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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57833081 No.57833081[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do /biz/ jannies keep banning people for posting $KNS? is there something I dont know?

>> No.57833121

Nobody cares about this 2 year old dead shitcoin

>> No.57833132

people clearly care if there's a conscious effort to hide it.

>> No.57833137

they bridged to arbitrum, i feel like it has some potential now?

>> No.57833140

Because they're accumulating

>> No.57833151
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>> No.57833154

I got a bag. This coin is going to 5 bucks. Get in now.

>> No.57833182

Falling knife

>> No.57833190
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more like $KYS

>> No.57833204

i also have a bag, and i staked some. i wouldn't be that optimistic though. everything i buy either tanks or crabs. not fudding, just a warning for anyone who holds anything i hold. i'm poisonous in that God doesn't want me to make it, so anything i buy does the opposite of what it would've done had i not touched it.

>> No.57833264
File: 30 KB, 656x679, b0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies and fuddies want you to sell. I'm not selling my kenis. (Hello gnome, I know you're reading this post and this thread! I just wanted to tell you I'm not selling! Pretty cool, right? You smell like shit by the way.)

>> No.57833294

Because it was aggressively spammed here back when it was a BSC shitcoin with a gazillion supply. Then they rugpulled it, created a token with a smaller supply and the same name on a more "respectable" network, and began pushing it as a "serious" project. Except it still has no users, and people are only buying it on the promise of a CEX listing.

>> No.57833342
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>2 years old dead shitcoin
H-hey guys i-i think we should buy it? W-why are jannies banning my scamc- i mean high tech coin?!?! I'm going to beoble to post about it and i'll be really mad!

>> No.57833487
File: 85 KB, 1065x874, shrek2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the fuddies and gnomes are here. You fuckijng losers, no one will sell this now retards minus some dopamine addicted retards that want to chase memecoins. We are at a healthy retrace and will continue with higher lows and higher highs. Rape yourselves.

I kneel

>> No.57833525
File: 27 KB, 435x498, 1cfbda579cbfd82b2544df849ef31f005168a626_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still pumped me more than my altcoins Still higher value than if I kept my altcoins
Still not selling
Consider pic related except modernized.

>> No.57833570
File: 76 KB, 845x850, IMG_20240304_123508_032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck jannies
Fuck fuddies
Fuck gnomes
Fuck swingies
I'm not going to sell my kenis

>> No.57833572

The workaround is by posting “Linu” in the title

>> No.57833596

It wasn’t aggressively spammed it was shilled as a link killer and jannies hated it

They moved to Arbitrum to get away from the shitcoin connotation associated with bsc. They airdropped all holders the new token on Arb.

The tech needs a low gas network to function best, so arb was a natural choice.

The project has never been a meme token. It has always been a serious project although biztards didn’t take it seriously until it was cracking $20M mcap

It has active revenue streams working with a number of blockchain and non blockchain companies

People are buying it because they understand that the tech is better than many DePIN projects in the top 200, this includes their data indexing as well as the worlds first cross between a layer 0 and 1 network and custom IOT.

Fundamentally it has all the makings of a $1B mcap project, potentially more in coming years.

>> No.57833605

My kenis stays penis

>> No.57833614
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I can't pear you fudsters anymore

>> No.57833650
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I just bought some for $900
Am i gonna make it?

>> No.57833767

surely you have more to put in than that. its not like you're buying some sub 100k market cap meme coin that could rug at an minute, but no. as long as i hold this, you will not make it because of the anti-plot armor that exist within me.

>> No.57833805

Why does it say ”not enough liquidity” on uniswap?

>> No.57833813

Did you switch uniswap to arbitrum network?

>> No.57833827

It needs to be set to arbitrum instead of ethereum from the dropdown menu

>> No.57833854
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Thanks chad pouya for choosing ARB instead of ETH. Fuck those kike fees

>> No.57833886

So i cant buy it with ETH? Im swapping to arbitreum now

>> No.57834051

Use ETH but on the ARB network. You don't need to bridge your ETH. The cheaper way it's sending ETH to metamask or uniswap wallet using the ARB chain

>> No.57834075

No you can't (yet) Just put eth on arb bridge, wait a little till you see the eth, and trade.

>> No.57834145
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If you already have ETH on DEX then bridge it to ARB or send it to an exchange and back to dex using the ARB chain. Probably cost less than $5 all this process