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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57781639 No.57781639 [Reply] [Original]

>Brazilians are going to have access to a Bitcoin ETF on their own exchanges
Alright boys, it's been fun but it's time to pack it up and go home

>> No.57781655

it's over

>> No.57781665


>> No.57781670

I don't get what you're insinuating here

>> No.57781679

I'm not insinuating anything, I'm telling you it's time to pack it up and go home

>> No.57781701

We were born on the moon?

>> No.57781727

>Chudcel bear still thinks ETFs are bearish after the pump to 60k
I think you need to shed your racism and your constant contrarian thought processes.

>> No.57781741

kill yourself shitskin

>> No.57781783

everyone I know from Brazil is a self centered piece of shit, or disgusting, or both

>> No.57781806

ok but how does this affect Bitcoin

>> No.57781817

anything and everything those monkeys touch turn to shit, same thing will go for BTC and no this time isn't different

>> No.57781841

as if there weren't millions and millions of third worlders buying BTC already
weird rant dude

>> No.57781854

shitzilians are a different kind of thirdie monkey people

>> No.57781882

Did some brazilian fuck your mother or what?

>> No.57781885

Are you new to 4chan or new to the internet? back in like 2010 or something Brazil introduced some government initiative to give laptops to their citizens and they flooded the internet and ruined everything. Every single thing they touched turned to shit. Ever wonder why 4chan isn't as fun anymore? Brazilians ruined it. Anybody who lived through this and who truly understands the destructive power of Brazilians in large groups will understand my post

>> No.57781896


>> No.57781900

This is true, they have a very self-centered culture. The men and the women cheat and don't feel bad about it, they excuse it as cultural or some other sort of sociopathic shit. They're narcissists through and through.

>> No.57781918


>> No.57781933

Yes they have a word Jethinho that describes their attitude of screw everything im gonna get mine. Its a culture.

>> No.57781940

Blackrock is why all our movies are fags.

>> No.57781944

Sorry that hurt chudcel
>chudcel schizo speak
Holy kek what are you even talking about please take meds are the Brazilians in the room with us?

>> No.57781948

Blackrock is fags

>> No.57781953

I hate brazillians so much it's unreal
t. floridian

>> No.57781962

Blackrock is faggots

>> No.57781965

>Ever wonder why 4chan isn't as fun anymore? Brazilians ruined it
As if the average brazilian would know both english and chan culture to flock this place
Most of them who access 4chan are upper class people and are completely segregated from the poor mass, pass some time on /int/ and you would see this is the case, heavily 'americanized' folk

>> No.57781968
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>> No.57781977

Blackrock is gay nigger faggots

>> No.57781978
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>> No.57781992

I didn't even know brazilians had their own version of wall street kek

>> No.57781994
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>> No.57782010
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macaco calle lmao

>> No.57782040

kek, or kkkk should I say

>> No.57782144


>> No.57782171

That's around the time online gaming became full of them. Ruined everything they touched. Shitty stupid arrogant impossible to work with noobs and cheaters. But how is them getting access to the ETF bad? The only choice is buying.

>> No.57782197
File: 41 KB, 217x163, pepe the froge staring at (You).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brazilians unironically think they invented the airplane

>> No.57782256
File: 53 KB, 640x480, a0d95428346d5d2f175b3a2dee4e1a0d270e0deffe2b5f16c79c40f31ab96d3f_3-3257904667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.57782295

there it is, this shit is so kekworthy

>> No.57782392

Way too many spics itt

>> No.57782401

Kek I didn't know about this. They're delusional if they think this guy invented the aircraft. His accomplishments are still impressive, I don't know why they feel the need to lie about him

>> No.57782405

monkeys aren't rational

>> No.57782412
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>> No.57782437

White people will serve a few months in jail on an involuntary manslaughter charge, and that's only if they don't only get a fine. White people can do whatever they want. God, I love being white and not Brazilian

>> No.57782448


>> No.57782478
File: 549 KB, 2052x2052, gisele-bundchen_231021-966654519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u can be both doe

>> No.57782486

I don't have to cope because I'm not Brazilian

>> No.57782501

'cope' what? lol
your chudiness is taking over your brain
touching grass might help

>> No.57782564

I'm a white Brazilian. However, I am heavily tattooed.