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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57768227 No.57768227 [Reply] [Original]

I have 4000 usd that I can spare, I am trying to invest or find a way to make it into more money. I looked into bitcoin mining but that is out of my budget. Any REAL advice? I had 5000 and spent 1000 of it on tools to maybe learn to repair things etc for money. any help is appreciated. Pic unrelated.

>> No.57768242

>ib4 poor fag
yeah I just pulled myself out of being homeless and have 4000.0 that I don't need for bills etc saved up.

>> No.57768287

I don't want it just doing nothing in a savings account.. I thought about growing weed but they made it legal in the last few years so it's worthless now. Plus I don't know any customers.

>> No.57768326

>nothing else needs to be said

>> No.57768337
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anyone at all?
More info
>enrolled in community college to finish my degree I quit 10 years ago
>shit part time job in the field of the degree for experience

>> No.57768339

Farming fees by providing liquidity in CLMMs

>> No.57768347

lol I actually almost bought that in 2021.. what's the price target or where can I find more information?

>> No.57768366

Tell me more? I'm searching now... is this a meme or a scam or do you do this?

>> No.57768378

Congrats on pulling yourself out and saving up some cash. I was homeless back in 2017 with no money and now have a 500k worth. It’s not much, but it’s a start, and I worked hard with a somewhat sound body and mind to get here. I would say first invest in your health… specifically diet. Only eat meat, fruit, and the occasional veg. If you can’t afford real food then fast, like our ancestors did, until you can score a kill. From there and with a clean body start exercising more if you are not already. But if money is all you are looking for and don’t mind holding for a bit, I would say KAS is the next game changer in the crypto space. And that 4K would become 40-400k In a year or 2. Cheers

>> No.57768396

Thanks man, I bought a deer rifle and plan to get back into hunting this fall. I also used my food stamp money to buy garden seeds and honey. I no longer qualify for assistance I think, but I'll be gardening this year. I'll look into KAS, can you point me in the right direction for a qrd?

>> No.57768507

also why no veg?

>> No.57768541

if you act fast enough you'll be able to snag 200 LINK with that amount
the number's dropping by the minute tho, might not be able to cross 200 by morning

>> No.57768618

I think I missed that boat. anyone have stock advice? I have -30 bucks in a stock account because of meme penny stocks.

>> No.57768713


>> No.57768762

invest in a larger coin or go for shitcoins for short term investment, like BIGMIKE or others
But ESPECIALLY the new ones, cuz they have a short period in the very beginning when their value is like 5% of the value until it suddenly spikes and then settles at a constant price.

>> No.57768802

so monero etherium or bitcoin would be fine long term? or the 2-3 that were mentioned in this thread?

>> No.57768813

Penny stocks is what bankrupted me. Avoid them as 95% go to zero, within a year or 2. Crypto is gambling too but the cycles are predictable. Veg is subpar to meat as most of what you can buy at store is GMO and heavily sprayed with glyphosate with no nutrition left in the ground. but if you can grow your own it’s fine if its a smaller % of diet. Same goes with pork and chicken. Good if you can raise your own, but bad at store as they are fed the grain goyslop, that they were never meant to be fed. Red meat is the best thing you can buy at store even it’s just $3.50 lb ground beef at WM, it’s only fed the goyslop for the latter part of its life. But if you can afford grass fed/ grass finished beef/bison/lamb that is the best go, better yet elk or venison since you have your rifle. Reddit sucks, but start there for KAS qrd

>> No.57768891

Based. I wish you good health, was actually about to buy some ground lamb at the store tomorrow, never had it before.

>> No.57768956

what causes all these smaller coins to fluctuate? Is everything just a casino?

>> No.57769041

idk I don't actually touch crypto I just always tell people to buy LINK because that's what you're supposed to do on /biz/ to fit in

>> No.57769099

what do you do

>> No.57769224

bump for info on this

>> No.57769502
File: 146 KB, 720x1291, Esteban plebbit whitepaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok i will effort post.
After years of development and sideways, plebbit mooned from 2m mcap to 4.8m mcap in a months. This is why.
Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no need for SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that have and don't have ads.
ENS is used for board names.
NFTs could be used for avatars.
The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO.
As the protocols is adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and perhaps even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand by being apart of a social media protocol with a viable and novel design.
The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues in a DAO and tipping.
After 2 years of development and sideways, its suddenly gone from 2m mcap to 4.8m mcap.
It has no VCs (100% dev funded) and was 100% airdropped. (even the devs had to get their own bag on the market like everyone else). Its completely grassroots.
Try the demos, read the whitepapers and github. If you can code, contribute to the opensource code.

>> No.57769674

cheers for this anon!

>> No.57769683
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>bitcoin mining
>in the year of our lord 2024

>> No.57769802
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a few weeks ago, my adhd oppositional defiant antisocial actually dog fucking transmasc niece in law spoke to me for the first time since elementary school. she thought i'd be impressed that shes been mining btc on an old gaming laptop for a few weeks. scoffed at her and advised that she'd make 100x more just selling the laptop instead of damaging it, but she is blinded by the ~$20 she claims to have made so far.

>> No.57769818

Throw 1000 buckaroos into LINU

>> No.57769836

Do your own research

>> No.57769839

What do people think about StaFi?

>> No.57769845
File: 2.38 MB, 300x250, plebbit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this isnt a meme shitcoin. yes its called 'plebbit' and has a NPC face but the underlying protocol (p2p social media with no https endpoints and nft/ens integration is a novel design that actually works proven by the demo.
also the way i see it:
btc = digital gold
eth = smart contracts
chainlink = decentralized data
plebbit = cryptographically open public communities. its the next paradym shift.
eventually all influencers, special interest groups, regardless of their political, social or economic opinion is will have a plebbit sub/board and will invest in plebbit to some degree to get their sub/boards on the default feed or other niche specific feeds.
long term conservative targets are 1b-5b by 2026-2028.

>> No.57769996

alright i'm stupid I get it lol.
I'm doing it but I didn't realize biz is as bad as /k. lol Just help me out
interesting. i've been reading up on it for an hour, I hope you get to see a redditor hit by a car one day, or make 10,000 this month.

>> No.57770074

first off, quit paying attention to obvious pajeet shill effortposting. if you're new, just stick to the established mainstream options until you've been through a cycle. just be patient, you don't need to be a fucking millionaire by next week. so what if it takes ~4 years? do you have some other prospect offering that same potential?

>> No.57770093

just buy link, forget you bought it and never visit biz again
or go gamble on some microcap pajeet shitcoins

>> No.57770097

Buy a dirt bike.

>> No.57770111

OP please listen to this poster and just leave /biz/. This is not an ironic post. /biz/ is 99% scams and the jannies actively scam users.

Avoid everything thag's not in the top 100 and LEAVE /BIZ/ I'm serious. You will only find worthless schizo projects from 2017 and worthless schizo shitcoins. All indians and third worlders.
Find your info on youtube or twitter

Pseudonymous or doxxed is the only way in financial realms

Never trust anonymous sources

>> No.57770116

Throw it in STX and enjoy the inevitable 10x.

>> No.57770124
File: 66 KB, 978x731, RhV4FJcMD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro do you think this guy even knows what he's doing he seems so clueless lmao like he's just gonna throw 4k down the drain in a sea of indian scammers and shitcoins seriously who's even heard of these
i mean sure there's bitcoin and maybe ethereum but besides that i don't know why anyone would try to invest in these other coins that no one else has heard of this guy just needs to get out of here now lol

>> No.57770126

Avoid nevermoving ancient bagholder coins that /biz/ loves such as:

These coins have financial cults like GME and AMC and biz loves to baghold them. They think banks will buy xrp for $18000 because of a lawsuit. In reality thr coin is $0.55

Last post of mine.
Just leave and never look back

>> No.57770131

lol is this a real tweet? wtf you dutch guys make me laugh

>> No.57770133

2x long bitcoin until 150k
Set stop loss at 50% loss

>> No.57770139
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Notice how these retards attack me for effort posting.
Relying on ad hominem attacks instead of refuting the technical novel idea of plebbit.
They are dishonest retards.
You don't even need to get plebbit token.
The token isn't central or mandatory to use the protocol.
Just try the opensource demo, make a shitpost or two on the protocol or create a sub or seed with the full client, and seed.
The client itself should tried regardless of the token.

>> No.57770260

Dutch is a retarded language.

>> No.57770276

Its like when youre a kid and you make up a fake language "we heeben en bigem promebeeleeem"

>> No.57770333

If you want the chance to make giant profits, like through the moon profits, 100x+ profits, then XRP. It will either do that or be a stablecoin shitcoin piece of shit.

If you want safer bets that will def make you good profit but nothing crazy, then kaspa, injective, hbar.

>> No.57770350

He’s a kike and other half is Indonesian

>> No.57770353
File: 2.10 MB, 1024x1024, MBgWvVUfmG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are actually retarded enough to think that any of these random shitcoins are
and that they could possibly reach 100x profits you are just asking to lose all of your money you might aswell send me your money so you don't lose it all

>> No.57770541

Gold, Silver, or Copper.

>> No.57770567
File: 13 KB, 257x196, neder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dit is nu een NEDERDRAAD

>> No.57770709

>4000$ in gold, silver, copper
In 2034 that will be nice little 300$ profit.

>> No.57770727
File: 88 KB, 670x380, mangoinu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Run a rug pull/shitcoin and exit with investors money like the rest
Pic very related
Look at this to understand what I'm talking about

>> No.57770756

It's actually English that is the made up language kek

>> No.57770806

>The Dutch language contains seventy five percent borrowed words. Even so, it's not just French that dominates. Through the ages the Dutch language adopted Latin, Greek and German words.

>> No.57770825

classic arrogant dutch, everything about your people and country is a bastardization and you don't even realize it

>> No.57772047


>> No.57772060

how does that make me money?