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57833369 No.57833369 [Reply] [Original]

Muh yellow rock :)

>> No.57833450
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>> No.57833481

>robs your gold

O vey. We have to take away gold cause it's causing inflation! Nevermind that we're hoarding it all anyway for your protection =)

>> No.57833484
File: 85 KB, 622x859, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards don't understand that you make 10-50x gains in mining stocks during bull markets.
Even the shittiest of bayhorse stocks will make at least a 10x over a year when gold starts it's inevitable bullrun.

>> No.57833559
File: 488 KB, 790x2303, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a r*ddit pic
Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.
> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.57833751

Take your meds Lee.

>> No.57833794

You're lucky you didn't buy Credit Suisse gold and got zeroed out.

>> No.57833818

I bought ishares gold producers at 11,78 when gold was 2020. Now gold is 21125 and isgp is 11,72.

>> No.57833841

Looks gug. Is it milk chocolate or dark chocolate?

>> No.57833843


>> No.57833866

you are a piece of shit

>> No.57833885

give me your best small cap miners
i want to capitalize on the gold silver bullrun

>> No.57833910

>reddit text, reddit image
Go back.

>> No.57833987
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>> No.57834070

Miners won't moon until gold is above 2100/2200 and CONSISTANTLY(so the market realizes high price gold is here to stay).
Stay away from etfs, just research and buy a collection of JUNIOR gold/silver/copper mining stocks and enjoy your comfy retirement.

Benton Resources
Falcon Gold
Libero Copper & Gold
Aston Bay Holdings

The absolute best one right now is benton because they are awaiting phase 2 results and they are likely to be insanely good.

>> No.57834270

>mining stocks
GDX and GDXJ are on the fucking dumps
you are delusional

>> No.57834276

thanks family

>> No.57834315

You're RIGHT!
Never buy stocks when it's low in price.
Only buy it when it's extremely high.
That's how you make money.

>> No.57834344

np desu

>> No.57834454

by the way, benton is likely to release their 2nd phase results TOMORROW during PDAC

If you want to get it, I would buy right now.
You have little over an hour to get in.

>> No.57834571
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Muh green bags

>> No.57834854
File: 41 KB, 348x500, golden shower hour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like piss