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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57756050 No.57756050 [Reply] [Original]

Please tell me people under 20 browse this board
I’m terrified I’m on a boomer board so missing on all the alpha
t. 27 year old boomer

>> No.57756081

35 yo here
-200k nw
135k in crypto

>> No.57756175

I turn 30 in April. I started browsing when I was 18.

>> No.57756191

27 as well

>> No.57756274

33 yo boomer here
Made so much money on crypto I was able to live 5 years in Japan and go on dates on a daily basis, most of them ending at a love hotel. This last year I came across a lot of white zoomers and you're all so pathetic. Short, weak, no drive... most of you don't even drink or smoke cigarettes.

You didn't only miss bitcoin. You missed on LIFE. Give up and never try again.

>> No.57756285

18 y/o chud here, posted on here about how I bought 3k chainshit last year with my 18th birthday money

>> No.57756322

>lel these ZOOOMER (I’m hip and in with it arent I chuds) will NEVEr get to have sex with slit eyed gooks like me, having sex with slit eyed gooks is SOOO hard and all the hours I spent waging TOTALLLY made up for it

>> No.57756329

Nope, 23. I browse for the coomer bait in the thumbnails

>> No.57756340

same and exactly the same age
t. 2001 chad

>> No.57756346

19 here. Started browsing biz at 15

>> No.57756349

This place has been around for over 20 years anon, and no one is ever allowed to leave...

>> No.57756365

Wrong board then.
They can't ban you for saying you browsed when you were underageb& (they can ban you for any reason).

>> No.57756368

I feel the main demographic here is 25-35

>> No.57756381

T. Same, 300k

>> No.57756395
File: 518 KB, 530x674, 4324932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm your average lurker, i love seeing retards on biz, beoble and twitter lose it all in crypto, i don't trust crypto that much since elon musk pumped an actual shitcoin at twitter so i keep it simple
i just invest in the stock market and right now i'm all into NVIDIA for the memes and because i have a GTX 3060 Ti 12 GB
t. 22 yo zoomer

>> No.57756420

I’m 35. And if you think zoomers are tech savvy, you’re fucking retarded.

>> No.57756428


>> No.57756431

I legitimately didn’t start browsing until 18 lmao vtg4j>>57756395
You’d have much larger gains with BTC desu

>> No.57756485
File: 193 KB, 1183x1677, 1708821955042636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, /biz/ has 3d women, more appealing photos to do picrel

>> No.57756497

My faggot parents didn't let me access my money until I was 18 so like 10k. Sucks but it is what it is I guess.

>> No.57756540
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_n4ypsdAwcp1ttjvs0o1_1280-1593573922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ogre

>> No.57756709
File: 229 KB, 859x960, 1677969542558642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 55 years old and I come here mainly to comment "that's a man" on questionable pictures of women

>> No.57756903

33 yo boomer here ready to suck and fuck

>> No.57756949

I'm a zoomer fr but I have a receding hairline which I hide with my broccoli haircut

>> No.57757004

Same, /biz/ is the new /b/

>> No.57757181

Under 20's don't have any alpha, they're for some reason way more tech illiterate than the previous generation.
They might have some alpha on the newest vapes though fr.

>> No.57757881

>for some reason
cell phones being designed to be idiot proof

>> No.57757979

Lol same but I've been on 4chan since...2004?

>> No.57758167

zoomers were born past the point of needing to actually understand how to use a computer. none of these little twats have ever had to watch a free screen capture watermarked 13 year old jeet tutorial on how to get your obscure mp3 player to work with windows vista. everything just works now. being an ipad kid isnt tech savvy it just means your brain is fried

>> No.57758186

I’m 40 years old lil nigga

>> No.57758243

also im 30

>> No.57758271

late 1996 born here

>> No.57758332

I'm 19
402k nw
I have 1% of my portfolio in shitcoins, rest is boomer index funds

>> No.57758640

Im 17 and retarded.

>> No.57759061

36 and browse for ghe same reason

>> No.57759098


>> No.57759235
File: 269 KB, 1200x1200, 1669663858507478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this board for boomers? nah son, we cutting edge here, boyo. fr fr no cap