data management, AI and DePIN, should be one of those on everybody's watch list

>> No.57854600

No wonder she looks so fertile nice that makes sense.