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File: 111 KB, 1244x714, mcj2f3b23lb51 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57807919 No.57807919 [Reply] [Original]

LINU RUG IS COMING. It has been warned that Sunday is the day of reckoning for you retards. Take profit and roll into barron before its too late. Barron is preparing for takeoff, first exposure on a big twitter account coming in 1.5 hours. Marketcap still 100k, 25k whale still holding, ITS GONNA BLOWWWWW!

>> No.57807946

>trust me bro
kek fuddie

>> No.57807948

LINU RUG IS COMING. It has been warned that Sunday is the day of reckoning for you retards. Take profit and roll into barron before its too late. Barron is preparing for takeoff, first exposure on a big twitter account coming in 1.5 hours. Marketcap still 100k, 25k whale still holding, ITS GONNA BLOWWWWW!

>> No.57807965

>retard going on about sunday
>tells you to sell your bags (so he can get cheaper buy in prices)
>thread hidden

>> No.57807966
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Balki say no.

>> No.57807968

No one is buying your gay coin. Cope and seethe that you bet on the wrong horse. Or dont, we are still basically on the ground floor. You can choose to be a winner with Linu or you can spend the literal rest of your life living in shame and regret for missing a once in a lifetime opportunity.

>> No.57808019
File: 73 KB, 781x781, The4th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, trending on Dex Screener + twitter spam + listed on CEX
I really cannot think of any combination more bullish for a shitcoin even if it retraces 50% it's going to go up another 400%.

>> No.57808023

Kek. Its rugging and going to 0 in 12 hours bro. I feel sorry for you. It is known within the inside groups what is about to happen. Get out while you can, and get into something thats actually going to blow. Its election year, dogcoins are out, trumpcoins are in. This is a warning. Screenshot and come back tommorow.

>> No.57808044

Fuddie or truth teller?

>> No.57808047

Not even trending kek stop lying

>> No.57808073

>i feel sorry for you
I dont feel sorry for you. There is wuite literally no excuse for missing out on Linu. You know damn fucking well you had ample time to get on board, and still have time. Yet you squander it making feeble pathetic tall tales because you are desperate to have someone pump your shitcoin #6495828

>> No.57808084
File: 201 KB, 1093x797, fuck jeets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? What's that?

>> No.57808090

I got in 5 days ago and got out already with my comfy 10x, the rug is coming nigger and deep down you know it. It is time to switch courses.

>> No.57808109

Yikes. You are going to kill yourself when you realize what you did to yourself. Screencapping your post and going to have it made into an NFT.

>> No.57808123

That was the day it giga dumped the first time. I guess we will find out tomorrow night whether there will be a round 2.

>> No.57808129
File: 107 KB, 1280x960, LINU pub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I solded
>so you should solded too
>because its going to rug
>why? Because I said so
>so SOLD
>kek baggies

>> No.57808131

Just look at all the Barron posts. The market cap is 100k. We are barely a day old. Throw in some beer money. What's the worst that can happen?

>> No.57808142

1 billion market cap by EOM

>> No.57808146
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You know 2 more CEX listings are in the works right? Are you retarded? Are you E193?

>> No.57808156

>Verification not required.

>> No.57808168
File: 407 KB, 1080x926, Screenshot_2024-03-01-07-58-33-72_948cd9899890cbd5c2798760b2b95377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah that E sissy fag came back in the TG and apologized.
Things are square.
lol holy shit this jeet is screaming just like I called it.

>> No.57808183

do i still have a chance? i just arrived

>> No.57808185

will throw a few hundred once mc drop below 100k. Now the jeets are collecting the poos, so nah

>> No.57808206

>Nah that E sissy fag came back in the TG and apologized.
>Things are square.
NEVER trust that retard with ANYTHING. He was a swingie, emotional trader, tried to cause a whale panic sell out of butthurt rage.

That faggot shouldn't ever be trusted to be square with shit.

>do i still have a chance? i just arrived
You're only out of time once it gets a binance listing.

>> No.57808231
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Let me debrief you, fud is fake.
Learn the lore, homie.

>> No.57808283

I would have bought a bag of Barron but they dont have it. Where can i get a bag?

>> No.57808295
File: 54 KB, 591x1280, photo_2024-03-03_14-20-38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely, MCAP just dropped below 100k, the marketing calls are coming up in like 40 mins, now is literally the perfect time, im buying more right now.

>> No.57808297

get a solflare, transfer some sols into it
Though i would advise against buying now. Its rugging, wait till the mc drop below 100k

>> No.57808303

Buy on Raydium, or you can swap on solflare. Fees are basically non existent.

>> No.57808317

FUD, the rug jeets cashed out yesterday at 50k mcap LMAO

>> No.57808345

I love the idea that someone is simultaneously trusted enough to be privy to a group of people that just so happens to be every single stakeholder of a project, while also being retarded enough to scream the super secret plans out loud on 4chan, even though you purportedly hate all of the potential victims of this move. If this wasn’t done to death every single fucking day it might be funny once in a while

>> No.57808366

You're reading to far into it. This group is just anybody with above midwit IQ retard. Just make some money or ignore my warning and continue salt fudding because your too pussy to not miss out.

>> No.57808372


>> No.57808373

just went from like 80k back up to 130k in the last hour or so idk what some people are talking about. do these guys think people can't look at the chart themselves and will just believe their bullshit? kek

>> No.57808388

When do you anticipate a binance listing?

>> No.57808422

We're in month 2 i think? So another 8-10 months. Unless my math is off and for whatever reason this snowballs faster because some MSN shit, could be sooner.

>> No.57808440

coin is dead by the end of the week. the rug is coming in t-minus 4 hours screenshot this.

>> No.57808460

Also checked & self check.

Expect same consolidation periods as SHIB. You'll get the 42,000% gains aslong as the same people behind the 1st CEX keep the ball rolling.

You retards have been saying this since day one. You should have bought sooner.

>> No.57808462
File: 12 KB, 610x94, Jeetseething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you again when it doesn't rug in 4 hours, what are you gonna say next? Another 4 hours, then 2 days? Then next Sunday? Then TWO MORE WEEKS?

>> No.57808463
File: 158 KB, 1280x1280, 1709437170015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy COMFY instead of this garbage if you want to play the Solana memecoin casino. Dev is an early LINK marine and has funds to do collabs and marketing. Check the liquidity.

>> No.57808474

The hands that wrote this shill are brown.

>> No.57808498

So you're a long term hodler then, what's your exist price. You sound like you know what you're doing im a newfag

>> No.57808515

kek. might rug within the hour actually.

>> No.57808572
File: 194 KB, 494x403, 1709175461264181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So you're a long term hodler then, what's your exist price.
Exit price unknown, 2025 is either the god candle or zeroed. Problem i have is if it god candles and doesn't die. Then it turns into a SHIB and i have to decide how much to keep for cycles.

Only it wont.

>> No.57808593
File: 35 KB, 870x463, Screenshot 2024-03-03 145217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it comessssss. Get in barron before its too late.

>> No.57808630

>Get into other coin before it's to late!
I don't invest in piggybacking tards. Biggest indicator of a future rug, I'll be staying away from anything you shill in this thread. Have fun.

>> No.57808736

we're pumping bros

>> No.57808776

Its happening baby. Just 2x'd in 10 minutes. Get in now.

>> No.57808794

Are we about to take off?

>> No.57808820

Being down 30% isn't a pump anon. OP was right, you're all getting rugged. Get fucked.

>> No.57809113

Check again. WAGMI guys

>> No.57809149


>> No.57809307

stay poor bitch

>> No.57809360
File: 82 KB, 428x518, 1250317A-4D8F-44EC-BCB6-9226CC6A00B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I bought my stack back in January, I thought “cool I’ll either lose $100 or I’m gonna make it”
basically, I’m just not gonna sell it (the LINU) I know…UGH I know…. I’m sorry!!!! It’s just that I’m not gonna sell it is all

>> No.57809394

BARRON revived and we’re blowing past ATH. I tried to warn you all this morning with these threads but jannies banned me and and that’s bullish as fuck. It’s still early, get in on ground floor. We’re about to hit trending again tonight.

>> No.57809432

>Fuddie or truth teller?
are you literally disabled?

>> No.57809541

Some resistance with a red candle but our green candles god will surely save us soon

>> No.57809609

Kek, all the jeets dispersed like the cocaroaches they are. Rugpull has initiated, nice "community revival" you guys had!
>inb4 no ser, you should have taken profets! only ser to blame!

>> No.57809610
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>> No.57809778
File: 32 KB, 258x245, 1435200328619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the paper handed jeets are scattering, i can load up on more barron

>> No.57809858

Wallets that have been holding for weeks still slurping more Linu. Even the biggest dump the pnd fags could muster fails to break Linu kek

>> No.57809894


>> No.57809902

LINU is over. Get BARRON on SOL if you wanna make it anon.

>> No.57809948

You can look at every transaction and see what that wallet has been doing anon.
Linu hasnt even begun nigger
>sell the bottom of Linu and buy the top of trump token #748593 to pump my bags!
>i told you Linu would go to 0… and by zero i mean still 100% up from the day before!!
>jannies are deleting threads you better sell! Even though every thread is still up but just believe me dont look in the catalogue!
Desperate and sad. The complete antithesis of comfy. Not too late to buy Linu, in fact one could say this is a great time to buy.

>> No.57809977

Barron is so cringe. It appeals to only the most autistic imageboard users. Where’s your retail interest? Such a small audience is just prone to be scammed. Forced. Linu on the other hand is retarded dog token #5000 but it just so happens to be the one that got picked up to be a winner this cycle. It’s such an easy ride from here too. Imagine having to constantly fud and shill your bullshit every day

>> No.57810945

I must confess I fudded LINU too hard. I now hold BARRON and LINU. WAGMI.

>> No.57810964
File: 165 KB, 851x967, 1709416163886767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU has already skyrocketed. it is unlikely that its 750 trillion supply will allow it to skyrocket even further. as a comparison, $BARRON has a fraction of that supply at just 1 billion. In addition LINU is already in the mid to high 7-digits market cap while barron is in the 6-digits. it's still too early to know what will happen with either, but the odds of getting in a 100x are way higher with $BARRON right now as i see it.

>> No.57810987

>Make his fight on the hill in the early day
>Constant chill deep inside
>Shouting gun, on they run through the endless grey
>On they fight, for the right, yes, but who's to say?
>For a hill, men would kill, why? They do not know
>Stiffened wounds test their pride
>Men of five, still alive through the raging glow
>Gone insane from the pain that they surely know

>> No.57810988

Checked for truth, except Linu is actually retarded dog token #3.

>> No.57811008
File: 428 KB, 333x600, barron-pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57811025

This is a Linu thread. Linu goes up. Random shitcoin #48963 gets rugged.

>> No.57811074

Kek this is a $BARRON thread fren.

>> No.57811120

1000x-5000x from here is obvious.

>> No.57811148


coin price is measured in mcap bud.

>> No.57812061

Why FUD LINU before we go on Coinbase?
Easy 100x