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File: 104 KB, 1181x666, faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57782890 No.57782890 [Reply] [Original]

why are plebbitors and normies like this? pic related.
They cant do anything without making it into GME.
nothing ever changes. these faggots are the ones buying and making the price go up anticipating their GME like stories.

nothing ever changes..

>> No.57784616

what happens if something happens to make the etfs sell though? it works both ways, which is something i don't see mentioned very much, if at all.
tulips were a good investment too, until the music stopped.

>> No.57784623

to answer your question about why propaganda outlets use stories to drive behavioral shifts, human brains are pattern recognition machines and narratives are the operating system by which information is delivered. it goes back to the days when we sat around campfires a lot.

>> No.57785089


>> No.57785113

It's a way to save face to themselves when it implodes. Also they consider themselves "good people" and good people are never greedy.

>> No.57785128
File: 10 KB, 300x189, 1709143979548944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do retards act like retards?
They're not capable of anything else

>> No.57785135

gme narrative was just the crypto one but in a completely retarded way
>yeah bro the hedgies will pay me 1 trillion dollars for one share during MOASS. no they wont shutdown all brokers and then roll it back to a normal price and throw me in ass rape jail, that would be against the law

>> No.57785145
File: 85 KB, 982x1024, henlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people never heard of re/hypothecation. When the ETF jew starts monkeying with 'paper' bitcoin, you're going to see the same old shenanigans that they pull in the metals, commodities and other etf markets. Everyone in crypto will scratch their heads and go 'duhhh...why my number not go up no more?!?'.

>> No.57785148

shhh let them keep hyping each other I need to get out at $70k

>> No.57785214

This. They will use the ETFs as a liquidity sponge and turn around and short BTC spot price with the funds retail investors throw into the ETF. NEVER EVER TRUST THE JEW.