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57797564 No.57797564 [Reply] [Original]

You gonna apologize to him yet for all that shit you said about him in the last two years?

>> No.57797593

worst performing coin in the top 100 so no im not going to apologize. this man ruined my life. i traded all my other crypto for this shit in 2018 and would have made it several times over holding any other coin. i would MAYBE give a very half assed apology if it hits $100 but anything less and i would punch this russian scammer in the fucking face if i saw him irl

>> No.57797683

Ripple will transact all the fiat in the world in tumor weeks! Garlicbread said so!

>> No.57797687
File: 482 KB, 999x1443, macgruber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the flannel?

>> No.57797705

it is all connected now

>> No.57797814

>Not solved
Good thing QNT has figured out a proper solution to Interoperability.
Massive projects going on behind the scenes, do your research anon or miss the boat.

Sirgay is ready to dump the 45% of the supply that's left this bullrun and cleared them all again

>Another link shill post
You'd think they'd get tired after their organized, multiplatform shill / fud campaign the linkies conducted in 2022/23

>> No.57797823

>QNT behind the scenes
Is Gilbert hiding in the parking lot again?

>> No.57797852

Imagine thinking attending an event and / discussing a product / shaking hands / making more contacts is a bad thing.

Linkies do nothing but post mindless fud comments, yet nothing productive.
It's telling of the minds that think it's a good investment.

>> No.57797870
File: 26 KB, 382x382, 1515786288740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. crybaby

t. lesser sociopath gaslighting linkies in bad faith in an attempt to run interference for some larger mad money psyop that they think they're puppet mastering

>> No.57797874

Ok quant boss-man have fun being the go-to project for the global banking world. Its really happening now! Really!

>> No.57797884

>t. crybaby
meant for

>> No.57797948
File: 163 KB, 1222x676, IMG_20240302_160119_054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see all the link seething when the QNT bros turn out to be right

>> No.57798540

Umm yea. It is happening.
Just might not be "now".

Have you ever heard of the chocolate bar test?

>> No.57798938

I know some people who literally talk like this

>> No.57798973

Fuddies enjoy being humiliated. Thats why they project their cuck fetish on everyone else. Adem is literal proof of that. I’m also the anon thats going to beat the living shit out of him when I visit netherlands. I’ll have a buddy record it and ill post it on /biz/

>> No.57798988

I'll chip in to have him raped by a gang of savage doctors, lawyers, engineers.

>> No.57799054
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Count me in too I want to see his asshole cleaved like wet tissue by criminally insane blacks

>> No.57799075

Lets just pretend that Swift etc aren't actually going to use Chainlink and in fact are going to suddenly change their entire plan and unilaterally go for Gilbert and his Parking Lot voucher project.
Wow, that was a good moment.

>> No.57799105
File: 925 KB, 1606x965, 1696695888767705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in QNT as Gilbert attends all events by any means possible.

Networking is that important.

If he can't get in he operates from the car park. Absolute animal making contacts.

>> No.57799123

I missed last bullrun holding this shitcoin. Not again. Not on my watch. Now I only hold btc, etc and bat