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57773203 No.57773203 [Reply] [Original]

was offered 500 btc for my wow account in 2010, didn’t take it

I had 50+ btc in 2015 and was selling it for a small % increase

Went into 2017 with a little over 30 bitcoin and held all the way down to 3k

Sold 10 Bitcoin for 60k thinking it was going to go down to <1k again after it rallied from 3k to 6k (thought it was dead cat)

Had 20 bitcoin left in 2018/2019 that I put into 15 or so into alts that all lost tons of sat value and didn’t recover

Went into 2020 with 5 bitcoin and didn’t sell the top (again) because I thought it would be going much higher

Started playing with leverage in 2022 and lost the all of the last 5 Bitcoin I had

I am the text book case of why people say

>just buy bitcoin and hold, disregard everything else

>> No.57773220

>made 600k
>still sad
kys op

>> No.57773342

op lost it all leverage trading

idk what to say OP. i lost 10k leverage trading and learnt my lesson that day. i was traumatized for months. i wish you the best of luck processing this. focus on your health thats all we have in this life

>> No.57773414

dude i spent 30 btc in summer of 2017 on coke and hookers, you'll be fine. just learn and start stacking. you do have a job right?

>> No.57773438

Hope you got clean
That’s a subhuman loser move kek

>> No.57773469
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That was like 60k at the time what the fuck lmao

>> No.57773493

I’m calling it now, this is the new copy paste meme of this cycles mania

You’re going to see this on Reddit soon

>> No.57773613

ah yes, using reddit as a pejorative

>> No.57773660

>op lost it all leverage trading
oh fuck. i stopped reading before that. sorry op, that's brutal. i hope you can recover and prosper further than before.

>> No.57773764
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You may have missed BTC but you're right on time for Fringe fi. One of the main reasons people lose money on CEX margin trading is because exchanges trade against their users. With a DeFi solution that just isn't possible without taking huge risks as manipulation of the books is not an option. In addition to that, Fringe has composable margin trading pairs, so any 2 listed assets can be traded against each other. If you want AVAX vs SOL (listing pending), you can do that.

This is a 1000x bag so save yourself. They've been building for 5 years and it's finally rolling out.

>> No.57775105
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only videogame ive played in like 5 years has been blocklords and a little bit of counter-strike

>> No.57775117

Shut the fuck up bot

>> No.57775122

very epic 4chan of you fellow anon! have a (You) :D!

>> No.57775127

stop being mediocre faggot

>> No.57775154
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Definitely a suicidal streak of terrible fucking luck and bad decisions. Sorry op but holy fuck your greed and stupidity don't seem to have any bounds. Keep at it don't actually do it but god damn hope you learned a few things at least.

>> No.57775156

do you actually enjoy playing against insufferable cryptobros and children online or is this some sort of self inflicted punishment you put on yourself?

>> No.57775159
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>> No.57775175

ah yes the aryan chad afraid of hookers and a mundane drug

>> No.57775186

You would have sold, spent, or lost your coins years ago. You would have never held until an ATH. And if by some miracle you did hold, you wouldn't sell for profit and instead would ride the price all the way back down. You aren't missing out on anything.

>> No.57775189

>t. have never spent 60k on hookers and coke
Oh no no (me neither that is fucking crazy)

>> No.57775190
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Gaming is dead anyways, theres literally nothing worth wasting some time to nowadays except for some indie games. Keyword 'some', a lot of indie games are just annoying zoomie philosophy walking simulators with zero gameplay made by some overthinking virgin

>> No.57775210
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Could've made literal millions if he didn't fuck up so many times in a row though. I understand being sad. Bet OP also did his tax work properly and ended up with like 480k or something.

>> No.57775216

Turned a profit yet, son?

>> No.57775223

what the fuck are you going to do with 60k anyway
might as well have some fun memories

>> No.57775238

cry about not having 100k

>> No.57775308

geez I remember there was a site that gave btc free daily

>> No.57775385

30 million dollars is serious money. that's actually incredible money, set for life money.

it's a case of two extremes, on one side it's a scar that will remain forever because what you missed is so great. but on the other side it takes a monster, not a man, to hold onto bitcoin with incredible resolution for the past 15 years with all the brutal ups and downs.

>> No.57775449

>Larps on a board full of virgins and pajeets


>> No.57776155

take the leverage trading L and move on

i went from 560k to 40k. never using leverage ever again though. ive learned my lesson

i still believe ill make it though