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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57774787 No.57774787 [Reply] [Original]

What are the highest ROI hobbies?

>> No.57774791


>> No.57774812


>> No.57774819

Hobby as in what you do when you’re not working

>> No.57774894

Playing and getting good at a musical instrument, possibly. If you are a skilled player of a classical instrument you can almost always later find work in a orchestra

>> No.57774905

>find work in a orchestra

>> No.57774928

It's true. When I was in college i'd do gigs for city orchestras and get paid upwards of $5k a night. Maybe it's because I played timpani most of the time, your mileage may vary if you choose a normie-tier instrument.

>> No.57774957

racism has enormous ROI

>> No.57774973


What do you like doing?

>> No.57775000

Lifting weights

>> No.57775039

For a normal instrument you have to be really good to play in an orchestra
you can train for years and not make it, at least here in Germany
thats not a good ROI at all

>> No.57775144

you're halfway to understanding how stupid the question was

>> No.57775358

sucking dicks

>> No.57775455

Drawing if you get semi-decent and are willing to create furry porn.

>> No.57775599

Fapping while wearing womens underwear

>> No.57775638

>$5000 a night to play timpani

>> No.57775640

Growing your own food.

>> No.57775953
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Cars are usually a money pit, but /o/ pilled will teach you how to fix them and basically just get a Toyota shitheap and rice it out. It will run indefinitely. Same with /g/ and computers/coding. /fit/ will teach you how to eat and stay healthy if you don’t become a roid tranny. /out/ hobbies can be expensive, but the ROI is that you have the peace of mind that if SHTF you know how to hunt, fish, and survive innawoods (plus literally all the skills needed to do those things carry over into to day to day life)

>> No.57775994

>pic unrelated

>> No.57776037

Kek there are literally guys so mentally weak they fell for Russian propaganda.

>> No.57776093

Kek, I knew self sufficiency and physical fitness would get the non whites on here to seethe.

>> No.57776135


written by idiots who have zero professional music experience. for those that don't know there are 2 tiers, pop stars who make billions and everyone else who is paid dirt for performances.

t.wife plays in world famous orchestra. the top 1% of professional musicians make about 100k a year. she gets paid between 250 and 500 dollar per performance, including practices that works out to be about 15 dollars an hour. the reason you do this is so to use the famous orchestra as a credential to be able to charge 300 dollars an hour for musical instruction. that's where all the money comes from. then its like any bussiness, you have to build it and find clients.