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57784359 No.57784359 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>18 yo
>earned 6-figure on one lucky event in crypto
>told my parents about that
>they began telling me to purchase an apartment so that I won't lose the money
>I just waited for like a month
>it's bullrun time now
>the coin in which I'm holding most of my assets is pumping rn and listing on binance soon
>I'm almost sure that if I just wait several months my money will multiply
>my parents are forcing me to withdraw money from crypto to buy an apartment
>I don't know how to explain to them all these circumstances and the reason why I should wait

any advice from anons please?

>> No.57784373

Yes just keep gambling the money anon I'm sure you'll receive your "call" soon

>> No.57784380

what do you mean by "call" ?

>> No.57784394

You don't know about the call?

>> No.57784402

not really

>> No.57784408

What the hell are you doing investing six figures in crypto then??? Get outta here man
Lurk moar then come back when you're ready

>> No.57784414

Go back redditor.
Tell them it's your money that you earnt and you will do with it as you with. They should be happy you're not cashing and blowing it on drugs.

>> No.57784416 [DELETED] 

I am not being able to get married cause of financially short of money. Can any bizbros or any anon donate me 5k$ for my wedding?

If so please send me an email to rahathayat89@gmail.com

Thanks : )

>> No.57784417

if you have 6 figures, sell a little bit. dont buy an apartment, they are boomers who think real estate is the only good investment. keep it in cash or buy money market funds. are you super young, a million dollars at your age will be life changing, just dont lose all of it. think of all the retards on /biz/ who had tons of money then got greedy and tried to swing trade more

>> No.57784423

Sent :)

>> No.57784436

paypal says account not found

>> No.57784443

I already sold like 40k just to have money for living, but I don't want to sell any more because I have a gut feeling that it's the stupidest thing I can make right now

>> No.57784444

Do you haz car? Better you buy car than stupid apartment. With car you free go anywhere and live in it, with apartment you stuck in box, choosr wise young man

>> No.57784447

I have never really wanted a car, and I don't even have a driving license..

>> No.57784455

It's stupid to sell at a start of a new bull run.
Your parents mean well and they're right. Being able to buy an apartment with cash at your age is unheard of in normieworld and this would be huge step for your financial independence later on.
I'd hold off until everything is going parabolic to sell, but make sure you don't take any major risks or use leverage from here on out because if you wipe out your account you'll want to kill yourself. Or your parents just might do it for you.

And what is this coin you're talking about?

>> No.57784461

>talking to parents about crypto ever

Now that you fucked up, learn from your mistake.
Tell them you lost it all and never mention it again.

>> No.57784462

Okay you're allowed to feel like that, it's your money. Just please, only invest the money you are okay with going to zero. Things could go exactly as you predict and you'd be more rich, but it could also turn around on you(the coin doesnt get listed, it dumps etc) and suddenly you're stuck in an illiquid alt with no escape. At any rate, taking profits on a large part of your investments and just holding that in cash is better than investing it in an apartment, dont do that. You have your whole life to invest and compound gains

>> No.57784463

How? Its your money, grow a pair

Also listing on binance is a sell the news event for most shitcoins, see graphs of bonk, pepe etc.

You might get the most out of it selling it at listing day, atleast partially, never wrong to take some profits especially when your poor

>> No.57784465

>I'd hold off until everything is going parabolic to sell
I also want to wait for some time because of bullrun, but on the other hand - what if I'm wrong and crypto will fall in price soon? it won't be any better than just losing it on leverage trading.. any my parents will always remember that shit

>> No.57784490 [DELETED] 

Can you please send me an e-mail to the mail address i mentioned? I can give all the details there

>> No.57784500

The email didnt work

The error says "shitting street not found please try another sir"


>> No.57784504

It might fall in the short term yes, but every indicator is pointing to higher prices medium-long term. Meaning 6+ months from now. Bitcoin didn't just hit 63k 3 years later just to enter a new bear market.
It's unlikely you'll lose money holding spot with decent coins. Leverage on the other hand, you can get wiped out while being long and price going up, not just due to price, but scam wicks, exchange bugs, crashes etc.
If you hold some dogshit coin right now and you have a decent enough sum of money, just derisk. Look for some "safer" bets that will "only" go 5-10x from here instead of chasing 50x with risks of going to 0.

>> No.57784707
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If anything about your story is real then remember there are gorillions of anons in their 20s and 30s and 40s on this board living horrid existences as wagegroids and your parents are going to take your /makeit/ stack from you. Just move out, live in your car, tell them you're going on a road trip or something and wait for your money to hit the big one so you can fuck sluts and party in your youth instead of becoming a wageslave screaming that you hate your entire existence for 30 years until your hair falls out and you kind of make peace with your own mediocrity.

>> No.57785941

i think you are doing the right thing. you have the 40k for living and the rest is the potential moonshot. no one cares about 100k, but if its 500k or 1M. you are set.

>> No.57785959

>500k or 1M. you are set.

anon, I....

>> No.57785977

Buy an apt. Youll always have a place to live. Get a roomate for casflow.

>> No.57786105

How are you set at 500k? I mean if you put it in an index fund he will have $1.9 million in today's dollars by age 38 if he doesn't contribute a single penny, but that's not really enough to retire

>> No.57786200

You gotta be nicer to your parents and be more productive. They only want you out of the house because you probably bother them with the things you do.

My parents want me to sell my house and move back in with them just so I can be around them more, not for financial reasons.

>> No.57786256
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Pull up the chart, show them where you bought, show them where you *honestly could/would sell at at where you think it could climb to. Then tell them to stop talking about it because it's none of their concern and you don't want their prying opinion to rek you and potentially ruin your relationship.

>> No.57786788

>they dont know about the call
Holy fuck top signal I just sold my 7 fig stack and opened an extremely leveraged short on BTC. Its over bros, we are compromised

>> No.57786927

Say it was actually a scam and you have nothing

>> No.57786950

Is the call positive or negative? I know who's on the other line...

>> No.57786985

it wont do the pump you think it will when it lists. Chances it will pump a bit, and all the bag holders will sell immediately.
Buy the apartment, or at the very least move your money out of the shitcoin

>> No.57787007

You made $100,000 on a shitcoin?
Get out NOW while you still have money.
If you want to put anything into "crypto" put it into Bitcoin.
And "Bitcoin" means BTC, not the shitcoins that use its name and try to shill themselves as "the real Bitcoin".

>> No.57787083

>"It's locked away in a smart contract for 6 months so there's nothing I can sell right now. I bet you retards don't even know what that is."
ez. Lying solves everything every time.

>> No.57787284

It's your fault for telling them everything. Anyway, just tell them you lost the game, even if you didn't, so they won't expect much. Consider investing in DePIN coins like RNDR, IOTX, and HONEY, and wait for the Peaq launch later this year. You'll earn more than you expected.

>> No.57787417

Telling anyone about your crypto/investments or net worth is a really bad idea, in the future you should just keep it a secret and not tell anyone

>> No.57789208

Follow your dreams anon
Don't buy an apartment unless you can rent it out and keep living with your parents
You want that passive income
I'd say hold on until you can buy multiple apartments
If you buy a place just to live in it then you're settling
Wait until you can buy loads of places, and be savvy with what you have until then

>> No.57789385

OP, buy yourself real estate as soon as you can (if $40-100k really buys you a place). You won’t regret it. Leave $10k in your crypto and watch it make you another $100k while you enjoy OWNING a place no-one will ever kick you out from.

I’m “old money” so lots of real estate in my home country, but I now live in the US where I rent (with my own earnings). Mom won’t pay my rent so I can’t really afford to kick dicks and not work for a few months like I was able to with owned real estate.

Anyway, if buying a living space is a matter of 5-6 figures I’d do it in a heartbeat!! Seriously, in my mid-twenties I’d rather not live with my parents and not pay rent rather then have a million dollars. Million dollars is something to do in 30s.

>> No.57789425

I never spoke to my parents when I lived with them and they still wanted me out. They don't speak to me now. I don't have a bad relationship with them per say. They just don't like kids.

>> No.57789428
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>purchase an apartment so you don’t lose the money

Your parents just want out of the house so they can start fucking again kid