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File: 104 KB, 739x746, 2024-02-27_15-01-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57744373 No.57744373 [Reply] [Original]

How mad is he right now?

>> No.57744396
File: 78 KB, 987x683, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20% in 12 years kek

>> No.57744415

Gold baggiesssss kek

>> No.57744460

Damn that looks like a major cup and handle no? Is now unironically this generation's best entry point into gold?

>> No.57744476

it's literally just an inverted chart of USD inflation, even US govt bond holders outperformed gold

>> No.57744482

Do you have 10 years to wait for 2200 gold?

>> No.57744491

he is so incredibly salty, full sodium

>> No.57744519

Imagine how many goldbugs who follow him go and buy bitcoin after reading his tweets.

He's one of the best salesmen for bitcoin.

>> No.57744547

Bitcoin has gone nowhere for three years
Youre much more similar than you think

>> No.57744580

Kek you guys always say this and then get btfo every 4 years, right on schedule, like clockwork. Stay poor redditard

>> No.57744581
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>gold: no supply limit, 2%+ inflation forever
>king bitcoin: capped supply, 1.7% inflation and halving every 4 years

>> No.57744612

I will never buy Bitcoin, dont even bother
I own a little bit of Gold however

>> No.57744657

back to plebbit

>> No.57744686
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Nobody cares if you’re determined to remain poor.

>> No.57744712

Im not poor
Meanwhile Bitcoin has gone nowhere for three years
If I would have invested in Bitcoin I would be poor

>> No.57744726
File: 107 KB, 718x1005, Btcgoldchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be frustrating watching others get rich while youre left behind due to falling for midwit fud

>> No.57744742
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Ok nocoiner. Enjoy never owning a whole bitcoin. Lmao

>> No.57744750

I tripled my money in three years
What did you do
Watch Bitcoin every day going nowhere

>> No.57744785

>tripled my money in three years
thats called having a job

>> No.57744799

no, its investing in stocks, that are productive
not in internet funny money

>> No.57744804

>I tripled my money in three years
Not by buying and holding gold.
I bought all my BTC in 2022. Up 2-3x on that now. Look at the chart in >>57744726 and it shows a very, very clear trend. No cherrypicking of start dates necessary, which is what you're doing instead of looking at average performance like someone who isn't biased.

>> No.57744821

Sure you did
Youre all liars
Like I beleive a word of the shit you scam artists say

>> No.57744844

This is why you're ngmi. You think you're smarter than everyone else, but you're actually just dumb.
Millions of people have known about crypto for years and have been paying attention to this stuff. We know about the cycles. You're still years behind, but because you're a midwit who's suffering from th Dunning Kruger effect, you think you're actually ahead. Lmao.

>> No.57744860

So you bought at the absolute bottom in 2022?
Go fuck yourself, you lying piece of shit
Im also not poor, because I odnt fall for lying assholes with funny internet money

>> No.57744883


>> No.57744946
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No, I averaged in around $20k. It was at those levels for over a year. I bought some altcoin gems that ended up performing pretty well, too.
It's so fucking easy. All you have to do is buy during the bear markets. Midwits like you never do that because you never believe in the cycles no matter how many times you watch them play out. You keep thinking that you know better than everyone else and that it's going to play out differently this time... and then you get proven wrong again and again. Literally all you had to do was accept the validity of the cycle. That's it.

>> No.57744958

go lie somewhere else, nigger

>> No.57744974
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>> No.57744981

You're just projecting that you're lying about making money off stocks. I was actually going to believe you but you revealed you lie with this. You think a 3x over 2 years is an impossibly big win, and that's just pathetic. That's how I know for a fact now that you're poor

>> No.57744984


>> No.57744994

Death all keki

>> No.57745095

Its impossible, because youre literally bragging about buying the fucking bottom
I just dont beleive you nigger

>> No.57745104

Kek, gold baggies are so mind fucked they think holding for a decade and producing less than a 2x is normal and anything else is pure gambling. Meanwhile they cope by gambling on the apocalypse.

>> No.57745126

It's gone down quite a bit actually. Accounting for inflation BTC has BLED

>> No.57745127

GLD is getting fucked
sort of a self fulfilling prophecy if this keeps up
investors will see the outflows and just go along and put their money on a BTC ETF

he is fuming at the possibility

>> No.57745151

btc was 3k in 2018 retard
easiest thing ever is to average on fucking 20k lmao

>> No.57745301

Divide it by M.2 money supply and it looks even worse. Bitcoin looks stellar in comparison.

>> No.57745306

Thats not what he said, he said he bought in 2022, you retarded nigger
Is this your new IP, you lying cunt?

>> No.57745548
File: 3.08 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no BTC but It always brings a smile to my face when the price rockets up. I really hope you guys make it, I’m just so nervous about these venomous people controlling the levers of power. Take them down crypto holders, I am rooting for you!!!!!

>> No.57745599

I always buy. Picked up 4 BTC near the bottom, feels good man