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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57835969 No.57835969 [Reply] [Original]

How are Nocoiners reacting to the recent price action? Where are we at in the cycle?

>> No.57835994

who cares?

>> No.57836053

Who in the fuck cares about this petty bullshit, grow the fuck up

>> No.57836091

Huh? This is very relevant to where we are in the cycle - nocoiner opinions will change over time. Once they start to capitulate, we are near the top

>> No.57836093

My favorite part about 4chan is seeing reddit posts despite putting 4chan.org on the address bar rather than reddit.com

>> No.57836113
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, 20240304_121516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nocoiners will be on suicide watch soon.

>> No.57836130
File: 449 KB, 1080x1689, Screenshot_20240305_101434_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how normies think

>> No.57836291

its mostly boomers who are financially illiterate and somehow blissfully insulated from the US financial system having meltdowns
its easy for them to believe the system is functioning when their 401k has benefited tremendously from the debasement of the dollar

the refusal to get shafted in the ass by holding fiat confuses the boomer, because the boomer is the one giving shaft, not receiving it

>> No.57836316

Reminder that Buttcoin was founded in 2011 lmao

>> No.57836322

Normies still think crypto is a scam that died in 2021. I expect it will enter their consciousness again when we hit 100k

>> No.57836329

/biz/ gets flooded with redditors whenever it pumps

>> No.57836356

Honestly feels like I'm reading something from 2013.

>> No.57836455

looks like retards are already confidently in OP. top soon

>> No.57836497
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>> No.57836530

normies in your country seem stupid af. even at 40k some guy at the factory was talking about bitcoin.

>> No.57836552

>splitting firewood
>bottling peaches
Normies just want to be impoverished squatters in the woods I guess.

>> No.57836656

>No use outside of mooning
I never understood this cope either. It can be used on the dark web to purchase items. That is value whether you like it or not

>> No.57836721

kinda sick normies are jumping on the white supremacy band wagon

>> No.57836732

It's over lmao.
I heard a bunch of zoomies at my gym talking about crypto, and how I qoute "price only goes up".
I also heard on the main radio channel in Canada, which every boomer listens to about btc reaching ath.
Glad I'm a sidelinecel, the dump will be vicious.

>> No.57836746

it's actually from the future. in new zealand they're already march 5, 10:50 am

>> No.57836765

People still use BTC instead of XMR?

>> No.57836775

Yeah it’s gonna suck when we dump from 250k to 200k

>> No.57836966

Well it’s true, Bitcoin have no uses anymore.
It’s not going to replace currency; it’s not going to use to go around government.
Fact is that you still pay taxes for btc is telling.
I hold cause I wanna be rich
You want ALL whites to be on this
It’s not supposed to be a secret club, just like Bitcoin wasn’t suppose to be for investment but to replace $
what’s with this retarded idea that pol don’t hold btc? They all do.

>> No.57837001
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>> No.57837393

>nocoiner opinions will change over time.
Not in /r/buttcoin - they have been missing out since 2011 and either don't care, are too salty to admit they care or just hate crypto not matter what.
That subreddit is completely useless as a sentiment indicator.

>> No.57837434

kek it's on the front page of WSJ. There is no hope for reddit cucks.

>> No.57837506


>> No.57837541
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>Glad I'm a sidelinecel

>> No.57837813

Meh fomo'ing in at the top is never a good idea. If you're a nocoiner buying now is pretty stupid.

>> No.57837844

I am a no-coiner, been DCAing into boomer index last 15 years. Recently been putting paychecks into 5% MM accounts. I am doing fine. I will retire comfortably if I do nothing else. If I decide to not be lazy, become a landlord, start a side-business, might even end up rich.

>> No.57837904

honestly gloating about /r/buttcoin is kind of a top signal

we know those guys are faggots, that sub has existed since 2011, but dunking on them is like lebron dunking on a retarded 1st grader

>> No.57838021

So you're selling then? Oh, you think it will keep going up so you're holding? Why shouldn't nocoiners buy then?

>> No.57838163

>I will retire comfortably if I do nothing else
have you considered one steak costing 50 bux in 20 years in that plan?

>> No.57839275

I pay 100-150 bucks to get a whole elk butchered and not have to buy meat for an entire year.
I don't care what happens faggot citidiots

>> No.57839333

go back to /pol/, ranjesh

>> No.57839533

I've held since 2014. Sure I could've made more with trades but if i'd gone down that road i would've fucked up. I'm here now and i have a lot of Link staked, and some BTC just in case.
The secret is to buy buy buy and wait 10 years. Don't go chasing moonshots bc you will lose

>> No.57839699

Why didn't I think of that?
All this worrying about bitcoin. All I ever wanted it for was for 1 year old peaches soaked in sugar water and some firewood.
Why didn't I just get the firewood myself and plant some peach trees?

I really fucked up my life!

>> No.57839721
File: 70 KB, 556x544, 1635552798347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't they announce lottery numbers too
these retards think they are so clever

>> No.57839728

I have a 6fig btc position and I hope to one day split wood while by qt future wife bottles peaches.

>> No.57839736

Ashwin Rai 1488

Pajeet hitler reddit normie?

>> No.57839767

It takes you an entire year to eat one elk? Kek small bitch

>> No.57840295


Typically when it pumps like this it's followed by a dip. So I would say to buy the dip.

>> No.57840557

my friends who bought AMC stock at the top have not mentioned crypto yet. they are my sell signal

>> No.57842207

It sounds nice except you're forgetting the part where you're fucking poor and will starve to death if the winter is colder than normal. Don't really have to worry about divorce rape though since you have no assets and no stake in civilization, so you could just beat your wife if she doesn't give you the peaches.