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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57766275 No.57766275 [Reply] [Original]

How is the unemployment rate not going up?

>> No.57766312

most people take a different job somewhere else gigatard.

>> No.57766331


>> No.57766334

pretty much no one had a job before layoffs either

>> No.57766343
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Stores are closing in my town. It's literally over

>> No.57766351

Official stats are fake

>> No.57766393

Almost every stat is fake including GDP, stocks, and crypto. Keep in mind the Federal Reserve has unlimited funds and does not need to disclose what they hold on their balance sheet. For all we know they are holding billions worth of NVIDIA, BTC, and ETH

>> No.57766460

1. For every white male that gets fired two brown people start driving ubers.
2. The unemployment stats are fake and gay. You only count as 'unemployed' if you submitted a job application in the last 4 weeks. Once you resort to NEETdom you don't count as 'unemployed' you count as 'not in the labor force'

>> No.57766734
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All of these are correct, never believe the numbers the government gives you

>> No.57766760

you're retarded
Governments lie

>> No.57766773

>import 1 million superior poc
>500k feral albino Europeans quit
>>can’t into maffs

>> No.57766780
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Unemployment rate hasn't been real since 2008

>> No.57766809

>200,000 full time well paying jobs get cut
>400,000 part time fast food flipping jobs created

"we added 200k jobs this month! bidenomics is working!" its all complete bullshit, we're in a recession and in the next 3 months it will turn to a depression. turns out when you go from making 100k a year to making 12 dollars an hour it's only a matter of time until you can't make your house payment. even with 2 or 3 jobs. they are pulling out all the stops to try and keep the ship from sinking until after the election so they can blame the horrific depression on trump winning.

>> No.57766845

I'm a white guy and got fired and now I have 5 jobs making 20k a year: Uber, Lyft, GrubHub, Instacart, and Doordash.

The government unironically and openly admits they counts me as creating 5
separate jobs.

>> No.57766855
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lmao bro it sounds like your broke ass should have studied harder so u could get a real job instead of flipping burgers

>> No.57766865

the people being laid off are being inducted into brainwashing programs to make them vote for joe biden. every single person has a gap in their memory shortly after being fired

>> No.57766868
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>> No.57766876

I am still happily employed as a Whole Foods bakery team member.

>> No.57766943

The US Government is basically lying their ass off so they can perfectly time the Great Reset in accordance with letting them extract the most labor and resources they can before the legacy dollar goes extinct.

>> No.57766954

You see we redesigned the unemployment rate to disinclude chuds since they are not people.

>> No.57767684


They aren't happening... You just got fired for being a gay retard.

>> No.57767688

The government just called congratulations you're hired you start on Monday

>> No.57767957
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Shit jobs with shit pays are not exactly that appealing to people
I mean, all the old fucks and trannies infecting politcal positions
Hell, this shit must've been some kind sick plan made by obama's husband. We fucking know he used to be called bigmike on the streets back in the day. Hell even someone made a shitcoin out of it with the same name KEK

>> No.57768166

>Lose one job
>Half the income gained from next job
>Get another job to cover your usually expenses
>Unemployment numbers reflect this as shrinking unemployment