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57761768 No.57761768 [Reply] [Original]

What do people mean when they call Bitcoin a "scam"?

The blockchain exists, the coins exist, it can be transferred from person to person. Everything works exactly how it has been pitched since inception. Are they retarded or something?

>> No.57761800

it's not worth 60k

>> No.57761817

Yes, it's worth more.

>> No.57761831


>> No.57761966

It's worth 6 million

>> No.57761973

Because they've been scammed with it or seen examples of people being scammed and they equate that to crypto being a scam, even though they never question cash when someone gets scammed out of their fiat currency.

Also rugpulls.

To a lot of people bitcoin = crypto, so any crypto scam is a bitcoin scam.

>> No.57762307

> What do people mean when they call Bitcoin a "scam"?
1) that they don't understand it
2) that they are salty and envious because 10 years ago, they could have bought but didn't because they thought it's a scam

>> No.57762332

>comparing sp500 and btc
completely separate asset classes with completely different aims

>> No.57762744

they are both the same completely detached from reality speculative shit

>> No.57762950

30% is unironically really good, crypto has ruined your sense of reality

>> No.57763036
File: 20 KB, 650x440, 1639427706906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will call anything a scam these days. You can throw them the most deadass serious token in existence with a team that literally believes they will change the world ($AGRS) and they will call it a scam because its crypto and it surely is a scam or whatever. Pay no mind to them, for only the profits are proof that we are the chosen.

>> No.57763076

>not even beating inflation
The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.57763092

that is beating inflation

>> No.57763104

Redditors are the best goyim, bitcoin is anti semetic.

>> No.57763126

My friend sold all of his bitcoin literally this january because it was a scam.
Good thing he got out when he did, they almost got him

>> No.57763196

>Are they retarded or something?

>> No.57763628

these redditors don't even have cash savings to invest, why would you take advice from someone like that

>> No.57763639

We’re all gonna make it. Fun, ocean and rsr and the next ones mooning, so stay tuned

>> No.57763660

It doesn't have a price, it has an exchange rate. If I buy $100 of BTC with no fee I didn't trade my money for a product to consume, I turned an IOU token from the US government into a token with a supply that can't be manipulated. The token has had sustained solid liquidity for 15 years with no central intervention while every other currency on the planet has needed constant adjustments and central liquidity providers. Even with all that help many of them still failed miserably in the same period.

>> No.57763672
File: 437 KB, 758x534, btc_zero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry sweety but btc value is $0

>> No.57763707

Also, people who don't want to learn how to use Bitcoin properly usually end being hurt. It's like people wanting to do some repair on electric hardware that end up being zapped. They either lose their coins, are scammed by someone to give them their seed phrase, or are scammed into signing a contract.
Since Buttcoin does not have a customer support line to complain about this, they think it is a scam. People just don't stress enough the part on auto custody and being responsible with your money, I think.

>> No.57763842

It's only a matter of time until people treat AmericanScream like the lowcow he is
>desperate to be as """""famous""""" as his fellow crypto critics
>kicked off in-wars with Bennett etc. solely so people pay attention to his shitty podcast and walmart Line Goes Up
>keeps making up retarded shit and obviously has no idea about engineering as he claims, bans anyone arguing him on it
>literally flips his shit when calls out his age

>> No.57763873

The scam is people saying it's going to go to 1 million dollars and keep going up forever because muh digitial gold muh store of value muh fiat currency is dead. The technology isn't the scam it's the cult of investors around it.

>> No.57764007

>it's going to go to 1 million dollars and keep going up forever
It is but the question is how long that takes and how much the purchasing power of that 1 millions is devalued by the time we get there.
That you're too dumb to understand the technology smarter people are introducing you to does not make that technology a scam.

>> No.57764088

People who don't understand it fear what they can't understand. That's why you see people get upset and say things like
> Currency for criminals and terrorists
And other retard shit. They are scared of criminals so they associate them together. They are afraid of being scammed, and they don't understand it, so they call it a scam.

>> No.57764299

Indeed. If you want to compare currencies criminals use(d) the United States Dollar ranks so far ahead on rank 1 that it will take a long while for anything else to overtake it.

>> No.57764507

Every time I talk to someone about crypto they say they don't understand it. I don't see what's so hard to understand.

>> No.57764622

OG bitcoin haters are left wingers who hate that libertarians are getting rich. Modern haters are normies mad that nerds are getting rich. Both deserve to get dunked on.

>> No.57765114

>Easily obtained coin
>only dumped once, cuz of hackers or some shit and it went up 160% in the last year
idk man, it's like footballs fans of a shitty team that keep bitching when the better team keeps winning
I mean, yeah sure, there are stable coins like $dext, but we can't compare it with literally the one that capitalized on the term "internet currency"

>> No.57765321
