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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57840113 No.57840113 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57840695


>> No.57840704


>> No.57840755
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nigger, it aint reaching 1$. 589 T supply. Be realistic bruv

>> No.57840803

Don't even play with my emotions like that. If Shib hits $1.00 I will cum and shit my pants at the same time.

>> No.57840826

Shut the fuck up

>> No.57840850

You're right. It will hit ATH of .50

>> No.57840886

realistically, assuming not everyone dumps at .001, the best we can see is probably something like .0015 - .002, I feel like that's reasonable

ideally you want to buy baby stacks before then imo.

>> No.57840913
File: 119 KB, 1000x904, Hmmm+_0785c5d294581c31413c647979fe893f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.005 Honestly 1 cent is a wet dream, 0.005 is a stretched realistic projection. normies see a coin thats 0.000004 ect, they dont care its already pumped. I even brought yesterday - after a pump which is unheard of and im up over 2k just about. It's easy to see that it hasnt even gone parabolic yet - parabolic would be reaching + surpassing previous ATH

>> No.57840951

they;re gonna burn a whole bunch watch.

>> No.57841018

I've been holding 6,500,000 Shib coins since 2020. .002 would be a nice return on a $45 investment

>> No.57841035

If they had burned half of it yearly we would be sitting fat.

>> No.57841069
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it's ironic in hindsite when i had the opportunity to have B stack when the price was the same as dust. regardless of burns, i dnt think there is a capped supply on shib no? >>57841018
indeed- thats good, i put 3k in yesterday for 73.9 mill coins and as mentioned up nearly 3k extra, to mee tho that is good it's not enough. i'd consider selling portions in the 100k=500k profit range

>> No.57841070
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If you ask the wrong questions op, you'll get the wrong answers, the right question should be, how high $SUPER will be by the halving

>> No.57841128

Good stuff anon. I mostly just buy and hold coins for fun. It's nice to daydream about the coin shooting for the moon, but I've never been a serious gambler like that.

>> No.57841280
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it takes experience and capital + a mindset to loose everything to make buys/ and trades in those scenarios. i used to have 45k XRP coins and i got scammed out of all of it in a fake love scam. i started again buying over the last year - i had only 2k in crypto now im at 40k aus now, nearly 100k the other day. My inital investment in shib was yesterday using 3k profit from a previous gain. - in writing that, i consider that 3k as ( disposable / fake money(until taxed) ) that in turn has allowed me to make the mental leap to be in a pump market. so far it's paying off

>> No.57841331

you will own nothing
and you will be happy

>> No.57841357

I hope it reaches $0 and you'll have to rope

>> No.57841446

It's all good anon. I have experience and capital. I just don't take trading super seriously. I should have been putting $100 a paycheck into crypto, but that's just hindsight. If I walk away having made 10k or more, I'll be happy.

>i used to have 45k XRP coins and i got scammed out of all of it in a fake love scam

Could be worse. You could have been like that sportsball faggot who put his entire life savings into FTX.

>> No.57841516


>> No.57841652

it will most likely never exceed $1.5, at least not this year.

>> No.57841657
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$2 waiting room

>> No.57841670

Yikes what, gayboy?

>> No.57841922

dam im up 4k now since yesterday. shib bullrun confirmed

>> No.57842074

That's good. I converted some of my shit coins into ETH in order to hopefully catch the wave when they open it up to ETFs. My entire portfolio is worth about 3200 but I'm not trying to get rich from this stuff.

>> No.57842112
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