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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57804245 No.57804245 [Reply] [Original]

We don't have an inflation problem, we have a corporate greed problem. Don't let them distract you from the real issue.

>> No.57804269

fucking hate how smug dems are when they lie
at least reps are too retarded at easily hiding lies

>> No.57804313

Eat shit you commie cunt.

>> No.57804355

Warren and Yellen are the worst. High ranked demons from hell, probably Satan's personal assistance.

>> No.57804386

yellen was based before they swapped her out

>> No.57804455

Why are so many brokies defending the very worst of the capitalist class?

>> No.57804502

>Don't let them distract you from the real issue

>> No.57804571
File: 144 KB, 1079x1046, vertical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could it be the relentless debasement that's causing inflation? No! It's da ebil grebby companies!!1
statism is a mental illness

>> No.57806156
File: 296 KB, 856x553, muh greedflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leftists unironically believe "greedflation" is real.

So according to this logic when prices collapsed in the past these so called evil capitalists just became more altrustic? lmao

>> No.57806179

>capitalist class
communism lost
It's you retards that support central banks that increase prices in the first place.
In historic periods without central banks, prices DECLINED for fucking decades.
The natural progression of prices in a free market is downward and retarded governments do everything in their power to push up prices by printing money.

>> No.57806185

their voter base believes that shit

In canada people believe that grocery stores conspired to inflate prices

>> No.57806252

Australia too. They hate the 15 yr old kids stacking shelves more than the Jewish bankers who debase our currency.

>> No.57806257

> gov prints more
> inflation goes up
> corporate expenses go up
> prices of goods go up to counter
.> “record profits”
> politicians angry
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.57806364
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I wonder how % profit compares to the past. I would bet worse.

>> No.57806439

The Progressive theory of inflation appears to be that, at random intervals, all corporations simultaneously become more greedy by roughly the same amount.

Don't forget the part where the economy was just shut down for a long period of time, with the only entities allowed to operate being a small number of anointed corporations.

>> No.57806465

If you ever get around to learn about communism, you'll be shocked to find out that they don't care much for banks, seeing that they're instruments of capitalist control over the economy.
Central banks are a bunch of banks grouping together to become a giant Mecha-Bank, so powerful they get to tell governments what's up with their own currency.

>> No.57806483
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Coles and Woollies actually do conspire to gouge both customers and suppliers. No-one thinks it's the shelf-stackers (who are all adult migrants, not 15yr old locals as was once the case). Govt policy has debased fiat, but certain corporations have also used that as an excuse to charge like wounded bulls. Everyone's a cunt.