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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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57775796 No.57775796 [Reply] [Original]

I'm literally never going to make it . I'm starting to believe they will only pump BTC this time.If you think about it every cycle has something unexpected

>> No.57775841

wtf are you invested in? a lot of my holdings are doing 10-30% today only

>> No.57775857

10-30% is fucking nothing. They are still -80-90% down retard

>> No.57775966

More people realizing alts are scams

>> No.57775978

again, wtf are you invested in?

>> No.57776002

BTC is the gateway to alts. Degens sell their BTC gains and use it to buy alts, so it's natural for alts to pump after BTC does. Also if you weren't buying the bear market you're ngmi.

>> No.57776006

many coins, very few had more than a 30% pump since january. Sol was a good one though

>> No.57776015

Declining Volatility

Over time, BTC’s volatility has declined, and it is likely to continue declining over time. ETF buyers, especially advisor-managed accounts, are much less likely to day trade than cryptocurrency exchange users. Said another way, if a large portion of BTC ends up inside ETFs, these assets will likely be stickier than BTC held on a crypto exchange. (Image omitted due to 4-image max on X, see subsequent tweet).

Intra-Crypto Cyclicality

That stickiness is also likely to dampen intra-crypto cyclicality. Long time crypto traders and observers will know that, historically, in bull runs BTC typically leads, then when it stagnates or tops money rotates further out the risk scale, culminating in an “altseason.” Bitcoin held on a crypto exchange can be easily swapped for Ether, and then for altcoins. But Bitcoin held in ETFs cannot be so easily swapped, nor are ETF holders – again if they are heavily comprised of advisor-managed accounts – likely to swap even if they could. The ascendancy of the Bitcoin ETFs will lower the likelihood of major intra-crypto capital rotations. And if Ether ETFs get approved, it will become increasingly difficult for other altcoins to see capital inflows relative to those two because, after all, BTC and ETH together comprise most of the capital and offer exposure to nearly all of the market narratives.

TLDR there will not be an Alt pump this cycle. sorry

>> No.57776016

most of them are still 85% down, how long should I wait?

>> No.57776035

new coin = good.You might need to wait forever

>> No.57776038

that's what happens with alts. you gotta hold man

>> No.57776045

I have new ,old,mid .

>> No.57776055

so, you bought alts at ATH and you're upset you're not recovering and your bags are too heavy?

>> No.57776071

I will man,can't wage slave anymore it's crushing my soul

>> No.57776088

not really,all my bags are in green but it's nothing so far. I need at least 3-4x on each this cycle

>> No.57776091

This is why you're ngmi. You should have been buying the bear market lows to bring your cost basis down. That's what I did and I'm up 2-3x on alts now even though all of them are well below ATH. You fucked up, git gud. To answer your question, we're probably still a year or so out from most alts breaching ATH. Many will not however.

>> No.57776107

even if that were true, the etf money is basically all new money
all the old retail money is still the same, and increased with money supply/inflation, so there will still be an alt season, just not as big relative to bitcoin compared to previous cycles for the reasons you mentioned

>> No.57776117

They are down 80% from their ATH not from where I bought ,sorry for the confusion.

>> No.57776145

Good. Ygmi after all, nigger. Just hold.

>> No.57776384

thanks bro, fingers crossed

>> No.57776533
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>how long should I wait?
dude omg just sell now before you lose anymore money , buy shitcoins get shit profit duh. Personally I am investing all my money in gold and silver.

>> No.57776567

you're a funny guy

>> No.57778004

Wait until Bitcoin surpasses ATH.
The Golden Bullrun will explode.

>> No.57778017

My target for March is 90-120k.

>> No.57778028

Ahahahaha. Dumbfuck baggie