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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57758997 No.57758997 [Reply] [Original]

The Jews crashed Coinbase and Binance the Jews can’t stand the thought of the goys making it Bitcoin is just another gay Jewish scam

>> No.57759050

Binance is 100% operational, been on it the whole day

>> No.57759062
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>> No.57759091

>/pol/tard buys high and loses his money
>blames jews
Classic story

>> No.57759116

I wish that was the case, but they love it and will use it to implement the mark.

I don’t post here often, but just letting you anons know, that the LINK switch you expect to flip, is actually a bigger switch for a much bigger over arching infrastructure which will be used to enslave you and separate you from the Holy Spirit.

>> No.57759120

Back to /pol/

>> No.57759148

Go back to Israel

>> No.57759165

Filthy fucking goyim aren't allowed to trade during such times

>> No.57759206

this but unironically

>> No.57759236
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what a loser lol i can trade whenever i want i get what i want you're just jealous

>> No.57759244

/biz/ belongs to the /biz/raelis