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57836660 No.57836660 [Reply] [Original]

How do I not get rekt in marriage?

Seriously i’m worth $400k at 29. I have a very serious shot at /making it/ but there no point if I don’t have a kid/family to pass that to.

>> No.57836737

>$400K AT 29
lmao you have ONE (1) year to make $2.6 million, you will not make it

>> No.57836783

still good odds he makes that

>> No.57836805

Also priced out of young loving white gf, take SEA pill unironically

>> No.57836842

Man If I retire at 35-38, I wouldn’t even be mad at that.

>> No.57836864

This has never happened, both situations create an ugly half breed anyway. No thin, attractive white roastie (the number dwells by the month lol they are either fat or dysgenic) is reproducing. The ones that reproduce with groids are either ultra dysgenics skanks or obese, not to mention that gooks are ugliest creatures on the planet and whichever faggot made this image forgot the fact that basedjak is never the protagonist kek kys holy god hhaha

>> No.57836875

>no point in making it if i cant pass it on to a shit kicking offspring.

Dumbass do you even know what you say? Having a kid is a massive gamble. It could turn into an incel or a loser or worse...a fagtranny. Living with you until its 35 because it can't find a job or make enough money to afford inflated housing. Im not thinking about kids until I have 5mm net worth which is now lower middle class in America. Also who the fuck would trust their assets to a woman and the state? They are literally incentivized to take half your net worth, your home and your child away from you with zero remorse. We live in a fucking ((((clown world)))) and I chose not to participate.

>> No.57836907

dont get married just vaguely alude to it and keep putting it off
worked for some guy i know

>> No.57836939

also this. OP needs 1-1.5 million USD net worth by age 30 to even consider making it. Every chud has 400k in their crypto wallet these days. 400k couldn't buy you a dumpster where I live.

>> No.57837013
File: 81 KB, 1080x654, I cant breed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Female trafficking is on the rise in China and overall. We have a society where 40% of males are now single and childless. I think we are at a tipping point where men will rebel and take women by force again, because their alternative is to die alone.

Before it gets to this breaking point, I think the follow needs to happen to prevent it:

1) Divorce laws are changed so women get NOTHING from the man, period.
2) Welfare laws change so single men stop paying for the 5+ children of a roastie and a low IQ guy
3) majority of women agree to surrogate to 1 chidless man, so hard working people who contribute to society can have affordable surrogacy and a family

Otherwise I unironically think in 10 years china/muslim countries will go back to treating women as slaves, and the west will soon follow. WOmen need to wake up and start addressing this, if they don't, human trafficking will just get stronger to the point it's a black market so big it becomes a new norm that the government is powerless to stop

>> No.57837445

Is he priced out because of his age net worth or both? What net worth do you need at 29 for the young loving white gf?

>> No.57837473

>the Asian ""girl"" has an Adam's apple

>> No.57837490

>1) Divorce laws are changed so women get NOTHING from the man, period.
This will never ever happen lmao
Society would have to completely collapse roman empire style for that to matter, no one will ever give up that much power willingly.

>> No.57837521

>society will collapse first
Oh no.
Whatever shall we do.

>> No.57837585


You are the taxpayer you dumb fuck. You are willingly paying politicians with your taxes to keep these insane laws up.

It's not going to "collapse" you fucking idiot, because you are supporting this system with your own money

As long as you are the customer willing to pay for this system it will continue to go on like this, nobody is going to fix it for you. You are giving your tax money to keep this system up

>> No.57837586

collapse is bad though, crime would skyrocket

>> No.57837626

The divorce rate is 50% and 10-15% of marriages are sexless. Those are terrible odds, I wouldn't bother.

>> No.57837650

Consult with a divorce lawyer, make a plan, then consult with a SECOND divorce lawyer to have him try to poke holes in that plan.

Then of course do the standard never tell your wife about your crypto, be a good husband, etc.

>> No.57837674

This wasn't the case a few decades ago, marriages had far fewer divorce rates and the divorce rate is still going up.
As a man the best option is to wait for things to go back to normal or if you're crazy gamble with your life and get married

>> No.57837706

That's all self inflicted. It's not a roll of the dice. Pick your girl correctly.

>> No.57837739
File: 168 KB, 1079x604, Screenshot_20240226_183208_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly white boy thinks his asian gf is pure, not realizing that more and more asian women are gaining a preference for bbc.

Enjoy her while you can, Timmy.

>> No.57839189

There's no real reason to even get married unless you want a tax discount at the expense of having a woman and child live with you on your dime. Might as well just support the woman as a single mother and let her collect all the welfare up to $60k/yr that single mothers are entitled to.

>> No.57839355 [DELETED] 

Not a single thing will happen bros, the tide of state of subhumanity and decline will continue and white slavery is not substantial and won't be substantial enough to offset that issue. Not to mention, good luck not getting raped by every human rights org, only Arabs and third worlders are allowed to do it and get away with it, and even many of them don't get away with it.

>> No.57839434

i got married to get myself a green card and definitely don't regret it. we fucked for a while and then "broke up" but are still friends and more importantly i got the fuck out of my shithole country.

other than that marriage is dumb

>> No.57839486

Enter into the loop 'high quality eggs donor+surrogate motherhood+single male parenthood'. Only way of having children from a 8-9/10 without the risk of them being kidnapped after divorce.

>> No.57839647

>but there no point if I don’t have a kid/family to pass that to.
if you believe that then just neck yourself already.

>> No.57839765

>Incels parroting the 50% divorce rate

That's for boomers. Millennials divorce rate is like 20%

>> No.57839788

Put your assets into a trust in a place outside of US jurisdiction like the Cook Islands

>> No.57839959
File: 205 KB, 1673x1710, shitskin_chudjaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57839995

Are there any weaboos in this thread who can translate what the asian roastie is saying?

>> No.57840190

There's no way you're this stupid, yeah no shit retard, people divorce later in life

>> No.57840215

trad gen alpha's divorce rate is around 0%

>> No.57840230

I've got a few months and I'm looking at 1,000 rn. Im gonna make it just to spite you

>> No.57840308
File: 44 KB, 503x756, 1665283958381046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you pay her too or were you just a sex slave?

I'm picturing one of those Jamaican dudes who's forced to sleep with a hyper-obese sexpat like on TLC.

>> No.57840335


yeah i paid her. a good investment. she's not a 10 but neither am i, so whatever.

>> No.57840766

that's the wojack's neck veins

>> No.57840811

That's a likely story. Trying to pretend it ain't some Thai bussy.

>> No.57840872

I was at a grocery store yesterday behind a couple where the woman looked out of the league of the guy. In front of them was some Chad looking dude buying some dinner for one meal. After he paid for his stuff he left and went to the parking lot. The woman, instead of waiting for her BF to finish paying, decided to go outside too and I guess she waited out there. Did the guy get cucked?

>> No.57840978

OP is absolutely american.
there aren't any niggers in my country, but if there were, why would I even think or care about some whore fucking one? it's a weird obsession you have

>> No.57841012

>OP is absolutely american.
As if Sweden, France, the UK and Portugal didn't have substantial subsaharan african populations lmao