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57771257 No.57771257 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.57771265

Why not both?

>> No.57771269
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I just bought more at 62.5k so odds are we're going up. You're welcome.

>> No.57771285

Yes about 2 years it'll hit 40k just for you

>> No.57771344
File: 18 KB, 748x242, 1699638313130449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Down most likely. The following text was originally written Feb 20th and is based on math from April-May 2021:

Part 1 of 2:

Reminder that as far back as May 2021, we predicted BTC not hitting ATH again after bottoming. Most of you have probably forgotten.

Picrel – a super interesting and profound insight – was the first of many posts dealing with this issue, using these numbers: https://archive.is/0hrT9 (note "20 Feb" – like I said, meant to post this that day)

That archive link pic (the one used in the May 2021 post) was based on the April $64.8k top, which we back then assumed was THE top (we didn't predict the bullshit pump that occurred towards $69k, that began at about the same time a certain e-celeb added the BTC logo to his twatter account). Hence "120 / 20" – the "20" being the X-ing BTC did from 2018 bottom to $64840. Since the three instances of loss of "X-ing ability" or "mooning strength" was "5.3", "5" and "6", an estimate of a "5.5" was used which produced "20 / 3.63" so in other words an X-ing of 3.63 from the future bottom.

If we apply a 3.63 X-ing to 15.5 (15.5k) we get 56.265 which means BTC could pump to $56k from 15.5k. However "3.63" was based on the top being $64.8k, not $69k. Since we now know BTC reached $69k, we can recalculate that May 2021 projection to be a bit more accurate. It doesn't need to be super accurate, and the "5.5" loss in "mooning strength" or "X-ing ability" is just an estimate anyway (the loss could be 5 or 6 this time around; 5.5 is in the middle), but this will get us a more accurate result.

If we use "21" instead of "20", as that's closer to the X-ing from the 2018 bottom to the $69k top than a "20" X-ing, then we get a new X-ing number of 3.82 instead of the old 3.63 from May 2021 (because 21 divided by 5.5 = 3.82). And so we apply a 3.82 X-ing to 15.5 which gives us 59.21. So $59210. So, still no new ATH.

>> No.57771355

You said the same in 2021 and we hit 15k, we'll hit 13k this time and boomers will die en masse of heart attack.

>> No.57771363
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<--- pic is the pic in the archive link

Part 2 of 2:

That's of course using the estimation that the loss in BTC's "mooning strength" or "X-ing ability" this time around is 5.5, which is an estimate based on the previous times when BTC's loss was "5.3", "5", and "6" in chronological order. If this time around the loss is 6 (the highest which has occurred so far), then using 21 we get 3.5 and applying a 3.5 X-ing to 15.5 gives us 54.25. So $54250. If this time around the loss is 5 (the lowest which has occurred so far), then using 21 we get 4.2 and applying a 4.2 X-ing to 15.5 gives us 65.1. So $65100.

However to get a fairer and more honest middle estimate (the 5.5 number), the "120 / 20" aspect (of the May 2021 calculation) should also be recalculated using 21. Using 21 we get 5.714 instead of 6. This means the range is 5 to 5.714, not 5 to 6. The middle between 5 and 5.714 is 5.357. Recalculating again using "5.357" (instead of 5.5) from 21, instead of 3.82 we get 3.92. Applying a 3.92 X-ing to 15.5 gives us 60.76 as opposed to 59.21. So $60760 instead of $59210. If this time around the loss in "mooning strength" or "X-ing ability" is the exact same as the previous time, that is a "5.714" loss from 21, then we get the number 3.675. Applying 3.675 to 15.5 gives us 56.9625. So $57k. As you can see, the differences are small.

Naturally this time around the loss may be slightly more than 5.714 or slightly lower than 5. Considering the current BTCUSD market and the current situation with the S&P 500 (which looks pretty dumpy) and the USDT Dominance chart (zoomed out it looks like it bottomed and is going up), then it looks more likely the loss this time around is greater than 5.714 rather than lower than 5. Or closer to being 5.714 than being 5. So it seems BTC is either a few k away from topping or is topping right about where it is now.


These two posts were posted by the OP here: >>57757295

>> No.57771390

What do you think happens when every missoooor such as yourself is waiting for a pullback?

>> No.57771396

I bought now and I am hoping for a dump to 50k to get that delicious SLUUUUUUURPPPPPPPP

>> No.57771420


No, will go up indefinitely

>> No.57771443

All this text and I can disprove it with 3 letters:

>> No.57771498
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No I specifically said ftx crash must be the bottom but I support your boomer genocide campaign

>> No.57771654

yes nice chart, however consider the following:

>> No.57771678

Cool analysis, but your forgot about something.

>> No.57771684
File: 807 KB, 1280x853, orcy9TaQ9j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol yeah bro nice chart you really outsmarted wallstreet what do these idiots think bitcoin is only going to go up infinitely what are you retarded you're right though etf is all that counts you should really just keep going deeper in the hole bro definitely do not sell you already paid your money so there is no going back etf is all there is to consider really

>> No.57771707

did your lines consider that there are three letters in the english language

>> No.57772555

line goes up forever sir.

>> No.57772686

You had 3 years

>> No.57773998

You ever seen a chart before? short until at least 54k

>> No.57774036
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>The following text was originally written Feb 20th and is based on math from April-May 2021
you stupid nigger


none of your TA (which was pure fanfic anyways) means anything anymore because the entire fucking dynamic has CHANGED FOREVER

>> No.57774052

There's still 8 hours until the monthly candle closes, so anything can happen desu. Could smash through 65k or just crab here.

>> No.57774117

I only read one paragraph and I can already tell this is complete garbage giga autismo trash. some arbitrary retard system based on zero connections to the real world