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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 271 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_0157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57792383 No.57792383 [Reply] [Original]

Planning on trading alph to buy more kas but open to other gems. Help biz.

>> No.57792453

why not just ditch the shitcoins and go with just eth and btc/??

>> No.57792485

I ain’t selling my kaspa until it makes me a millionaire. BTC and ETH are too safe and don’t have much upside.

>> No.57792488

kas is at an ath and your gonna bag hold lmao ?!?

>> No.57792497
File: 111 KB, 1251x502, aaawrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a chad for the KAS op, I sold mine way too early

Next thing I wanna bag of is circle lmk if i'm a retarded nig

>> No.57792505

I'm all in RLC, six figures. Full retard to make it.

>> No.57792517

It was at ATH at 5c too
NGMI with BTC and ETH

>> No.57792537
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>does nothing but crab while other AI coins pump
heh, nothing personell kid

>> No.57792544
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tbf to OP kas is in price discovery mode rn and there is no knowing how high it will go and only needs to do a 5x to make him rich af

>> No.57792555

Why are you trading alph?

>> No.57792575

Nahh, ALPH is one to keep leading into eye of the storm Bull frendo

>> No.57792596

Due to biz shilling. I don’t see the appeal but some biz frens convinced me.

With only 7.5% distributed I am very wary that this will crash as more and more coins enter the supply. Also pre allocation is never a good thing where 140m are allocated to devs.

>> No.57792602


>> No.57792613

What do you think about kns? I want to slurp the dip but I'm still undecided.

>> No.57792625

Btc used to have an all time high of $100 and if you held then you never have to work now.

>> No.57792655

How do you guys even manage to put so much money on literal who coins, having like 1 to 5% of my portfolio on bitcoin already makes me anxious and I'm poor as fuck so it's just a pathetic ammount of cash I'm betting.

>> No.57792913
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What will I be at around peak?

>> No.57792961
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I wish that I wasn't such a poorfag and could afford to put more into crypto.. still hoping to end up with 6 figures eventually

>> No.57793048
File: 69 KB, 1101x619, Screenshot_20240301_173422_ETPCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I have another $20k or so on the sidelines I was going to use as a down payment for a house but it looks like the housing markets are still fucked for a while longer. What should I throw that into?

>> No.57793056

You could hit somewhere between 55k and 140k. This is a really unpredictable portfolio, you have some wild cards in here.

>> No.57793060

Probably $200-600K

>> No.57793080

I think you will get to 6 figs, nice to see somebody taking privacy coins seriously

>> No.57793259

i've invested in pretty much the same except kas and Alph, and holy shit, i missed on quite a fucking lot there
Any coins you guys recommend to trade for on dextools?

>> No.57793335
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And 1k of Pepe

>> No.57794322
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if there is suppose to some kind of economic turmoil on or around march 11, and crypto is essentially due for another correction and consolidation before or around the halvening; this weekend would be a good weekend to consolidate and take profit right? but I just don't feel like I have enough skin in the game for it to really be worthwhile for me, I'm just thinking I may as well let it ride until late summer or whenever we start seeing mega green dildo's that have been promised to me by everyone who has supposedly been through previous bullruns. idk I'm trying to watch the market as if I did have hundreds of thousands of dollars in it, but I'm scared to touch anything. even if my portfolio gets cut in half for a few months I'm sure it will surpass where it's at by eoy. but I may be missing an opportunity to consolidate a few hundred dollars and buy back in with bigger bags. idk.

>> No.57794470

Trust me, don't even consider selling for a few hundred or even thousand dollars.
I made this mistake with Chainlink in the past.. I literally bought the bottom and sold my stack at $3.24 each.. I wanted to rope when I saw how much more I would have made if I just sat tight.
If you truly believe in the technology that you are investing in.. you're going to be all good at the end of the day, do you think even 10% of the worlds population is in crypto yet? I am doubtful of that

>> No.57794517
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listen buddy you sold for a measly $324 each that's like less than half a mcchicken you think thats cool i bought bitcoin @ $69420 right before it crashed and i never sold because i'm a degen so i know what real risk is bitcoin is going straight up to $694200 and all you need to do is trust me bro if you have money i suggest you buy wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) to make up for your weak paper hands

>> No.57794592

The fuck is on March 11

>> No.57794756

I made like $15k profit which was very helpful to me at the time.
I was an apprentice with not a lot of money.
I won't be selling anything unless I hit 6 figures this time.

>> No.57794843

I've just been seeing a lot of broad economic fud surrounding that date on social media. something to do with the irs getting aggressive on tax collections. also stuff about how the US economy is poised for a recession in march, which is silly goose talk semantically because as far as I'm concerned the economy has been absolute dogshit since lockdowns ended so I take 'recession' in normie talk to mean 'full blown depression with the dollar completely falling out of it's own ass and more banks going belly up'.
yeah I've been leaning that way, i'm just going to hodl, and just wait for the next correction and accumulate like I've been doing. that strat is super safe but i do need to try and kind of gameplan around these consolidations and get used to making my own predictions so when we get to the apex of this bullrun I am ready to take profits.

>> No.57794858

Beware the Ides of March.

>> No.57795071
File: 395 KB, 750x1294, 4D830846-77C0-491D-B3D7-F4DCC492B83C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really banking on making it with TRAC

>> No.57795129

Also, you can still buy Kaspa tho lol we’re not even on a CEX yet, if you go off their github it’ll happen when they finally get into the end main net around June this year.

t 300k dolphinchad on latter and yrue believer on former

>> No.57795163


>> No.57795235
File: 379 KB, 1289x1253, poorfolio2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a bumpy ride getting there but I think I'm fairly well-positioned now.

>> No.57795306
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What do we think lads

>> No.57795335

that's the wrong lesson to learn, you'll end up a bagholder. You should just take some profits, not sure why so many people on /biz/ think you have to go in and out of trades at the same time. Plus read the fucking market, no point selling in a clear bull market or holding onto everything when the market is weak

>> No.57795522

All bought low and recent.

>> No.57795524

100% Agree with this.
Unfortunately I live in a shitcunt country that will tax you 50% in capital gains if you sell within 12 months of purchasing.
This could screw me over, if it means missing the bull run.. but it could also help if it means not selling too early, ahead of massive gains

>> No.57795670

just use bitpay to buy gold/silver instead of sending it to your bank account lol
are you a fractional-reserve banking enthusiast?

>> No.57795735
File: 736 KB, 1290x2183, Folio #5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is fucking insane. Schizo folio

Trash can coins

Over-diversified and not a single blue-chip

Over-diversified schizo bags

Literally the only folio with anything worthwhile. 10/10

>> No.57795744

The Jews are gonna rug pull it. 80% mined in the first year

>> No.57796046
File: 490 KB, 1010x1010, IMG_1387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a big fan of precious metals and have plenty already. I would use this method but unfortunately, in Australia the government still taxes under CGT; and it's seen as an investment.
ie. buying low, selling high

>> No.57796096
File: 298 KB, 1170x1519, BA0F04A4-7AD9-4F19-8137-88EA63E11A34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue chip gang wya

>> No.57796137
File: 600 KB, 1031x990, Apu_costume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out of here retard, you don't even own your crypto you having imaginary holdings propped up by a shitty cellphone app. You belong on reddit, do you even know what cold wallet is?

>> No.57796184

Stressing about the possibility of losing all your money is not worth it. The only reason I check my stocks is to see how much they went up, because they almost always go up. It’s EZ mode

>> No.57796404
File: 156 KB, 911x517, meincoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is mine

>> No.57797880

So should I sell my alph or no? Please advise.

>> No.57797911

It's 2.5 years old, not 1, and those rewards went to regular dudes like me who were gpu mining in 2022. A lot of people who were mining back then sold early lmao. now the supply is distributed and won't go to rich asic owners. It's bullish

>> No.57797936

-Kas cause its a meme
-XMR good ole xmr.
-BTC Solid nothing much to say
-Eth same as above.
And a large chunk of orange juice consolidated position given the info of truflaiton.

>> No.57797938

I'm all in AVI. Zero or hero. Bought at .0002 and holding until I can retire or until I'm liquidated (doubtful).

>> No.57798014

Really solid, my portholio or atleast what I am workings towards will be very similar. I had to ride some AXL, SUI and Turbo for some quicker gains, but now transitioning those. I would add some FLUX and maybe some XRP and LTC since they have been slow movers

>> No.57798050
File: 253 KB, 1179x2556, IMG_0642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you do with this? Diverse btc-eth-link or something?

>> No.57798155
File: 294 KB, 1080x1961, Screenshot_20240302_022842_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINU 200 billion
XMR 7.3
I don't know what I'm doing. How do I know when to sell?

>> No.57798167
File: 224 KB, 1080x2320, 1703775164803199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as i always say in these threads, im a poorfag eastern euro med student who put almost all his cash in this so id be much happier with 40k from this than "potential" 300k from buying the shitandpiss69inu you're shilling

>> No.57798187 [DELETED] 

I don't have enough money to pay for university admission fees. Can someone help me out with $700?


Please write to me if possible

>> No.57798281

kill yourself you brown faggot, your village will starve to death

>> No.57798292

I was advised to buy RNDR (at the time it was $7.40). I bought FET at $1.00 instead. I think I made the better trade

>> No.57798395

i bought render way lower than that. also i dont wanna bother with ERC coins where every swap fee eats 1% of my folio lol

>> No.57798426 [DELETED] 

Is there no anon enough helpful for this?

>> No.57798464
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I like your red coins anon.
Also eastern europoor here.

>> No.57799779
File: 522 KB, 1080x1658, Screenshot_20240302_150756_CoinGecko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portfolio currently around 40k$. Played it safe at one point and kept 10k$ sidelined in case a dip/crash would've happened. Thinking if I should put some in or wait for a correction(?) 100k$ is a goal of this bullrun, not sure if I'll get it with this folio though.

>> No.57799808
File: 251 KB, 1080x1835, Brothss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can I expect peak bull run bros. Also got 8k in cash

>> No.57800191

Add some VRA

>> No.57800239 [DELETED] 

Can you help me with 700$ for my uni admission anon?

>> No.57800262
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>> No.57800291

rope you brown nigger

>> No.57800316 [DELETED] 

And what's yours?

>> No.57800355
File: 267 KB, 1080x1312, Screenshot_20240302_092238_MetaMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop on this train bros

>> No.57800388
File: 398 KB, 1024x1024, GHnjKeoWEAAurpd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate chad coin

>> No.57800399 [DELETED] 

Can you help me with 700$ for my uni admission anon? I badly want to complete my graduation :' (

>> No.57800526
File: 6 KB, 435x99, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just this and a stash of eth
simple as

this, surprised i havent seen it itt yet

>> No.57800536 [DELETED] 
File: 195 KB, 1072x1637, Screenshot_20240302_164134~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poorfag desperately trying to make it. Please advice.

>> No.57800756
File: 349 KB, 1170x1543, IMG_4353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This and 1k in AGIX. I have 2k more im gonna put in, any suggestions? Was thinking ADA or TRAC

>> No.57800807

Post folio so I can learn then.

>> No.57800899
File: 252 KB, 1333x877, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I do next guys? I'm about to sell off the OSMO

>> No.57801029

velo(velodrome), aero, ram, fxn, cvx, cvg, dmt, gmac, coq, jewel, omni(omnicat)
gud luck guys.

>> No.57801051

how did Osmo manage to do a 5x its a complete shitcoin