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57820848 No.57820848 [Reply] [Original]

Is there still at least a 5x left in PEPE? I want to throw in $5k but one, idk about having that much money on a metamask wallet (in the US so no major exchange has it) and two, I want to get to 6 figs this bull run and I'm sitting at $20k rn with half in BTC. What's the move?

>> No.57820861

It’s worth holding until April.

>> No.57820874


>> No.57820891

People were saying the same shit when it was at 0.000002 and you niggers made me miss out on a 3x

>> No.57820924

By peak bullrun next year it will have flipped Shib and Doge. It's going to the top-10. Pepe was always a way bigger meme than doge ever was.

>> No.57820930

Fucking genius we got over here not bold enough to buy at 2 but now that it pumped 6x it's a good buy

>> No.57820944

This has to be a astroturfed thread this shit is gonna crash 10x from sell pressure I have never once in my life seen a big green candle that ended in stabilization. Even XRP isn't at its summer price and it got mogged in NCAP by Solana

>> No.57820958

i would invest more, its either this or plebbit

>> No.57820962

Open a short then if you're so sure.

>> No.57821001

No bear confirmation yet better to short late then early on a Giga candle like this

>> No.57821003

Put the 5k on something that will guarantee you a. 10x. Like Roko, Ondo, Render. It’ll be a bit slower, but you’ll make more - Pepe is already at almost 3 billion.

>> No.57821005


>> No.57821106

GAYPEPE on gate.io my friend

>> No.57821142
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it’s pumping AGAIN
Might have to lock in some profits soon

>> No.57821167

PEPE is a 5x away from SHIBA INU right now.
PEPE is a 14.5x away from SHIBA INU at its all time high.
Yes i speculate that PEPE will overtake SHIBA INU

>> No.57821174
File: 74 KB, 713x1258, plebbit socialfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone buy such a high mcap time with low utility when Plebbit exjsts with a proven whitepaper and multiple demos, at a much lower mcap?
In just a matter of weeks plebbit has gone from 2m mcap to 6m mcap because people see the power of decentralized social medias that are opensource and free to use.
Plebbit is unironically one of the few actual grassroots projects, with 2+ years of development, working demos and an actual 100% airdropped supply to biz 2 years ago (search the archive).
Even the plebbit Devs had to purchase their stack on their own on the market, like everyone else.
YET biz still ignores plebbit on uniswap.
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, scalable P2P social media protocol with no https endpoints making it actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives.
The token is used for curating the default boards in a DAO, voting on dev issues in the DAO and tipping.
The desire to have your sub on the default feed and monetize your own subs/boards will drive token adoption.
6m mcap
Long term targets 1-5b 2026-2027
Gif related

>> No.57821235
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>> No.57821237

>Long term targets 1-5b 2026-2027
"long term targets" "2026" lol fucking hell this is pitiful

>> No.57821249

yeah I think so, at this point it's too risky not to buy. gl.

>> No.57821759
File: 1 KB, 125x125, plebbit ying and yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most shtcoins won't be around in 4 years because they have 0 utility.
Plebbit will be around because it actually has a working new design for decentralized social media with working demos proving the concept.

>> No.57821804

This is crypto, no one cares about muh utility. It actually harms the project because pure memes always pump higher. In crypto it's not about what the coin is - you are buying s promise of what it can be. So fuck off with utility.

>> No.57821825

>fretting over a 5x when there is a literal 1000x about to form
One word: Linu. Dont bitch about how you missed it when it takes off without you. Less than 6% of the pool remains.

>> No.57821843
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Why chase when you can be an OG ant?

>> No.57822211

I bought 10 million pepes and it has already 2x'd since yesterday. I think the top is coming soon.

>> No.57822724

You are better off buying AVI anon. It has a lot more in it then PEPE. It's sitting at 19 mil mcap. A x70 is expected because it is part of the BASE trifecta. AERO, Burning circle thingy and AVI. These are Coin base's secret projects. They hired Stixil to create a bridge so they can start the BASE bullrun.

>> No.57823691
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you have better chances with GAYPEPE, listed on gate.io. 230k mcap

>> No.57824206
File: 104 KB, 700x559, 1691748403773.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im up 8x on it and its pumping again

>> No.57824342

if I were you
which im not I would trow 10k into pepe
5k into mog
and 5k into doge

>> No.57824373

Giga cope
Plebbit has memeability (NPC) and genuinely novel and viable design for P2P social medias.

>> No.57824494

Any chance PEPE will wake it to 10b mc?

>> No.57824794
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>> No.57825211

pepe will hit $1 by the end of the year.

>> No.57825323

I want to know who the faggot is that keeps slamming the coin whenever it makes a rally to get past 8. So far two sell offs in the last 6 hours otherwise we would have eaten a zero by now.

>> No.57825533

Be liquidity for Pepe whales or get Apu at 5k mcap

>> No.57825666

research avi
buy literally any fucking basechain token

>> No.57825751

>pepe pumping
>floki pumping too
should i buy pepe AND floki

>> No.57826093
File: 112 KB, 1194x1200, 5sog4j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake pepe started by crypto scammers from LA. They rugged it months ago. It has no soul or substance. Completely astroturfed by normies with no connection to the spirit of the meme.
Now a bunch of faggot bag holders on twitter are trying to shill it with marketers like David (((Gokhshtein))
They are doing twitter spaces everyday to shill it, pathetic
One of the other shills pushing it is a paki from bongland called Kakz, a simp called Seacasa, a gay tryhard nerd called rekttekashi who steals from biz, and some latina Instagram thot from Miami
Pepe is based and redpilled. They are not
A Jew, a Paki, a simp, a gay tryhard nerd, and a Latina whore are not Pepe lmao

We all know who the original Pepe is. Compare both websites. Speaks for itself
The real pepe is

fake pepe
Kind of desperate to see these fake pepe faggots shilling and spamming all of a sudden on biz when they know they are trash. Don't go anywhere near this piece of shit, already pumped. Looking for 5x weak af. I did 5x with your mom last night

>> No.57826223

buy signal desu