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57803432 No.57803432 [Reply] [Original]

Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX, is seeking a reduced prison sentence of five to six years, citing his autism spectrum disorder as a reason. His lawyers argue that his condition makes him particularly vulnerable to violence and extortion in prison, compared to the recommended 110-year term for his fraud charges. Bankman-Fried was found guilty of seven counts related to fraud, including misappropriating customer funds. His sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 28, where the court will consider arguments from both the defense and prosecution.

>> No.57803454

Chuds always cry saying they have a mental illness when shit hits the fan

>> No.57803475

id be shocked if he even does 6 years.

>> No.57803584

>Your Honor he is an autistic retard, therefore you must acquit

>> No.57803642

I mean, it allowed Chris Chan to get out early.

>> No.57803687

Why bother sending people like him to prisons?
Such a waste, just give him a forced labour sentence of 100 years.

>> No.57803714

Dam I didnt know having autism makes you exempt from all laws
What a retard

>> No.57803756

Lawyers will do what they must. It's amazing what judges and the jury tolerate

>> No.57803761

Then make an autism inclusive prison, and stop letting retards off the hook.

>> No.57803769

>autism inclusive prison

like our homes?

>> No.57804145
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Oh, this is going to be handy for another crypto-bastard who's claimed to be on the autism spectrum too, and who's likely to face jail in the comin months.

>> No.57804218
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autist prison would have unity like the thai jails
i bet there wouldn't even be racial gangs, just factions based on favorite waifus

>Getting stabbed in the shower for liking Rin
>Getting stabbed in the shower for liking showers

>> No.57804243

No, an autist would enjoy that. Give him 100 years community service where he is forced to politely socially interact with goy all waking hours of the day.

>> No.57804261

Cruel and unusual punishment

>> No.57804307
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why wasn't this trial televised? depps and paltrows go live but giga jews like maxwell and this chub are afforded the maximum privacy judicially allowed.

>> No.57805849
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>> No.57805881
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reminded me of this instantly

>> No.57806410

all he did was rape an old woman. Sam defrauded billions of dollars.

>> No.57806540

> Sam defrauded billions of dollars.
Haven't you heard? Every creditor in the FTX bankruptcy is going to be made whole. Nobody lost a thing!*

*some small details apply like crypto tokens being reimbursed for their cash value on the day of the bankruptcy. trivial stuff tho.

>> No.57806549

This sounds hilarious

>> No.57806738

it is.

>> No.57808046

So many pussies in the world today let's freak jew take their money faces no punishment should be facing street justice for what he and his jew rat whore did in addition to the rest of them every single person who got ponzied is a pussy

>> No.57808077

Please don't give employers even more reasons to discriminate against me.

Nah, make him never know what tasks he's going to have to do in a given day. That's the real hell.

>> No.57808117

I feel like life in prison for a white collar crime is rediculous. If I were judge I would give him 20 years. That’s still a massive chunk of his life and a very harsh sentence imo. But it’s still within reason.

>> No.57808132

Fair enough. 90 years.

>> No.57808259

What will he do after the jail tho.
He is fucked regardless

>> No.57808367

Are you kidding bruh? all of us would be listening to his podcast and shit

>> No.57808493
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I am reminded of Shkreli live streaming his trading while dispensing his wisdom to the assembled crowds.

>> No.57808842

Chris Chan didn’t get out early for his autism, he got out because he was already held in jail for 2 years, then when it came time for his trial the judge looked at the minimum sentence for mother fucking and it was two years, so they said fuck it, time served, and sent him on his merry way because the prison and court system has no time to deal with that shit.

>> No.57808913
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I wonder how much commissary Tyrone will need to rape SBF semi regularly.

>> No.57809030

how do I get that kirby

>> No.57809704

Ask the Kirby queen, Coomeru

>> No.57809707


>> No.57809714

damn, in that case i must be autistic since i invested into $SUPER, let me know scam more than 1 billions and get away with it

>> No.57810134

Autists should not be in jail

>> No.57810184

>Nooooo! You can’t just heckin defraud some digital money investors noooo!!1!

>> No.57810186

>He tought the juice won't get scott free lite
oh my sweet summer child
Anyone can scam chuds

>> No.57810198

>my client is a psychopath therefore he didn't know why murder is bad please release him lol

>> No.57810330

>The only Aspie to have ever gone to prison
>muh Chosen
>muh Speshul

>> No.57810345

Sounds like a shit way to live desu sempai

>> No.57811440


>> No.57811705

I wouldn't lay down like that in prison

>> No.57811830

Putting them in a holiday camp with other autists is letting them off the hook.

>> No.57813167

I still remembered an anon telling me to avoid ftx because sbf is a jew. Im glad I listened.

>> No.57813186

You're welcome.

>> No.57813859

oi vey goy

>> No.57813870

Just fucking shiv the guy already.

>> No.57815112

>small details apply like crypto tokens being reimbursed for their cash value on the day of the bankruptcy
That could potentially work against them though as BTC was $63.5k when they went down

>> No.57815422
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How many times did Caroline get pounded on top of that Kirby?

>> No.57815455

Top kek I didn't come here to feel

>> No.57815511

Putting him with other autists would actually be a hellish experience. I used to go on autism respite trips all the time as a kid and I fucking hated 95% of them because they were either literal mongs who were unpredictable, screeched at everything and got randomly violent or they were nitpicky dweebs that hyperfocused on the most boring inane shit and wouldn't stop talking to me about their topic of choice.

>one of the lesser known redpills about autism is that if you have a group of autistic dudes, the higher functioning autists will seek out the lower functioning autists and endlessly neg or big dog them to establish non-existent dominance

>> No.57815561

Top fucking kek

>> No.57815769

Zoom in on rat ugly jew with hpv wow she has a mustache TOPKEK

>> No.57815906

I want this premise to become a television show.

>> No.57817116

37 day riot and hostage incident ensues after the breading on the tendies changes, leaving 22 dead