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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3.62 MB, 700x300, KLEROS_FUTURE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57812801 No.57812801 [Reply] [Original]

>What is Kleros?
Kleros is a decentralized dispute resolution protocol that uses blockchain and crowdsourcing to adjudicate disputes fairly and efficiently.

>Video Explainer:

>Short Info Dump:
In 2023 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development put out a report stating that Kleros "has the potential to significantly reduce the costs associated with dispute resolution for both consumers and companies, while also increasing the efficiency and transparency of the process."

Mexico officially acknowledges the legitimacy of Decentralized Justice mechanisms, a concept coined by Kleros, to resolve disputes. Mexico will enforce Kleros Court rulings.

Lemon, an Argentinian crypto service whose user base has increased 200x since 2021, with over 2.2 million users today, introduced a cryptocurrency card in collaboration with Visa, using Kleros for dispute resolution.

VitaDAO, in which Pfizer holds a significant stake, secures millions of dollars by using Kleros for dispute resolution.

In February of 2024, eleven projects were selected to present at an invite-only event at the World Government Summit. Out of those 11 projects, only one was focused on cryptocurrency: Kleros.

>Light reading:

Version 2 of the protocol and potential CEX listings are on the horizon.

>Where to buy?
PNK (Pinakion) is the name of the Kleros token. It currently can be purchased on Uniswap and Bitfinex.

>> No.57812818
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>Extended Info Dump
Stanford: 'Kleros: A Socio-Legal Case Study Of Decentralized Justice & Blockchain Arbitration

JPMorgan's ongoing digital identity article series mentions POH (Kleros project)

Infura tweets about Kleros

Nethermind states that the Kleros protocol is the most mature decentralized dispute resolution mechanism for the Lido protocol

>Vitalik mentions Kleros in blog posts frequently

>> No.57813047
File: 485 KB, 540x675, cryptopnk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone has any other interesting things to add to the info dump please share. High IQ anons only. Thank you for your understanding.

>> No.57813077
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CB and Binance confirmed

>> No.57813508

Sirs - tuk tuk when

>> No.57814158

Soulless OP. This is the template I made back in the day with gradual contributions from other posters in the last form I used it. I need to do my research again now that the market seems to be waking back up.

I actually like your format, but it feels a little dry. It's just missing that spice that lets people know that this is an indian scamcoin shilled on a dung polishing forum.:

Welcome to the Komfy Kleros Klub, the thread to discuss all thing Kleros!

>What is this Judge Judy scamcoin?
Kleros is an open source online dispute resolution protocol which uses blockchain and crowdsourcing to fairly adjudicate disputes. Essentially, it is a decentralized arbitration platform.

Kleros Yellowpaper v2.0.0: https://kleros.io/yellowpaper.pdf (Is there a new version)

Website: https://kleros.io/

Juror Starter Kit: https://blog.kleros.io/the-kleros-juror-starter-kit/ (update?)

FAQ: https://medium.com/kleros/kleros-frequently-asked-questions-about-peer-to-peer-justice-5a921cb76abe (does this need an update)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/kleros_io

Court video explainer:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRhD5WnUX3k

Promotional videos:

Dispute Scanner: https://klerosboard.com/dispute/?network=mainnet (does this still work)

Latest community update: (needs an update)

>Where to buy?
Uniswap sirs.

Obligatory watching
>general info
>High profile cases: (needs updating)
>case videos

>> No.57814479

$10 is FUD

>> No.57815746
File: 344 KB, 465x821, link and pnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>230M PNK tokens staked on courts
>400+ ETH paid to jurors
>3.6M PNK redistributed from incoherent jurors
Great oracle.

>> No.57816361

Unironically it's astonishing to me that a 50X wouldn't even place PNK in the top 100 tokens, despite Kleros safeguarding significant value daily and evolving into essential blockchain infrastructure.

>> No.57816473

crypto unfortunately isn't interested in actual usecases by rea; companies and developers. Its all gambling and memes right now. But once internet native people get on board with peer to peer arbitration it'll take off. See 4th industrial revolution and oracles.

>> No.57817196
File: 337 KB, 1560x1941, meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its all gambling and memes right now.
Unlike other cryptocurrencies that revolve around memes relevant only at the moment, which may lose their appeal over time, Kleros stands out by continuously generating fresh memes and jokes through its court system as it integrates new features and handles new meme-worthy cases.

Kleros - the ultimate choice for long-term meme investment.

>> No.57817603

Indian people always look like they have dust on their skin.

>> No.57818132 [DELETED] 

Its powdered sugar (really) and it's delicious.

>> No.57818929
File: 445 KB, 1818x970, mexicokleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prediction: A national government will be revealed this year to have been buying Kleros (PNK)—a decentralized dispute resolution protocol token—without having disclosed that fact publicly.

>> No.57818960
File: 51 KB, 898x172, satoshi kleros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also satoshi predicted kleros!!!!! WOW

>> No.57819423


>> No.57819449

And why would it do a 50x when it couldn't even participate in the previous bull run?

>> No.57819472

wdym it did a 40x in the previous bull run chud

>> No.57819508

he bought at 20 cents lol

>> No.57820011
File: 605 KB, 512x768, klerospnk_woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57821364


>> No.57821390

I’m not falling for this scam again your street shitting poo stains

>> No.57821472

>people will pay neets to arbitrate their disputes
lmao not buying this Judge Judy scam coin

>> No.57821629

Absolute retards who will never make it LOL

>> No.57821725

It's weird that /biz/ went from hating kleros at 1.5c to loving kleros at 4.5c.

>> No.57821793

/biz/ loved Kleros at sub 0.01 as much as 0.30. This is the only project shilled here that hasn't already mooned that has potential. Not popping off to top 100 status last bullrun just soured its rep for the impatient. You need to have hands hardened in divine flame, harder than any Linkmarine (they unironically had it easy) to hold this but the rewards will be great. This is the make it coin. Brahmin stackers lives will finally start for real.

>> No.57821846

/biz/ fudded it because it was funny to fud and knew it wouldn't matter until the next bull cycle anyway. Anyone who is unironically fudding it now is a retard.

>> No.57821923

whats a realistic mcap you expect (I already have a bag)

>> No.57821987

> 200M if federico continues to be a faggot and the team literally does nothing through eoy 2025
> 500M if they actually release V2 this year
> 1B if they can get one ONE FUCKING REAL CEX or at least do the slightest bit of marketing after a V2 release
> 5B if they do all of the above AND incorporate an AI narrative to hype it up (they won't, they're useless fucking cucks as far as I'm concerned)

>> No.57822077

Do you think Fede plays Elden Ring? He might be too busy with SotE on the horizon. Wonder what kind of build he plays.

>> No.57822439

This is fud. 500m absolute worse case scenario where they rug us

3B if they put it on a cex

30B if they do all that and have a court case on George Floyd