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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 181 KB, 1324x345, stack linu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57835562 No.57835562[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

How much longer are you going to sit on the sidelines for $LINU? Maybe this is your sign.

You are stacking $LINU under $20MM market cap, right?

> Missed SHIB
> Missed DOGE
> Missed PEPE

You realize there are an unprecedented number of vultures in crypto right now, waiting for the next SHIB?

You realize this coin has:
- meme magic
- community governance
- high IQ admin team

You realize $LINU is under $20MM market cap?

You realize that there are multiple CEX applications (including Kraken) in the works right now, and dozens of CEXs contacting us right? (allowing normies to buy without gas/swaps)

You realize it's at LEAST a guaranteed 10x from here (and that is CONSERVATIVE)

>> No.57835613

>You realize $LINU is under $20MM market cap?

I'm not buying your hyperpumped bags
$5mil mc minimum
it's over
congrats on your gains tho

>> No.57835617
File: 108 KB, 1332x1160, IMG_5505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your favorite shitcoin wallet chart and let’s compare it to LINU.
It is glorious just look at it

>> No.57835629

This shit is going to zero in a couple days, fuck off with your scam token

>> No.57835634

screenshotting this to repost repeatedly and laugh in the next few months

>> No.57835637

brother don't spam threads when there's two existing ones

if bizraelis ignore threads with 200+ replies, it's their own fault

>> No.57835650

This token won’t pump
No one’s heard of it and no one cares about it
Buyers can’t distinguish it from the other 5000000 doggy coins

>> No.57835674

The team is also broke and relying on donations

Not all that shines is gold

>> No.57835698

>Throw $1k at 20mil mc= 5x ($5k) at 100mil mc
>Throw $1k at 5mil mc= 20x ($20k) at 100mil mc

yes, screenshot this
not worth buying now
the risk/reward ratio is not worth it

>> No.57835740

i made 30 grand from a 50m mcap coin before
sorry to hear you don’t like money

>> No.57835755

And yet we just got confirmed for CEX 2 lol. Ok then.

>> No.57835767

The desperation with which you baggies spam this board is the clearest sell signal I've ever seen

>> No.57835794

Then sell? Oh wait, you don't even have a bag.

>> No.57835806
File: 28 KB, 636x206, Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 21.23.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't pump

>> No.57835850

the absolute seething of nobaggots is what i’m going to enjoy the most.
how do you browse /biz/ for YEARS and not be able to make any money or intuitively grasp a true gem when it falls into your lap like this

>> No.57835894

It’s the first result when you sort by price increase on uniswap

>> No.57835958

I am screencapping so many retarded baggies for next week, I'm gonna have a lot of fun but I already know you won't have the balls to show up

>> No.57835964


May I ask what coins you are holding brother?


$200MM market cap is conservative as fuck for LINU. Also what the fuck are you talking about? Boomers had to wait 15 years to get a 2x on an initial investment. Put your ego aside and look with your heart for a few minutes.


This guy gets it.

>> No.57835988

I fucking sold my 100b sui and now I can only afford 32b I’m so mad right now. I really want this to go 0 so I lose everything and you all lose everything fucking dog shit inu shit coin piece of shit shitty shit coin I’m about to pop a blood vessel. It literally does over a 2x right after I sell my sui last night. I can’t make this shit up, why is my luck so fucking bad and my decisions horrible? some whale anon please save and bless my room temperature IQ ass with a small sum of 68b linu for a sui

>> No.57835991

Yeah but again a second CEX is listing LINU, how is this going to 0 unless Uniswap and the 2 CEX closed down in 2 days.

>> No.57836025

Swingers get the fucking rope. That was your fault your fucking retard. That was /biz/ number 1 saying and you decided to not follow the only good /biz/ advice, that and buying LINU.

>> No.57836046

poopoo peepee? or peepee poopoo?

>> No.57836077

You don't understand anything about crypto or finance in general

>> No.57836131
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>> No.57836134


Explain it to us then

>> No.57836160

Takes money to make money, and you guys ain't it

>> No.57836239
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, 1709261164280785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can only blame yourself anon. if you want it to go to 0, don't buy. If you want to see generational wealth, we welcome you back homie.

>> No.57836247

lmao there’s no way you don’t have at least 250billion linu
bro is bored and self fudding

>> No.57836257


Alright, if you insist - miss out on the "funny dog bull market giga pump meme token of 2024" before it's even off the ground floor. Because your ego thinks you're doing something more important in crypto, like "investing" and "doing finance things" and you'd rather argue with strangers on the internet that your finance coins are superior, and you'd father ignore the bag of loose diamonds that is jerking off on your face right now and about to cum.

>> No.57836261

you can't even post believable fud anymore. I bought every single dip that you all fudded as a 'rug'. In the past 24hrs I'm up $14,400 USD.

If this is rugging, then keep rugging me because its the greatest thing to ever happen.

>> No.57836345
File: 138 KB, 898x543, Screenshot 2024-03-04 162432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRIN distribution got me more excited than LINU. 4mm MC, working product, TVL promotions, airdrops. What more do you need?

>> No.57836522

begone, street shitter

>> No.57836543

>what more do you need?
Meme magic. I want numerals. Fuck your airdrops, fuck your "working product", nobody cares.

>> No.57836569

>had a sui stack
>sold it
Why. You’ll literally never make it.

>> No.57836575

>Guys why did you all stopped pumping my bags?? Keep buying!!

Same grift everywhere on this poojeethole board

>> No.57836616

steady lads, this will mint multi millionaires like shib did, hold strong and accumulate.

>> No.57836628
File: 3 KB, 190x144, linu baggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will fall and all you wagmi folk are gonna become seethie folk

picrel is you after is falls

>> No.57836649
File: 206 KB, 1280x1280, photo_2024-03-04_16-09-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suit yourselves, you'll be welcome to the FRIN community when you finally FOMO in

>> No.57836780
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, _d7e9558d-a2c9-4dbf-b898-953b9d14cfa6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of us, collectively, can put an end to this shitcoin madness and agree to only buy doge, the white man's cryptocurrency

>> No.57836969

Oh the seethening.

>> No.57836990


We are up 20% market cap since I posted this thread...

>> No.57837067

>The spoon is a gaping mouth.
>The rice is white weed.
>The fingers are cocks.
>His second utensile is a sign.
>He's using utensils.

>> No.57837134

Been trying to buy this shit for two days but the ETH gas fees are fucking ridiculous right now, am I really going to have to spend $100 in gas just to buy a fucking dog coin. ETH is such fucking garbage

>> No.57837165


I spent $200 in gas to buy this 5 days ago.

I'm up $21,000. There's clearly still lots of gas in the tank for this fucking fireball.

Up to you bro.

>> No.57837190

> sell suicide stack
> want to suicide