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57743881 No.57743881 [Reply] [Original]

You may choose as many as desired
>get $150k, but lose 2 years of your total lifespan (can be stacked on top of each Other)
>get $300k, but can’t touch a woman for 5 years
>get $500k, and a 50% chance of developing a fatal disease within 5 years
>get $1 mil, but lose half of your remaining lifespan
>get $3 mil, but become a paraplegic for your full lifespan

Which ones do you end up choosing, if any at all?

>> No.57743903
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i take the 300k one one trillion times, maybe more

>> No.57743907

get 300k, and I'm owed it 3 times over

>> No.57743910

what happens if you're female and take the 300k

>> No.57743915

>get $300k but no femoid interaction for 5 years
I’ll take 10 please

>> No.57743921

Then you need to post tits with a timestamp

>> No.57743959

>what if I’m a female
can’t touch yourself for 5 years

>> No.57743971

300k is the only sensible one

>> No.57743983

there is literally no drawback to $300k

>> No.57743995

There’s a drawback if you’re married or have a gf (she will dump / divorce you)

>> No.57744039

wow, what a tragedy
anyway I'll take the $300k 100 times please. thanks.

>> No.57744062

>>get $1 mil, but lose half of your remaining lifespan

This one. I'm comfortable living just four thousand years

>> No.57744081
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300k is the optimal one. In the first, living 2 years less could be crippling at the wrong moment. The rest of them are just terrible, 3 million to be an invalid? That's nothing, you could achieve that by accidentally getting hit by a jeet bus driver and surviving to sue the company for damages.

300k for ignoring fatties, then you just work 100 hours a week for 5 years and dump it into growth stocks/blue chipto crypto and wallah- after 5 years you'd have 10 million.

>> No.57744083


>>get $150k, but lose 2 years of your total lifespan (can be stacked on top of each Other)

I'll pick this one and

>>get $300k, but can’t touch a woman for 5 years

I'll have almost half a million and I'll live 7,998 years total

>> No.57744170

I may have made the $300k option a little bit OP to be honest

>> No.57744196


>> No.57744690

I would turn down all these devil deals and make my money the hard way. That's right we're not going around the mountain, we're not going over the mountain, we're going through the mountain.

>> No.57745440

>get $300k, but can’t touch a woman for 5 years
you never said i cant touch traps so i see very little downside to this deal

>> No.57746988

150k easy. I've already wasted more years than two trying to get an amount so wonderful. FUCK POVERTY!

>> No.57747272

This, I deserve at least the first and maybe a second 300k since in an ideal world, I would've lost the card as soon as I hit puberty. The world owes me a grave debt
This too

>> No.57747530


2 years please.

>> No.57747547

I swear to god if I scroll down this thread and see any other choices besides $150k...

>> No.57747708

>>get $500k, and a 50% chance of developing a fatal disease within 5 years

Absolutely not worth it. 500k isnt even life changing money enough for a 50/50 chance at completely wrecking your shit.

>> No.57747724

>>get $3 mil, but become a paraplegic for your full lifespan

Losing feeling in your dick instantly drops your QOL to shit tier no matter how much money you have. Fuck no.

>> No.57747752

Insane wealth and no access to women is a hell without end anon. Massive wealth opens the door to all manner of women so your life will be torture. If youre not gay youd better learn to be gay, fast.

>> No.57747759

do femboys and traps count as women?

>> No.57748933

My great-grandfather lived to 98 so I'll take 600k thanks.

>> No.57749166
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Most losers are already doing the no gf option for far longer than you suggested your OP.
Even you made the hypothetical far less money and far longer period of celibacy they would still choose that than the other rediculous options involving permanent disability etc.

>> No.57749357

Not having sex isn't that ridiculous for money. Getting permanently crippled and being unable to enjoy the other 99% of hobbies that exist besides flirting with women would be horrible. Plus if you were crippled you would never have sex again anyway.

>> No.57749367
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you fucked up by offering us the 300k
pay the FUCK up

>> No.57749388

>can't touch women
sounds good at first glance coz I'll never be with one sexually coz it's their natural inclination to stay away from me and I'm not a rapist or a nonce but I do like giving me mum hugs, and would have to find a guy to cut my hair instead of the gal who's been doing it for 15 years. fuckin hassle. nah I'll reject em all fuck off you goofy lookin dead cunt

>> No.57749465
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not having sex is a much better option than bodily harm

>> No.57749522

feels crazy to be at the point in life where you'd choose none of them
>wife and 2 kids
>never need to work again
>no sum of money would change my life meaningfully

Actually I'd probably pay those sums instead

>> No.57749593
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You either die young or get to see yourself disabled and shitting in bed so i don't see how 1.200.000$ for 10years of life less can have any downside
Also we're all gonna die in a senseless war so fuck it, i'll get 2 million dollars, -20years