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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57736917 No.57736917 [Reply] [Original]

I have calculated that I need to 50x my $10k investment in order to live off of dividends. Shill me something that can 50x this bullrun. Please recommend an actual project with real developers that will not rugpull as this will be an undiversified investment.

>> No.57736928
File: 66 KB, 1275x697, BB10EFAF-8934-43A1-930F-8B9315A7FA97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody will ever give you handouts friend

>> No.57736955
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icp 3 months ago

>> No.57736975

Isn't that a 10x?

>> No.57736989

XMR, but you'll need to hodl for a year or two for that sweet 50x.

>> No.57737138

Partisia Blockchain
Don't even have to buy in as it's doing an airdrop, just send matic back and forth through the bridge each day to farm it for free
Teams got a bunch of high IQ Danish Professors that have been playing around with and implementing encryption, zero knowledge proofs and multi party computation for businesses for 40 years

>> No.57737220

I thought XMR was supposed to be stable so that it can function as a currency.

How much am I going to be paying in gas and how much will I make?

>> No.57737227


Data Lake

>> No.57737242

>Shill me something that can 50x this bullrun
Jesus christ we aren't in 2017 anymore you dumb fuck. The land of 50x and 100x guaranteed easy money has sailed. Yes there will be projects that make this kind of gain but it has become exponentially harder to find them. Nobody here can help you I promise.

>> No.57737277
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you will have to look for a long time, nowhere (beoble, telegram, twitter, /biz/) you will find someone willing to give you this kind of information.

>> No.57737282

because real traders are not looking to make a x50, they are looking for a secure income through other types of operations.

>> No.57737286
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I once listened to a supposed "x20" and ended up losing 10k thanks to kaspa KEK

>> No.57737331

SPY but you gotta hold for 50 years. I don’t think the dollar will exist in by then though.

Hope this helps.

>> No.57737338

>How much am I going to be paying in gas
0.01 matic for gas fees each way
minimum to send and receive through the bridge is 31 matic
>how much will I make?
depends on how much you farm it

>> No.57737340

Arbinu 1,500,000x for my sell target.

>> No.57737372

yo bruh, at the end, all the project that u invested is gonna be a rug someday, trust me. ive been calculated all my investment and my own personal inflation using a professional team in truflation. I know for sure now that it better for me to build my own biz rather than crypto thingy.

>> No.57737425

Can I send other coins through on the matic network?

>>57737242 >>57737277 >>57737372
I'm not looking for a guaranteed 50x, I'm looking for something with 50x potential. There are plenty of memecoins on this board that do 5-10x, but they are memecoins with a large possibility of going to 0. That's what I wish to avoid.

>> No.57737451


>> No.57737467

KNS and AVI are probably the only two good /biz/ small caps this season, and both probably have a decent chance of 50x for different reasons. KNS has pretty insane web3 infra, and AVI are much better with business strategy

>> No.57737517

op,plenty of 50X instead on monsterfomo.com app, that and don't fumble the ball

>> No.57737694

Have a gander at Coreto you absolute madman.
Especially now that their primary focus is now the DRS. X100 potential easy. dYOR

>> No.57737699

Thank you, I am already considering these. Hoping for a pullback to make 50x more reachable.


>> No.57737704

make 0.5% per day for 5 years

>> No.57737719

ive never owned matic whats a good wallet for it?

>> No.57737750

This is almost 10000x with compounding?


>> No.57738403

kaspa a month ago, i had 10k too, when i got the opportunity to buy 100k kaspa, i said fuck it and finally bought. im so glad
50x from 10c is ~100b marketcap, i reckon that could be reached, as this bullrun is going to be huge, there's so much more money in the world

>> No.57738413 [DELETED] 

Iam going to marry tomorrow. So, yeah its my wedding tomorrow. I am badly short financially. Can any anon gift me 5000 usd It will be really very helpful to start the new era of life.
Can any anon help me out? If so please send me an email to rahathayat89@gmail.com so that I can send details and talk there : (

>> No.57738418


>> No.57738422

why are you marrying if you don't have money? if you're young and broke, you didn't have to marry. just asking for trouble ffs

>> No.57738427

0.5% per day, 5 days per week, over 5 years compounding is x670
if 7 days per week its x9065

>> No.57738513
File: 315 KB, 1705x846, plebbit intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once again im going to effort post even tho no one will read:
Token: Plebbit $pleb
NARRATIVE: SocialFi - decentralized social medias that are opensource, free to use, peer to peer, scalable etc.
DEMAND: As tech censorship of the masses increases (on medical health/politics/economics/social issues) there is demand for decentralized social medias that are actually decentralized (no DNS & P2P) while having scalability and speed.
WHAT? Plebbit is an opensource, free to use, peer to peer social medias protocol with no https endpoints and no SSL certificates. Instead it uses the IPFS and ENS. This means it's actually decentralized/P2P unlike federated alternatives or projects like steemit.
Plebbit will allow board owners to advertise or not to advertise.
Users will be able to curate their feed wth subs that do or dont advertize.
ENS is used for board names. NFTs could be used for avatars.
IS TOKEN USEFUL: The token will be used to curate the default feed through a DAO. As the protocols is increasingly adopted, more sub owners will want to be featured in the default feed so they can increase their subs popularity, earn ad revenue and even trade their valuable sub as an NFT. This will create demand while also satisfying the narratives demand.The token will also be used to vote on Dev issues in a DAO and tipping.
TOKENOMICS: 3.5m mcap - Search coingecko/uniswap for plebbit
The Devs are self-funded, no VCs, 100% of the supply was airdropped to community, 1+ years of sideways TA.
Try the demo, read the whitepaper and GitHub
Show me a genuinely competitor with those statistics. If you can its an extreme minority.

>> No.57738515

>>Shill me something that can 50x this bullrun.
idk about THIS bullrun, but toncoin can do 50x in long-term for sure

>> No.57738551

diversify your assets into high potential trusted lowkey stable coins
this will get you a 5x within a few months and then go along from there

>> No.57738566 [DELETED] 

I wishi could manage only 5k$

>> No.57738595

please stop the begging

>> No.57738989

unironically cardano

>> No.57738995

Check out Qan platform.
>Layer1, under 80m mc
>Doxed devs from Ethereum and Monero
>Mainnet on summer