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File: 115 KB, 1024x512, Solana-logo-1024x512-4234074795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57818578 No.57818578 [Reply] [Original]

it's cheaper to swap between tokens than ETH.
I know that L2 is cheap, but you still have to bridge back to L1 to cash out and sell your tokens, at least where I am from (Europe)

Anyway, what is the power move here? I was thinking to get 1SOL and swap to various shitcoints/memecoins, most are rugpulls and pajeet scams, but what if I swap wait a bit to make a profit and swap back, the risk seems to be calculated and very low to me, is that feasible? Btw I have like 2-3h a day to trade not more since I work two mentally exhausting jobs and go to the gym, but I got that 2-3h after breaking up with my gf, so I want to use that time wisely and make it.

>> No.57818588

buy, stake and wait
that's all you need to do

>> No.57818636

aren't staking profits low?
I want to try and make quick money, for staking I would need to get a ton of SOL to make it, now worth it. But thanks anyway.

>> No.57818781

then go play with BSC tokens and lose all your money

>> No.57818911
File: 51 KB, 600x441, a5b5o0lx7gg61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think you can beat the market, but you can't.
You WILL get rugged.
You WILL get scammed.
Just buy and hodl retard.

Solana is fucking awful and it's hated here for a reason. Devs and callers conspire against retards in private tg groups and then blame it on jeets.99% of SOL projects are PnD scams that don't last an hour, let alone a day, and the 1% that isn't you will sell too early and hate yourself.

Keep some SOL on the side and be on the lookout for rugproof projects shilled here on /biz/ like $BARRON with non-indian devs to throw a couple bucks in and ride the wave up. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.57819374

Buy $BARRON wait for it to go up 20%+ swap back, wait for the next meme on here and repeat.
How is that hard?

>> No.57819483

You will end up overtrading and make less money than if you just held a legitimate project over a longer timeframe. The entire SOL ecosystem is set up to prey on retards like you.

Or just come to terms with the fact you are gambling and will probably lose all your money on one swap. Don't cry about it here later.

>> No.57819503

SOL has replaced BSC for gambling.

>> No.57819536

look at trump mcap and then look at barron mcap
also his birthday is coming soon

>> No.57819544

>Is SOL good for day trading?
Yes. Its an order of magnitude faster and cheaper than L2s. Maybe after dencun they'll catch up. But right now its no contest. Coming from Ethereum to Solana feels like entering the space age. Phantom is simply better than Metamask and your wallet cannot be drained just by approving a token or other seemingly innocuous shit. Solana will be *THE* shitcoin casino this season.

>> No.57819603

the SOL reddit is full of retards who clicked on random links from NFTs and got their wallets drained lmao
but yeah if your IQ is >80 phantom is way better than MM

>> No.57819649

Exactly my point. Just buy and hold longer term projects, and commit to a price point you're willing to sell at. Rinse repeat.

You're not going to flip shitcoins in just a couple hours and make a profit unless you have inside connections. Solana is the degeneracy of BSC on steroids, since the low gas fees allow it to be manipulated by bots, whales, insiders, ect. more quickly and more efficiently than before.

I'm just trying to save OP the trouble of losing all his money before he figures this out on his own.

>> No.57819667
File: 208 KB, 896x896, de990413-e70a-4d19-bbc6-56392aa4050d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ticker is bitcoin on solana

tg HOPSi10

get a small stack and hold, don't fomo your life savings and if you do buy a bag with your life savings, DON'T complain because we know you are fake then, not a real wizard, basically you're saying "not my president", so then I'm basically saying "fuck you" lowly lambo worshiping cocksucker, you really think you are so "high society"? In this TG We are looking to buy space ships and alien tits, not plastic cars and toasted roasties. you cunt, you speckle of mouse piss dribbling down an old piece of bread, upgrade your shit, learn to code, have some love for the people's coin, have some love for people and learn to brush your fucking teeth.

>> No.57819760

is there anything legit non-meme coin that has some actual potential use in the future?

>> No.57819812

There are far fewer avenues of exploit on Solana than Ethereum/L2s. This is simply a fact.

>> No.57819888

Arthur hayes trades is a solana daytrader, i wouldnt go against him

>> No.57821352

>hated here for a reason
but not everywhere else, which is what really matters

>> No.57821384

what does L1,L2,L3 mean?

>> No.57822709

They're different layers to trade Ethereum, since shifting Eth to other wallets or buying other coins using Eth is very expensive due to gas fees.
I was where you were roughly 6 months ago, no worries.

>> No.57822920
File: 32 KB, 305x460, 10-04_18o-9-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can argue with what anon has said. But you can't argue with his digits.

>> No.57822970
File: 89 KB, 680x510, IMG_20240302_104623_485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solana scams just as hard as other chains. Sure, no honeypots to worry about. On solana they just snipe the launch with 100 different wallets and dump on you. Sometimes one big red candle straight to 0. Calculated risk requires calculation, not just seeing a line going up fast and thinking you are going to trade on that.