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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57742994 No.57742994 [Reply] [Original]

I Can’t Pump

>> No.57743684

>+0.01% past month
Fucking KEK

>> No.57743750


Nobody bought this except for the lulz right

I mean.. it is called INTERNET COMPUTER lmao

>> No.57743759


Not to metion ICP sounds like an iphone app for pedophiles

>> No.57743987
File: 540 KB, 750x750, AB40A901-DDB3-46DA-8547-03252BCDA078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s fucking over

>> No.57744019
File: 249 KB, 360x540, Violent_J.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All FUDdies will rope in 8-10 months

>> No.57744257

2 more weeks

>> No.57744343

It already pumped. learn to rotate nigga this shitcoin is topped out. When everything else pumps maybe this will get some more but if everything dumps this will dump manage your risk its called trading for a reason nigga

>> No.57745143


>> No.57745583

imagine if you held something like avax or rlc. you've done your research on it, you think it's a good project with a use case, and you think that it's going to to be the next ethereum. you dream about it going 1000x, about the mansion you'll buy and the car you'll drive and all the things you can do with that money.
then something like icp comes along and demonstrates the ability to host entire web services on chain, without using aws. a project that other successful projects are actually building on that deliver blockchain hosting at web2 speeds. you look at your ghostchain that can only handle transactions (avax) or your compute project that consists of a bunch of raspberry pi strung together (rlc) and you realize that your project just can't do what icp is already doing. you don't have ckbtc + cketh. you can't host a chat program, or store NFTs on chain. you don't have a working DAO platform. you don't have on-chain DEXes with sub-second finality (sonic v3). people aren't using your project to host AI LLMs.
suddenly, your dreams of becoming obscenely rich with your chosen project don't seem so certain. there has to be something wrong with icp. the name is funny, it's too centralized, the price action isn't attractive. something, anything, to convince yourself that you married the right bags.
before long, however, that is no longer enough. you feel insane trying to gaslight yourself into believing icp will be a failure. the only thing that would help is if you convinced others, too. if enough people agree with you, then you must be right. you turn on your pc, and you load up /biz/....

>> No.57745798
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>> No.57745875

the chart doesn't look too hot

>> No.57745899
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Guess you aren’t FUN enough

>> No.57746067

Kek, this is a paid fud thread, kill yourself nigger, truflation said everything is gonna be okay

>> No.57746262
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So rlc holders are basically trannys?

>> No.57746323
File: 79 KB, 570x396, BA3064A2-6316-499E-961F-EAAA45FD721C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you niggers ain’t ready for what’s coming

>> No.57746372


>> No.57746396

Imagine being so insecure about your centralized vc dump scam that you have to compare to a rank 200

Ngmi, also marketcap too high anyway for meaningful gains

>> No.57746455
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>> No.57746585

Coping Pisscel

>> No.57746957

why would i be insecure? you're rank 200 for a reason.

>> No.57746996
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