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57741924 No.57741924[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to meet girls in 2024? Cold approach? dm-ing on social media or just playing the dating app numbers game?

>> No.57741951

/biz/ - Business & Finance

>> No.57741971

Those are all men.

>> No.57741975

probably cold approach

>> No.57742074

the meta is to looks max and be as close to a chad as possible and status max and tactfully show off your chadness and high status on social media (social media like Instagram is how women pre-screen you, they are the biggest unofficial dating app). Make initial contact with women in the real world and give them your socials if they seem like they are interested in you. From there they can pre-screen you, if your socials are good then you are pretty much guaranteed they'll want to be your girl friend and have sex with you. They will hit you up and from there you can arrange a date or if you are gigs Chad literally just invite them over to your house for a fuck

>> No.57742077

Unironically spacehey.

>> No.57742080
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Dating apps in foreign countries. I'm gonna be in Thailand for 2 weeks and I plan on dumping my seed in no less than 20 bitches.

>> No.57742113

Do you think this would work if you create an Instagram, buy followers, and just show off on it? I just don't want my family/friends to think I'm rich, so it would also be with a different name

>> No.57742114

Thank you for using the gender-neutral "bitches", I was about to >women you.

>> No.57742144

I have no plans to mess around with ladyboys if that's what you're implying. I'm not a fag and I don't want HIV.

>> No.57742155

How’s Thailand? Do they speak any English? I’m working remote and was thinking either moving there or Spain/Portugal.

>> No.57742163

Get a service industry job, everyone wants to fuck their coworkers

>> No.57742174

like just pick a coffee shop or restaurant and work there? Wouldn't it be kind of weird as a dude in his late 20s?

>> No.57742175

Thailand is great. Great weather, food, and friendly women. This will be my 3rd time visiting. They speak decent English in touristy areas like Bangkok and Pattaya.

>> No.57742227

is it safe to be there? Also, how's the AC? It looks like right now it's 90+ degrees. If I work there, I'd have to stay up until 3am or so Monday thru friday

>> No.57742245

I feel sorry for the average guy who's entering today's dating market for the first time. I've tried tinder again and it was just a nightmarish experience. It wasn't this bad even 3 years ago...

>> No.57742275

Extremely safe and respectful. One time a bar girl ran halfway down a street to give back a 100 baht bill ($3) that fell out of my pocket.
AC is good. I can only imagine issues if you stayed at a super cheap place that has a tiny AC unit.

>> No.57742304

Coffee shop is shit hours, you have to get up early, just find a place that's only open for dinner. And yes, a majority of the males who work there are in their 20s and there and high school/college girls.

>> No.57742312

Yes, the biggest danger is the traffic. Crime, especially violent crime, is very low.

>> No.57742333

Do you think it's a good place to stay long term or is there any reason you wouldn't?
how's transportation there? how do you get around?

>> No.57742350

Acai bowl shops.

>> No.57742376

how would you apply to these places? I've got a bachelor's in software engineering + 5 years exp. Idk if I should leave that out and all my job experience, or if that's a plus in terms of competency

>> No.57742379

The streets are filled with rats after dark.
I wasn’t expecting that when I went there and it was really unsettling

>> No.57742391

>Do you think it's a good place to stay long term or is there any reason you wouldn't?
The Thai government makes it difficult for foreigners to stay long term. There are all sorts of visa requirements. But get around this in various ways but I'm not sure if I wanna play that game.
They drive like maniacs over. At the very least, I avoid using motorcycle taxis. If you need to get around, use the trains in Bangkok or hire a car taxi.
It's like that in a lot of countries. I saw a rat the size of a cat when I was in Colombia.

>> No.57742420

Bangkok has a reasonably extensive and cheap metro/light rail system. There are also lots of taxis, which aren't very cheap but plentiful and comfortable. For intercity there are air-conditioned buses and flights.

>> No.57742429

I kept my office job on my resume so they know I'm not a meth head. Just say some shit like you need extra money and you're willing to work part time, they'll train you as a bar back/server support staff before hiring you as a server/bartender.

>> No.57742439

>For intercity there are air-conditioned buses and flights.
And trains, I meant to say

>> No.57742475



Girls are a depreciating asset. Better off buying Chainlink (Ticker: $LINK) and masturbating.

>> No.57742552

How do you not kys? As a man you’re meant to fuck bitches regularly. You can always lease a chick and trade for someone new

>> No.57742576

yep you can easily fool dumb roasties with fake socials. There was somebody that pretended to be a rapper and bought a bunch of followers and got professional photos done and got laid a bunch. It does work, women are entirely superficial creatures

>> No.57742586

At HBAR conventions

>> No.57742758


> As a man you’re meant to fuck bitches regularly

NGMI if you think disseminating your essence into the womb of a succubus is even worth a single Chainlink (Ticker: $LINK.)

>> No.57742848

>and got laid a bunch.
and you can bet at least 50% of those bitches he banged had a SO, probably actually married to some clueless chump.

>> No.57742879


>50% married to some clueless chump

Yeah, and the other 50% are married to a clueless chimp, which is arguably worse.

>> No.57742927

LOL holy fuck zoomers are retarded

the best part is that you wrote that 900 paragraph wall of retardation, and i guarantee youve never tried or done any of those things. if a zoomer wanted to learn to ride a bike they would spend 3 weeks on the internet watching youtube videos and reading gay posts from other zoomers about how to hypothetically ride a bike, then they would be shocked when they got on an actual bike and were still unable to ride it

>> No.57742933

Would you ever get a wife and kids? Or are you one of those guys that sticks with hentai and chatbots?

>> No.57742945

The meta these days is to fantasize about a highly idealized version of romance while alone in your room instead of actually trying to socialize with anyone.

>> No.57742957

What do you think is the actual meta? Social circle?

>> No.57743009

you know if you worked on yourself, you could get a real gf instead of traveling 20 hours to the other side of the world then hiring a girl to like you for an hour

>> No.57743037

you're doing all of those women a favor. I can't get hard over these 4's and 5's

>> No.57743061

'the actual meta'?? what the fuck does that even mean?

you wont get women by spending all day every day on the internet, you fucking retard. thats the secret. youll of course never stop spending 18 hours a day on your smartphone so its a moot point

>> No.57743119

Are these hookers or do u actually go on dates with them? Or they are just sluts who want to hook up? What's the story?

>> No.57743136

Can retirees still expat there more-or-less comfortably using just their U.S. Social Security checks?

>> No.57743154

>He doesn't know about the meta

>> No.57743212

> he doesnt know about LE META because he doesnt spend 18 hours a day scrooolling on a smartphone to find the LE SECRET INFORMATION that will make him not a loser failure, but rather lives an actual life in actual reality instead
guilty as charged. have yet another productive day scrooolling and wondering why youre a total loser failure lol

>> No.57743293

Go to church. That's where I found my white, feminism hating, conspiracy theorist trad bbg

>> No.57743317

I review the meta, learn it , apply it and succeed. I was born in it , moulded by it.
What do you do? Fail against meta users, that's what.

>> No.57743325


>hentai and chatbots

No. I am celibate now, I live a hermetic life, like a monk.

>> No.57743335
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I visit prostitute escorts until I can charme one and make her my gf

>> No.57743336

I hate people who ask for advice regarding holes but what is even the point of your posts? How grey is your beard? How fat and beer filled is your belly? In fact, how fat is your wife kek?

>> No.57743386

Will you always live like a monk? What's the point of money, then? Why not become an actual monk and just live off donations?

>> No.57743388

Social circle game is gross and demeaning brah. But asking roasties out for access to their holes is as well so at that point if it’s something you care about go for it I guess. I’ve accepted that I’ll have to do something else and I refuse to prostrate for roastie pussy. Social circle game especially won’t work for me as amogging normalfag friends for roastie attention is something I can’t bring myself to do. I have and can do it for the purpose of humoring myself, but just the idea of doing it for the diseased hole of a roastie makes me default Pepe quietmode.

>> No.57743390

yeah you and every other pathetic balding fatass client. youre not charming, especially when your first impression is offering money for sex.

>> No.57743418

>I’ve accepted that I’ll have to do something else
like what?

>> No.57743428

People who fuck slit eyed, revolting gooks are probably people who couldn’t do much better anyway. Even fat roasties have high standards kek. The only way out for such a subhuman is being a weed smoking video game addicted normalfag who can “make jokes bout himself he ain’t allat serious and sheeit mang” but that’s fucking lame and gay.

>> No.57743430
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it works tho, thats how I found all my gfs

>> No.57743462

Banging dudes obviously

>> No.57743484

>having a literal prostitute as a gf
wow that is so heckin empowering and progressive!

>> No.57743514

what he wrote is exactly what I've done. I never articulated it, but basically me.

>> No.57743519
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what the hell are you smoking bro you are talking like some 14 yo edgy retard i am not even going to respond to a guy talking about
>slit eyed gooks
you are a sick person man

>> No.57743543

ha yeah it’s like all those guys who watch tutorials on how to learn to code but when it’s time to code they open up the editor and can’t do shit

>> No.57743564

>open minded and easy to talk to
>knows how to sex
>takes care of herself

whats not to like?

>> No.57743573


>> No.57743583

cope. Socials are a great pre screen, another great tactic is to place yourself in social situations where you have multiple prospects around you that you flirt tastefully with. When other women see that other women like you it's a self reinforcing machine. Snowballing effect.

>> No.57743605

Boomers be like. Go out there and do the thing. Meanwhile if they actually tried their stupid tactics in today's world, they'd get DESTROYED by meta connoisseurs.

>> No.57743608
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are you aware that a lot of people have killed themselves because of what other people on 4chan wrote how can you be so cold you make me sick

>> No.57743846
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become a femboy and look for dominant zoomettes who want to step on you

>> No.57743848

the fact she plowed through 900 different cocks in just a few months (several different times) to make bank?
Once a female goes through that many cocks she will NEVER be satisfied by just 1 ever again.

>> No.57743879

the higher tier escorts dont have such high milage, I always go for the younger ones so around 18 - 19yo.

>> No.57743902

Do you think higher-tier escorts are better than the sugary daddy approach (college girls)?

>> No.57743937

does this actually work, asking for a friend

>> No.57743953

>look for dominant zoomettes
only 4% of the females have dominant inclinations, it's beyond over

>> No.57743955

>you know if you worked on yourself, you could get a real gf instead of traveling 20 hours to the other side of the world then hiring a girl to like you for an hour
I dumped my "real gf" 6 months ago. That was a waste of 2 years of my life lmao. I can find dates relatively easy in the US but Thailand is like shooting fish in a barrel.
>Are these hookers or do u actually go on dates with them? Or they are just sluts who want to hook up? What's the story?
Both. There are 2 women I've known since my first trip in 2018 that just want to see me. No strings attached though. And then there are others I'll find in person or dating app that I'll pay to have fun with.

>> No.57743970
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(sarcastically) yeah this works all the time

i get all the bitches

it's super easy man everyone loves me my self-esteem is so high because i get so much pussy

>> No.57743975
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Wtf why is this even a topic?? You put on a nice shirt and go to a bar. Women WILL come up and talk to you. They love talking. Its literally that easy, why why why wont you faggots just TRY for once?

>> No.57744005
File: 53 KB, 938x769, simp in line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking as someone with a decades long addiction to amp whores; I have a few insights into this new simping-for-whores paradigm. "Men" who were born in last 20-30 years grew up on unlimited porn and being mentally castrated by a variety of new societal mores... This has resulted in a really odd paradigm shift where a huge chunk of the young male population will hardcore simp (and actually fucking MARRY) literal whores. It used to a subset small % of 'men' who got off on the idea of being 1 of literally 1000s of cocks that have pounded a vagina... that % has grown exponentially in the last few decades and has created the clown world we see today. A world where whores hold ALL the power and expecting whores to do what they are told for $$ is a thing of the past thanks to the legions young 'men' (simp mutants) running amok in the industry ruining the experience / market for all the other men who still have their balls.
TLDR: Whores' services are based on supply/demand and simp mutants have fucked it all up.

>> No.57744021

Yes, having friends is best. That way you can go out as a group and find girls. Also you can invite girls along with your group outings.

>> No.57744045

Been wanting to take a trip to Thailand for a while. Now that I've got the resources it's time to make it happen. What are prices like for a younger 8+ girl? Do they do overnights? Any specific resources to check out?

>> No.57744075

Work or friends of friends remains the most popular way despite what the internet tells you about apps.

>> No.57744103

>boomer larp bait

>> No.57744135

I don't wanna type a bunch of shit out here. There's tons of info if you search google and youtube. I recommend you search for a website called Thailand Redcat or make an account on a forum called Pattaya Addicts. The hottest girls are at gogo bars and it's typically 1500 baht ($50) bar fine + whatever price you negotiate with the girl ($80-$120). Freelancers usually only cost as little as $25 for "short time" or $50 for "long time" where they spend the night with you.

>> No.57744168

wtf is wrong with the skin on her feet
wtf is this

>> No.57744176

>$50 to throatfuck a gook all night
Hell yeah

>> No.57744183

Thanks appreciate the info

>> No.57744197
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Online is most popular now. Though many do still meet through friends or work.

>> No.57744229


>> No.57744232

>create separate Instagram account for bitches
>make it interesting
>buy instagram followers/likes
>start dm bitches
thats it im going to test this shit where is the best place to buy instagram followers and likes that wont get the account banned

>> No.57744243

Women have never had less value.

>> No.57744254

Cold approach. White bitches are so thirsty for massive bbc it’s ridiculous.

>> No.57744277

I don't believe it for a second.

>> No.57744288

This can work really well. If you find them when they're just starting, they're just sluts really, barely whores yet. Throw in the daddy issues and the fact that you're an older man who at least isn't broke, and they can fall for you hard and convert to more normal gf (as in barely more expensive than normal gf, not explicitly transactional, but still sex crazed nympho that gets all her validation from how hot you think she is and how much you enjoy putting loads in her). Fun while it last but don't get attached.

>> No.57744297

>facts and objective reality??? REEEE
Don't be a libtard.

>> No.57744301

doing the needful for those who missed this vid

>> No.57744306


>> No.57744439

Libtards ignore facts and objective reality. That's why they're so mentally ill and delusional.

>> No.57744637

holy fuck you've gotta be unbearable irl

>> No.57744718

It's simply not possible

>> No.57744813
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Slide into their personal space

>> No.57744835

thats a really apt analogy
gen alpha is even more fucked
I was at a restaurant with the 9 year old son of a family friend and he was given a piece of paper and some crayons to draw
he started to draw an octopus but as he was adding the legs he visibly got very anxious because it didnt look right to him, so he flipped the paper over and asked his mother for her phone and looked up on youtube kids "how to draw" and it was one of those uncanny yt kids videos by one of those channels that mass produces yt kids content and he drew some retarded soulless copy of the video

>> No.57744853

They're all cuties btw and you guys would be lucky to even be in the same smell range as them since you guys are unworthy.

>> No.57745011

Social circle is also a massive part of the meta this is the best way to make initial contact with prospects at parties, clubs or whatever you do as a group with your friends. By having friends you are automatically prescreened as being normal but after initial contact if you hit it off with somebody it's important you have robust Chad tailored socials so when she looks you up to further the contact it seals the deal.

>> No.57745043


see >>57744301

>> No.57745102

rope and hope there are girls in heaven

>> No.57745133
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these are the tier men that are your "passportbro chads" are KEK

>> No.57745257

Good means I'll have an edge

>> No.57745317

I'll second this. My 35 ish year old best friend recently had to re-enter the dating market. He's a successful dude, and he's taking care of his fitness way more than I have mine, but I've got the wife and kids thing sorted so there's less pressure on me there.
He found a girl by just going to a country he likes and going to bars and talking to people. One of them asked for his Instagram, and legitimately asked if he's a real person because he only had three images on it for the past however many years since he set it up.
He talked his way around that but has since been populating it with photos of himself, experiences etc.
For relatively normal people I think this is The standard approach now.

>> No.57745325

seething roastie detected

>> No.57745391

Local college

>> No.57745408

Thank god I don’t have to deal with this shit anymore and am checked out of dating since I have a gf. She’s retarded but god having to make a tailored InstaGoy to beg for pussy is pathetic. Social media is for women and faggots if you’re constantly posting pictures and taking selfies.

>> No.57745417

yeah it's how it is, women need to prescreen you these days. I don't like it but it's the meta now. If you do not have robust socials you are auto judged as having zero social value and get red flagged. I really fkn hate social media and shat it has done to our culture. it makes it so much harder for many men. Everyone's stats are out in the open for judging and there is no hiding it, most shit on social media is all fake bullcrap but women sill interpretate as real and judge you on it.

>> No.57745499


Based af.


Based and kek

>> No.57745525

anon you do know where you posted this right? you're not blind right?


>> No.57745538

>having to make a tailored InstaGoy to beg for pussy is pathetic. Social media is for women and faggots if you’re constantly posting pictures and taking selfies.
well said. It's honestly faggot shit. I think it works, but fuck it.
>yeah it's how it is, women need to prescreen you these days
if you're attractive and obviously rich/well off, what is there to prescreen? you're already further ahead than most dudes trying to flex on social media. If that's a deal breaker, it's literally her loss.

>> No.57745562

And they are all ugly as fuck.

>> No.57745572

Those women are ugly but they're still more attractive than 80% of Amerifat women

>> No.57745814

You sound like a zoomer faggot that plays women games like a woman lol. One of my friends is an actual skinhead that’s done prison time and has terrible social media presence yet he still manages to get laid because he’s funny and talks to women IRL and not behind a screen like some coward metro sexual dick sucker. You’re being a simp beta orbiter playing the social media game.

>> No.57745891
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Not a single biological female between them...

>> No.57746031

They're all onlyfans sluts. They're girls.

>> No.57746182


What if I legit have 0 social life or friends, but have work status as a supervisor... of a warehouse manufacturing division.