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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57829046 No.57829046 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57829117
File: 16 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443f4786 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed you magnificient bastard

>> No.57829187

this man needs to be stopped

>> No.57829583


>> No.57831076

basado narcos and bears seething

>> No.57831406

tfw better DCA than el presidente

>> No.57831500
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mfw he sells it all and it dumps

>> No.57832357
File: 591 KB, 723x716, 1601937591285019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beoble and twitter looove to call this guy a 'dictator'. is this true? i dont want to support a dictator. thanks bros.

>> No.57832387
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1800, 1652124580869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the king of slurp

>> No.57832417

Mans really knows how to manage everything
Crypto, a country, my CUNT
Everything. Delicious and perfect.

>> No.57832427
File: 316 KB, 496x498, 1680970227464851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do we solve crime
>just build more jails lol
>it actually works

>how do we become a rich country
>just buy more bitcoin
>it actually works
the madlad

>> No.57832429

once he sells it is so fucking over, /b/ros

>> No.57832432

Post hand and post feet.

>> No.57832457

Many people can do this actually. Mr. 100, Saylor, Nayib, hell 2 out of 3 suspiciously wealthy Saudi mudslimes that most likely are in the game, multiple Chinese whales, Elon Musk probably. Lots of people can throw a big fat wrench into the natural course of things.

Imagine buying into a whale's playground lmao

>> No.57832469
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>Autismos caring about muh political virtue signaling over taking in hard profits and looking up to the people pumping BTC the hardest
An instant hood classic, yes sir

>> No.57832484

and butthole

>> No.57832501
File: 215 KB, 351x411, 1590212026130236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le epic third worlder president bought le bitcoin! ave imperator! godspeed! upvoted!
why are zoomies on biz so transparent on their lack of a paternal figure in their lives? shit's kinda pathetic

>> No.57832514
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So what if he is

He's sending the right examples to the rest of the planet: threat your inmates like the fucking trash they are, and invest in highly speculative crypto assets. Dictator or not, he's based in my book.

>> No.57832522

mass replying attention starved trannies should get banned for at least a year.
not even going to give you a reply, tranny.

>> No.57832530

modern men desire fascism

>> No.57832534
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You forgot to include me in that list bro

>> No.57832547
File: 169 KB, 1080x1080, 1686025404112513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet nothing ever happens. Let me guess you didn't even buy one bitcoin a few months back when it was 18k?

>> No.57832565

Hes daddy and he buys crapto > w < " ~ ! he's cool!

Eat nails and shit your guts out you degenerate scum fuck!

>> No.57832567

i just despise narcos here's the (you) you were fishing for, interesting projection though.

>> No.57832578


> Twitter
> Is this true?

Lol, Lmao, even.

>> No.57832579
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tfw i lost the bobo run bc i didnt had enough funds to invest

>> No.57832591
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We need bitcoin city now so i can buy some tacos with BTC L2s so, get ready retards to bridge with SatoshiSync

>> No.57832633

He can't keep getting away with it.

>> No.57832717

>El Salvador goes from third world shithole to richest per capita nation in your lifetime.
It's like Switzerland if the people were brown and the mountains were volcanos.

>> No.57832790

just acknowledge that bukele is way better than your Ice cream man on charge in the oval office lol

>> No.57832961
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>> No.57833127

Long live the king

>> No.57833143

Why isn't there a Bukele coin yet?

>> No.57833869

I wasn't sure about my relationship with my Salvadoran gf, now I think it's well worth it for that Switzerland of the new world citizenship

>> No.57833915

there is. bitcoin.

>> No.57834355

every south american country wants and needs a Bukele.

>> No.57834378

I'm probably ride that wave, he improves national public security BY A LOT.

>> No.57834393

Why didn't he buy more?
He could have invested a fuckton more and made his country giga rich.

>> No.57834395

Bukele could invade all of south america for all I care, I just want his btc stash

>> No.57834491

>load ze bukele fud

>> No.57834959

>t.assraped marero

>> No.57835447
File: 1.94 MB, 3834x1786, el salvador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picking a random place in el Salvador
looks like a bomb went off

>> No.57835775

>beoble and twitter looove to call this guy a 'dictator'. is this true? i dont want to support a dictator. thanks bros.
He suspended the Salvadoran Constitution to fight crime, and then got the courts to rule that he could run for a second consecutive term since the Constitution was suspended (it has a clause saying "you can't be president for two terms in a row").

So in that sense he's a bit sus, but the thing is, he's not doing anything dictatorial -- he's cleaning up crime by imprisoning all the gang members who self-identified themselves by literally tattooing their gang affiliations on their fucking faces. It's not like anyone is going to fake that (and if they did, the gangs would literally murder them for trying to fake their affiliation, because that's literally the punishment the gangs engage in for doing that).

He also set up a totally free opt-in banking system that any citizen can use.

There's a bunch of reasons the Salvadorans love him. He may be a "dictator" but he's doing all the right things to Make El Salvador Great For The First Time Ever.

>> No.57835818

It's a good thing he didn't, considering the price crashed something like 57% after they bought in.

Besides, it's not the government's job to invest in wildly risky assets, it's the government's job to make things safe for the people to invest in whatever they want.

>> No.57835831

I think he might be like Cincinnatus in that he's going to step down when everything is cleaned up.

>> No.57835871
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Anyone else?

>> No.57835926

who cares cities are gay
buy a nice banana farm in the countryside

>> No.57835972
File: 546 KB, 923x654, What an excellent idea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57836646

>Besides, it's not the government's job to invest in wildly risky assets,
then why did he buy any in the first place?

>> No.57836683

>then why did he buy any in the first place?
the guy who made prisons and threw anyone with a tattoo in it with no charge, jury or trial?

>> No.57836796

t. seething gold cuck

>> No.57836853

If you tried to wear a gang tattoo in El Salvador without being a member of said gang they would just kill you anyways. Hard to have many false arrests.