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5777895 No.5777895 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else legitimately surprised that unconfirmed transactions for bitcoin are only 130k?

I'm not saying this is acceptable by any means whatsoever. Just the price action is odd considering there is a lack of money moving around.

>> No.5778039

What do you mean? The transactions that didn't make the blockchain?

And is that an amount, or USD, or BTC?

>> No.5778050

i hear ya. for the amount of FUD thrown around, it's mainly high expectations. BTC is doing its thing, and very well, i may add. It's also scaling pretty well and high fees are the inflationary aspect (which everyone was worried about it being deflationary).

BTC is king.

>> No.5778133

wtf even is this post? How are high fees an inflationary aspect? High fees and unconfirmed transactions are exactly why bitcoin has been losing dominance in the market.

>> No.5778400

BTC with bigger blocks and sidechains would be able to handle exponentially more txs a second than VISA. It is king because it works and has been rigourosly tested. Anybody claiming BTC is a dinsoaur/dead is going to be eating crow and left holding a piles of trash coins.

>> No.5778435

I think you're retarded

>> No.5778484


>high fees are the inflationary aspect (which everyone was worried about it being deflationary).

That's really funny. Goddamn r/bitcoin shills are desperate.

>> No.5778598

>hype or fear don't cause people to move assets

Literally every spike in price or sell off has caused a spike in unconfirmed transactions. I think you're retarded.