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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57745477 No.57745477 [Reply] [Original]

Renters are forever priced out

>> No.57745489

i bought my first condo one month ago
will buy two more after this bullrun
i will be able to retire at 35
just need to put some bitches pregnant and i'm done until death

>> No.57745512

>/biz/ yesterday
>US housing in the worst crash in history
>/biz/ today
>US housing hits all time highs
which is it

>> No.57745517

Its crashing up

>> No.57745529

>parents didn’t buy their children houses

Stay poor, incels!

>> No.57745542

>real estate is crashing!!
>real estate is mooning!!
what is it now

>> No.57745552
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I will buy a home next year. I will make over 100k as well. No gf but I will my dream car, a steady job, and for once in my life a room to call my own.

>> No.57745570
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Case-Shiller is down month over month and MSPUS hasn't been updated. From where is this claim originating?

>> No.57745573

checked. sorry but not buying your bags boomer.

>> No.57745582

from CNN
make of that what you will

>> No.57745588

one in the same

>> No.57745591
File: 133 KB, 2297x1153, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Housing is almost at a new all time low in BTC terms.

>> No.57745616


>> No.57745698

over for homoids

>> No.57745712
File: 266 KB, 1024x1408, 00004-2853947493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of yearly returns do I need to be happy as a rentcuck? I had about a 20x in 2021 and have done fuck all since mostly in 4-5% USD staking. Been a pussy since I accidentally clicked a link by a /biz/ nigger one time while drunk and put $25k into a fake doge before the real one had the huge pump.

>> No.57745718

>In December
Use your brain, redditors

>> No.57745742

Yeah, all we have are these gay ass lookback metrics.

>DEC 23: 310.668
>NOV 23: 311.825
Ruh roh.

>> No.57745795

Log scale, smoothbrain

>> No.57745872

I prefer to rent. Never know which city is going to important thousands of migrants, have "mostly peaceful protests" burn down the business district, have political extremists set up enclaves in city parks, have extensive homeless tent cities along suburban roadways, defund their police resulting in mass crime, or have a COVID outbreak resulting in mass lockdowns. I can just up and leave when a community falls apart. Good luck selling your "investment" in a collapsing metro. Maybe you can just rent it to one of the nice people forced to stay!

>> No.57746144

Paying off that 700k box is impossible. It's like you forever rent plus taxes and repairs.

>> No.57746164
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>> No.57746223
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Lotta "rent is an asset actually" cope in this thread

>> No.57746364

>be forty years old millennial
>make 150k as computer engineer (code monkey)
>save 200k for a down payment
>get 500k mortgage
>get laid off at 50
>still have to pay 300k plus tip to the bank
What could go wrong.

>> No.57746391

It's like you live without imagining or believing in a future. Rentoids don't need to cope when they can't even see themselves in the future with more income and equity.

>> No.57746471

>believe in the future
New hoomer cope just dropped.

>> No.57746504


>> No.57746910

>Nov 2021
>BTC 69k
>Housing 354k

>Feb 2024
>BTC 57k
>Housing 377k


>> No.57746924

You rent your house out and have some idiot pay off your mortgage for you.

>> No.57746937

Nigger I have more liquid capital than your entire family, enjoy your cardboard box when the next wave of 2 million Haitians become your new neighbors

>> No.57746951

are you too stupid to have some emergency savings and get another job?

>> No.57746985

That's cool. There's properties that, over just a few years, increase in value more than I will make in my entire lifetime.
But at least I have some equity and maybe one day I will be able to afford property like that.

>> No.57746986

Have fun paying 300k with another 20/h job.

>> No.57746999

>what is equity
it's not just cope you're just dumb

>> No.57747304

Oh you mean another loan? You will be making payments forever and will still owe a lot of money. And if you got into a mortgage in the last 5 years you're double fucked.

>> No.57747331

BTC is simultaneously pumping down

>> No.57748361
File: 71 KB, 1330x608, home sold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile prices sold continue to drop harder than ever recorded

>> No.57748375

ATH unless you factor inflation then it's really 30% down

>> No.57749484

>post the actual data
>thread dies

Well I'm glad we debooooonked it.

>> No.57749493

>>meanwhile prices sold continue to drop harder than ever recorded

Yet east coast prices haven't dump yet.

>> No.57749515

Demand is collapsing but prices are going up because rental jews are buying all the houses.

>> No.57749523

And then a time machine back to 2008 so you can fuck stacy before she got married and fat.

>> No.57749565

Wages haven't moved though, so a house price vs wage means prices are at ath

>> No.57749572


It's thousands of miles and millions of people it's a given that different regions will behave differently. High demand areas will always be in demand even if there's a "crash" but mediocre areas with high amounts of speculation get pounded. A penthouse in Manhattan on Central Park is going to behave a lot differently than a shitty mcmansion in a Las Vegas suburb.