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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5777398 No.5777398 [Reply] [Original]

What is the next 100x? Why are they always so unpredictable?

>> No.5777441
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I want to know too

>> No.5777469


>> No.5777484

raiblocks is still the next raiblocks

>> No.5777524

how about you make a coin and /biz/ will pump it to infinity

>> No.5777526


>> No.5777536 [DELETED] 

BCPT, look into it and look at the marketcap.

I've never seen a promising coin at such a ridiculous low marketcap that's available on a major exchange like binance

>> No.5777550

raiblocks still has x100 in it.
will only slow down to look behind at IOTA and laugh

>> No.5777552


>> No.5777565

MFW the next turbo pump is right in front of you and you decide to ignore it.


>> No.5777566
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the ETH of XRB

>> No.5777573
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keep a close eye

>> No.5777574

Raiblocks got shilled like the second coming of Jesus on reddit when it was 3 dollars. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.5777578

Bitbean will reach #1

>> No.5777591
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BAT. But you don't have to believe me. I don't care if you get rich or not.

>> No.5777600




>> No.5777601

+1 on this. Legit bought $200k. Remember the bittrex test wallet leak :) . App release coming soon. Great normie appeal.

>> No.5777640
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>> No.5777685
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Rai is the new masterrace. Get in while you can pleb.

>> No.5777690

BAT looks very promising but its already 56 cents

>> No.5777709

thread deleted. probably a pajeet coin

>> No.5777797

xspec was 40 cents last month and is currently hovering around $6, and the marketcap is still around 100m
Stop buying into /biz/ shilled pajeet pumps and look for gems senpai, I'm pretty sure XSPEC will overtake Dash in the coming months.

>> No.5777821


>> No.5777913


>> No.5777923

check out latium

>> No.5777959

Nah, vericoin

>> No.5778018


>> No.5778094
File: 9 KB, 200x200, skycoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skycoin is pretty great still low marketcap. ENG might moon a bit harder. Bulwark can grow. Rai and XLM are both 3x+.

>> No.5778194

XSH - looks like a breakout is imminent

>> No.5778333

so basically xsh is what verge is supposed to do?

>> No.5778408
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Nice thumbnail faggot

>> No.5778414

Brave is trash
Already high as fuck marketcap

>> No.5778432


>> No.5778495

Porque no los dós

>> No.5778512

Honestly, TAU (lamden).

>> No.5778545

I'm gonna throw you a bone: it's ITC folks.

>> No.5778574


>> No.5778604
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>> No.5778623
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when the tubers start shilling it you'll have missed the moon mission

>> No.5778635


>> No.5778642
File: 3 KB, 124x35, wan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I've been looking into Wanchain, shit looks fucking cash. Looks like it has potential to override some coins with similar features in the top 20 range. Likely going to go deep on this one once it hits an exchange.


>> No.5778665

Dunno what verge is supposed to do. Never touched it. XSH uses tor nodes for privacy and Lamport Signatures against quantum computer attacks

>> No.5778666

ICT nigga
$130 million market cap
gonna be bigger than IOTA in 6 months
look it up

>> No.5778672

WAN looks good to me, probably going to buy a ton too.

>> No.5778690

Okay true story, I basically have a /biz/ portfolio at this point:

I don't remember the prices I bought in at, but:

I bought $1500 worth of linkies, that is now worth $4000

I bought $1500 worth of REQ that is now worth $10,000

I bought $400 worth of RAI which is now worth $1500.

A bootleg chinese pepper growing forum is legitimately making me rich. I believe you now, /biz/. Shill me your bags anon.

>> No.5778759


>> No.5778760
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>> No.5778787


>> No.5778791

SingularityNET (AGI), gotta be quick tho. Only 4000 holders 15k plus community looking to get in. Tokens will be released within 2 weeks.

>> No.5778801
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Shilled hard but YouTubers

So this will moon once it's in market.

Anyone know what exchange it's going on first?

>> No.5778838

No idea yet, I'd guess Binance is the popular option so get yer funds ready

>> No.5778881

how long until it hits exchanges?

>> No.5778898
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>> No.5778929


based af

>> No.5778942

DBC you'd be kidding yourself otherwise

>> No.5778963

I would go for NULS... this is a fucking undervalued gem, mark my words

>> No.5779298

ECA by far

>> No.5779345
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>tfw i dont understand how to buy

>> No.5779416

literally just send eth to metamask, from there send it to lamden's address they give you it's not difficult xd

>> No.5779469


>> No.5779612

still dont understand

>> No.5779719

Prime XI

>Tiny market cap
>Privacy coin
>Good team
>Website coming this week

>> No.5779900

it will go above $56

>> No.5779921


>> No.5779967

Electra all the way. .002 right now, new wallet coming, fast as fuck and sexy graphics. ten cents here we come

>> No.5779970

A year ago people on BIZ shilled Antshares (NEO) and most called it a shitcoin. Sometimes the ones that 100X are the ones that look like shitcoins at first OP.

>> No.5779979
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same exact scenario as RaiBlocks

don't miss out at $1

>> No.5780017


>> No.5780056
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We're not done accumulating, delete.

>> No.5780135

You bois better keep BAT low until my BTC purchase goes through next week so I can accumulate a little bit more before the moon mission

>> No.5780158
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come at me

>> No.5780193

>literally the most obvious moon

>> No.5780285

This. Can get it on ED now or through their site

>> No.5780314

You obviously haven't used Brave. It's a good browser.

>> No.5780406

hush now, still accumulating

>> No.5780411
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>mfw getting in at $1 a coin

>> No.5780483

We should be still quietly accumulating ITC, but I'll give you this one, OP.

ITC has IBM partnership. Shilled on HuffPost today. Tokens were sent to Binance to be listed soon. Marketing just started as "IOTA of China".

Low market cap, that's your next moon mission.

>> No.5780528

my money (literally) is on elixir as well.

SALT is shit compared to elix

>> No.5780579


>> No.5780632


>> No.5780689

>low market cap

>> No.5780694
File: 4 KB, 206x56, Pylon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need super low MC shit for a moon like raiblocks. Get your PYLNT nowww its already rocketing

>> No.5780711

Lemme clarify then. Not a top 100 coin.

>> No.5780727
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but don't tell anyone

>> No.5780762

Sky, no question

>> No.5780803

Cloak will easily moon

open source just released
audit underway
low supply and cap

>> No.5780866

should i hold? bought 300 a few days ago

>> No.5781071

how about DRP?

>> No.5781154
File: 30 KB, 1317x501, 39050D19-5AEA-45BC-9830-4B3C595694AD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Universa, on exchanges soon. Russian government, biggest bank and so on are going to use Universa blockchain.

Should be pretty easy 100x

>> No.5781179


>> No.5781229
File: 199 KB, 1400x1400, 1_gS24wBEJOaghsTLNTJoFBQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ICN will be the next 100x, guaranteed. They just announced partnership with Binance and ICN is already massively undervalued.

Screenshot this.

>> No.5781270

when BEAN reaches $1 this year I'm gonna sprout hard all over all the nobeaners

it is the comfiest hold among the staking coins

>> No.5781315

IOT chain dead fukin srs

>> No.5781331

Really want to get in on this. How shady are the exchanges. Even buying on bitgrail made me.nervous as fuck

>> No.5781366

I went hard as fuck into Universa. Can't fucking wait desu.

>> No.5781471

Every coin in this thread that got no replies.

>> No.5781578

Name pls kind sir

>> No.5781661

hey does Huobi require ID verification for depositing and withdrawing? looking to buy some ITC but I'm USA

>> No.5781680

what the fuck is this graph

>> No.5781702
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This is the most obvious 100x currently.

>> No.5781725


>> No.5781750

cryptopia is much less shady than bitgrail

>> No.5781952

is too late to jump on xrb? seems fuckin expensive and im already spread thin with heavy bags

>> No.5781979

wait for binance and huge crash

>> No.5782061
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>> No.5782070

>messes up wallets and delists crypto as they please when they mess up
>much less shady
wew. cryptopia might as well be liqui

>> No.5782174

i unironically think it'll be FLO
when it gets marketed more it'll probably see a lot of hype. just like lbc did for that one week, only better

>> No.5782314


Shill me on this, please. I bought 200 of 'em but I have no idea what the fuck it's for and what it does and what moon potential it has.

>> No.5782398

ENG is going to $45

>> No.5782440

average transaction speeds I'd guess

>> No.5782448 [DELETED] 

Its Zero, but none of you uneducated people will dyor so you wont end up buying it.

>> No.5782491 [DELETED] 


Zero has no fees, is zk snarks enabled, proof of stake functions built in, unlike zcash or zclassic.

>> No.5782617

>wait for binance and huge crash
wat did he mean by this?

>> No.5782729

You participated in the ICO? There's no exchanges for it yet afaik

>> No.5782756


>> No.5782794

Vechain Raiblocks only does 7000 transactions per second Vechain 10,000 tps plus all the partnerships 60+ dev team government backing etc etc easiest 100x of your fucking life. Do some research you will have a hard time not /all-inning/

>> No.5782798

Most people are stuck holding their raiblocks, as soon as this goes onto a new exchange with actual availability for movement we're going to see a sizeable dump and the price will crash, is what he meant.

>> No.5782876

First exchange it's available I'm jumping on, we're going to see a lot of country specific 'XRB's and this one definitely could have potential for Russia's premiere cryptocurrency.

>> No.5783081
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>> No.5783122


it's qash, read the file name next time

>> No.5783322

bulwark. low supply, low market cap. next dash.

>> No.5783709

>being this pleb

Bought XRP at $0.96 and sold it at $2.30. More than doubled my money. $1 coins can move a lot because they get the pump n dump.

>> No.5783777

>$3.83 already
>can't buy on binance yet
>200% growth in 7 days
This coin is already pumped to its moon.

>> No.5783782
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You're welcome

>> No.5783818

I wouldnt be surprised if it goes 5x after binance. I wouldnt be surprised if it went to 5 bucks either

>> No.5783943

>What is the next 100x? Why are they always so unpredictable?
Is this even a question obviously reddcoin, Yahoo finance + Forbes articles in the past week and its literally one penny what the fuck could you possibly lose 100 fucking pennies? I dunno. YOU DO YOU KIDDO

>> No.5783970
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>> No.5784308

So basically, babies first crypto attempts are better bets than established teams making coins that matter?

>> No.5784748

Why is a coin with zero merits that has gone 20x in the last 2 weeks go even higher? Redpill me on that goy.

>> No.5785520

its the only one that hasn't mooned, fuck it Im going in, will I be okay? when should I pull out?

>> No.5785811

>Dima Rusakov
>CEO and co-Founder
>offer vpn
So close schlomo. Almost had me on privitax

>> No.5786066


delete this senpai. vechain too. icon too.

all in on dem chinks this year baby

>> No.5786142
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You receive the coins faster then the confirmation e-mail saying they send the coins

>> No.5786194

Yeah if you're a brainlet.

>> No.5786197

PascalCoin. Not even a pajeet shill, I bought 1k after seeing someone shill it at 2 dollars and it's up to 4 already.

>> No.5786317

>Why are they always so unpredictable?
basic market economics, anon. A 100x can't be easy to predict almost by definition. If a coin was such a sure thing that it was easy to predict it's future value, then it'd be priced in by the market price almost immediately.

>> No.5786545

Sub is 100x this year.

>> No.5786606
File: 7 KB, 400x300, nebulas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nebulas (NAS) - new coin by cofounder of NEO

Testnet already live. Mainnet in < 3 months

$1b+ marketcap incoming

>> No.5787103

Can someone explain to me why qash tokens are useful?

>> No.5787212

still hodling myself

>> No.5787301

I've got $10k to spread between coins. whats the best way to make profits within 3 months? Spread between which coins? How much in each?

>> No.5787318

>not posting the name
KYS TBQF my dewd.

>> No.5787340

market cap is already $500m lol

>> No.5787364

Your point?

>> No.5787628


>> No.5787676

its gambling

>> No.5787741

ECA is the obvious choice. market cap is still <100mil and its as fast as XRB with added privacy, easier alt exchanging and more efficiency

>> No.5787808


Gambling you have a predefined odds of winning or losing.

What part does taking advantage of human psychology in a nascent market with 1000s of unregulated coins equal gambling? It's speculation, a form of investing.

You won't make it with this attitude desu.

>> No.5787857


It's pretty obvious, it is fucking ITC. Another DAG coin like IOTA brought to you by China and fucking faster than Raiblocks.

Shit your pants when this hits Binance because it is gonna hit hundreds of multi baggers

>> No.5787891

Raiblocks was predictable. I bought at $3.

Sorry that you believe every pajeet FUDer on here

>> No.5787996


>> No.5788093

the next 1000x is the ICO SETH

you heard it here first anon


sether. io check it out. it's 100% legit

>> No.5788100

Keep holding a ton of eca, comfy as fuck.

>> No.5788741
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Give ChainTrade a look. Commodities are a 2 trillion dollar industry and it's going to be the first licensed blockchain commodity exchange. Could be big. Like real big.