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57835012 No.57835012 [Reply] [Original]

I'm getting $4,371 back from my tax return and plan on putting it all into low caps a micro caps. Any recommendations? Is Solana coins the way to go right now?

>> No.57835059

Pawthereum always pumps right after the dog coins do. I expect it to 100 X in like a month.

>> No.57835088

>chad surrounded by shitskins marines
>one of them on background is literally muttface meme and is chubby
>These are supposed to be our alphas
Man I am glad for being a “bitch”

>> No.57835150

Will take a look but I'd rather new stuff

>> No.57835226

Finding the next doge/shib is the play. The two contenders is LINU and HOKK, throwing 2k into each pretty much guarantees that you'll make it.

>> No.57835455

>If your wife cucks you less than 100 times per deployment lower your tone when talking to me

>> No.57835638

I don't think those are the next Shiba or doge

>> No.57835661

And there it is. It's a SOL curry jeet shill outing themselves.

>> No.57835675

>im getting a tax return of 5k
>I want to put it in crypto because Im a fucking moron
>what do I do?
>what coins do I put it in?
this is why people here will forever be poor

>> No.57835680

>this retard doesn't even realize the guy is a spic

>> No.57835707

They seem like hoge or D0b0

>> No.57835739

You're a fucking idiot if you didn't already buy Linu. You still have time, I won't bother to spoon feed you though. Have fun being poor faggot.

>> No.57835768

Ape into AI coins

>> No.57835783

Every coin says this

>> No.57835795

$5k seems like a lot to you because you don't have a lot of money

>> No.57835822

Stay poor idgaf I'm comfy holding linu. Get in the threads and do some research it's a solid coin as far as meme coins go.

>> No.57835830

Kek, look I'm trying to help you. Buy LINU and HOKK and you'll make it, you obviously have no idea what you're doing if those are your dog coin recommendations.

>> No.57835839

Says the guy that is creaming at getting $4,000 back on taxes. If you were really rich, you wouldn't think to ask random strangers on the internet what to spend your $4000 on. You'd just spend it.

>> No.57835845

nice try whereas you dont know how to spend 5k so it is evidently a lot of money to you.

>> No.57835868

Honestly, hokk and Luna inu, are probably your best bets. Still low cap enough to get you a nice 100x if Bitcoin doesn't crash and burn.
The former hasn't even listed anywhere yet and just did a 4x in one day, and the latter has only been listed in one cex.
2024 is going to get weird.

>> No.57835874

Anon I get that you're esl but the coins I listen are dead and did not become the next doge or Shiba despite shills saying the same words as you. You need to study English more before posting on this board

>> No.57835881

I'd put at least 1000 into comfy

>> No.57835916

I'm in the position to gamble 4k(which in your mind is a lot of money) because I'm well off financially. You can't comprehend this because 4k is a lot of money to you and you'd never be in a position to enter high risk positions with that amount of money

>> No.57835924

Sounds comfy anon

>> No.57836041
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>> No.57836044

not a shitcoin but plebbit has been mooning under the radar and you are still early enough to get a good return


>> No.57836055

you need help deciding how to spend 4k. you are lying to yourself.

>> No.57836081

Dog bat on BNB lesssgooo

>> No.57836082

Maybe be more clear next time, it sounded like you was saying those are the next big dog coins. Anyways Hoge came out the same time as shib, one won and the other died. Then D0b0 came out during a bear market, bear market killed it. Now here we are in a bull market with no low cap dog coin, this is the play. I'm done so don't bother replying but think about what I said because I am truly trying to help you.

>> No.57836179

Buy base memes. That's all you have to do rn. Anything being promoted by a CB employee pumps. The 2mil mc memes will be 50mil and the 50mil ones will be 500mil later this year when CB starts listing some. It's early and it will take at least another month the before normie money starts trickling in or sol traders migrate en mass.

>> No.57836181
File: 252 KB, 1280x919, 71589623-23C2-4209-8660-CF2B659A0C0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this gorgeous bastard. The only super dog coin on BSC. Get in here $PINUs bros. Dev showed hands.

>> No.57836216

>dev showed hands
he's indian?

>> No.57836260

Lower your fucking tone, private.

>> No.57836263
File: 11 KB, 225x225, ChampagneFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FRINge Finance is a good microcap buy. DeFi platform with borrow/lend/amplify/margin trading. Live on 5 chains (ethereum, arbitrum, optimism, polygon, zksync) only 4mm MC so it is affordable to buy a nice bag. TVL promotion starting tomorrow with free FRIN airdrop, qualify for zk and possibly PYTH airdrop. Great move, imo.


>> No.57836306

at least post the contract nigger

>> No.57836414

who do you follow on twitter from CB who does this? I only know of one guy.

>> No.57836488

this so much

>> No.57836647

EnqAI or LushAI

>> No.57837027

No one. I usually see something here or TG and confirm the tweet/info.

So far, memes that are being shilled or promoted by CB employees are: TYBG, mochi, Toshi, ayb, dog, circle, degen, and probably more that I can't think of off the top of my head. Honestly I'm spreading myself too thin on these things as it is and need to start consolidating, but fuck it, they all keep going up lol.

>> No.57837064

Latinxfags hahah

>> No.57837082

At this point in muttland, the spic white is indistinguishable.
But nevertheless, he is a chad.

>> No.57837087

Is your racedar this bad, that guy is clearly a latinxfag

>> No.57837103

Nigga I never said he is white. I said he is a chad.

>> No.57837158
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The king of gambles, FRIN. 10.000x or death, very little in between.

>> No.57837193

Basic Dog Meme or Tarot on base are the two best sub-10 million plays on Base right now. I agree with you that LINU is just d0bo on repeat, it might still make you money though but beware of the euphoria

>> No.57837197

he's a 5'6" beaner that looks bogged, but ok

>> No.57837640

Why? That's how I made money on link my poor friend

>> No.57837664

>Maybe be more clear next time
I was. you're just not a native speaker so you can't understand English very well