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57795619 No.57795619 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57795645

Fuck off, we are LITERALLY full also AI, ggnscope myself

>> No.57795656

doesn't mean they are going to get jobs. You have to making through coding interviews and have projects to showcase.

>> No.57795664

Current rends won't continue though. You would have to be an absolute clown to be an 18 y/o zoomer looking at the current state of IT and decide to pursue a computer science degree.

>> No.57795666
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>> No.57795683

Glad I got mine when I did. Is this what it feels like to be a whale dumping stock prices?

>> No.57795706

Op obliterated by satan

>> No.57795727

its their generations "just become a teacher it pays well and its easy" shit they threw at millenials in the 00s

>> No.57795846

No way!!??!?!!? That's crazy!!!! Never would have imagined that in a tech driven world CS would eventually be at the top.

>> No.57795927
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AI will soon wreck havoc among CS ranks. They have been sitting flush the past years because previous generations didn't have programming skills and they were needed by all companies that wanted any presence on the Internet or do anything modern.

Their lease is up the minute, the second AI create executable programs and finished products.
Right now it only generates snippets and arguments CS degree holders ability. However, with the current speed of progress I doubt that most of their skills will be needed in 3-5 years.
Probably the first time ever they experience tech progress not working in their favor.

>> No.57795955

Can someone ELI5 this tweet?

>> No.57795973

there were already more programmers than jobs and AI is about to replace them completely
if you're not a minority or a woman you need to pivot immediately

>> No.57795974

So you're saying that CS degree students will have a fleet of AI slave workers to do their bidding and this is somehow bad for them?

What's your degree? Paleontology?

>> No.57795991

The AI revolution for CS will similar to what has happened to chess in the early 2000s.

At first proficient players were able to benefit tremendously from working in tandem with AI as a team. Human players were good at some things and AI better at other things.

However, the more time progressed the better chess AIs became until they became so powerful that they didn't need any human to boost their ability at all.

>> No.57796007
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i got a computer science degree and let me tell you ai is the future ai will write programs on my behalf and execute them perfectly ai is literally the next level of programming it will take over what's your degree paleontology you're lucky that you can see the future with ai and invest in a real token instead of wasting your time studying an out-of-date skill

>> No.57796022

I think it's more likely that initially programmers lose jobs as AI takes over, then it turns out that they leave laughable exploits in their code, so hackers rise up, then cybersecurity and security programming and "security consulting for AI generated programs" becomes the new meta.

And before you say that AIs will just learn to make code so good hackers can't hack it, I counter with hackers will make AIs that exploit "secure" AI code.

>> No.57796054

If the new jeet tester is any indication CS degrees don't mean shit. Guy is actually retarded.

>> No.57796107

Nah its actually this generations finance degree.
Every tard wanted to get a job in investment firms/accounting firms/hedge funds etc etc from 2000-2008.

>> No.57796116

Probably. But even what you describe cuts down CS workforce by 70-80% leaving mostly work in cyber security etc.

Simple non-specific roles that mostly exist because of some people's have the ability to program will suffer the most. Nobody will need those scribes anymore.

>> No.57796132

This was the case for me. Lucky I lucked out with crypto in 2016.

>> No.57797525

The reason is the same with CS. No offence here.
Basically back then it became a meme that working in finance will get you 100k salary easy and beyond, and to he fair it was pretty much flooding with money a while. Every fag wanted a job at the major banks. The exact same type of people who hopped on the finance bandwagon back then are doing same with CS now.
My wife started studying psychology in 2002 and swapped to finance. If it were today she would have swapped to CS.

The funny thing about this is that unlike finance, CS and programming is a genuinely difficult thing, you do need to think a certain way to do it well and make money with it(outside meme bubbles like 2020). You also can never stop learning. Have to keep it up entire career. So i think people doing it now for reasons i stated get filtered out much more aggressively than back then with finance the moment the music stops.

>> No.57797967

>called humanities
>everything in it is replaced by AI
Haha. COMPUTER science being replaced by AI is a lot less pathetic. Humies...

>> No.57797981

t. tard who got a finance degree in 2008

>> No.57798045

So you are saying I should all in on AGRS and dropout from college? T. 2nd year CS student

>> No.57798062

What the fuck is gender studies
Of course cs degree is more important than whatever the fuck this is

>> No.57798180

Most people ITT have no fucking idea how LLM works nor do they have any idea how complex even basic programs are.

But do keep on the fear mongering. It is somewhat entertaining. Like looking a monkey solving a puzzle.

>> No.57798961
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You would have to be an absolute clown to be an 18 y/o zoomer looking at the current state of education and decide to pursue a degree.

>> No.57798990

2 more weeks!

>> No.57799118

CS graduates will still have jobs just like doctors or lawyers will.
People have a mental representation of these jobs as what they "do" in a field instead of what they "know and understand" of a field.
A doctor has to understand and learn a lot biology and physiology before he can even start to learn how to diagnose and treat, I'm talking hundreds of thousand of pages and it's not rote memorization, it's understanding systems and their rules.
Current AI models have insane knowledge bases (arguably many more time knowledge than a MD or CS graduate) but they're still ultimately limited by human input.

A simplistic example would be two person seeing the Girl with a Pearl Earring and wanting to generate more artwork replicating the style. Now who do you think would have the best ouptput? The guy who knows the name of the painting, artist, style and era or the one who never heard about any of it?

If anything knowledge will just become more and more important for humans in order to use these models because the output will only ever be as good as the prompt.

>> No.57799877

this, is totally true
.T stanford masters grad
I could get a job but not a remote job. And currently can't get a in person job due to familial restraints till like September
it hurts bros
two years ago out of graduation i had offers out the ass.

>> No.57799900

I think you underestimate the social conditioning they do in schools. I'm 22 but vividly remember the after high school comes college slogan they pushed on us since like age 9 in elementary. And they tried to guide the kids into "lucrative" fields like CS by doing coding classes and ramping up those subjects in school.

>> No.57800628

In 2000 all the highschoolers were planning to go into bioengineering due to the human genome hiring boom. By the time they got out of college, it was over. You can't afford to mistime these things by two years (like I did with my PhD), or even by one year.