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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5772620 No.5772620 [Reply] [Original]

>got into crypto May last year
>portfolio only 50k

>> No.5772805

i started with 30k in november, would have had over 60k if i didnt panic sell at the christmas dip, now im only at like 40-45k

learnt my lesson to hodl

>> No.5773023

it just depends. if btc isnt doing anything its best to hold. most of my losses are from holding alts

>> No.5773064


started with 15k in june, 50k now
sold neo too early, sold elix too early.

>> No.5773685

how much of an idiot am I when I was monitoring bitcoin prices since it was $100 and never invested a single dollar in it, not even when it was $1000 at the beginning of 2017?

>> No.5773743


I have unironically the same stats anon
pissed away 30k more in gains by selling my shitcoins in the last altcoin slaughter

>> No.5773774

started with .07 btc gift year ago. have 600k. shits easy.

>> No.5773849

quite a big one

>> No.5773931

Idk, I doubled my investment since last month. With the amount of posts, people are seeing 10x returns in a matter of weeks so I'm sad.

>> No.5773954

You have to try really hard to not make money in such a long timespan. I'm up almost 900% since october. I don't where I would be if I was here on the early days of Ethereum or Antshares. Really...

>> No.5773992


Doesn't mean shit. I've been tracking it since 2012 when it was like $8 and didn't buy any crypto until 3 weeks ago.

>> No.5774066

50k isn't too bad. just think of it this way, in 2018 all you need to do is 10x to get half a million dollars :)

>> No.5774140

>got in with $3k 6 months ago
>currently have $4k
Fuck whoever convinced me to HODL the NMR ath

>> No.5774187

started with 750 in October, almost at 6k now. feels alright.

>> No.5774189
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> bought cardano at $0.06
> sold at $0.12

>> No.5774220
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Fuck that would have been a literal 200000% gain

>> No.5774278

>setpember of last year
>about the same portfolio value as you

all good tho, my ecommerce sites are still paying for my tuition and car so life is good

>> No.5774294

I put in 1k in June and I only have ~6k. Why this is bad: I have about 50k in the bank, but I didn't have the balls to risk it.

>> No.5774333

It seems everyone who hasn't made the gains they should've blame everything on someone or /biz/ "convincing" them. 'DYOR' isn't a meme. You're dealing with your money, not anyone else's so why are you letting some pajeet shill your money to dust

>> No.5774393

>got into crypto in May this year
>invested 30k
>now at 150k kek

>> No.5774435

You literal jackass

>> No.5774456

No I agree. My blame lies with the shill because I'm salty.

>> No.5774495

LOL wtf I got in June with 10k and I'm approaching 200k right now

>> No.5774514
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sad. many such cases

>> No.5774525

Started in Early November with 1.5k
Withdrew 1.8x of my initial investment.
Now 3k left to play with.

Am i gonna make it boiz?

>> No.5774549

No one knew Bitcoin was gonna go anywhere. I started getting into it when it was $250, but it didn't move for over a year. It was literally just a drug coin and no one thought it would go anywhere after mt.Gox

>> No.5774570

>"got into" crypto this year
>portfolio only 2k

>> No.5774573

what are you doing exactly with your business?

>> No.5774605
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>started with 5k in november
>now at 40k

>> No.5774716

Just be glad that you invested at all, you're still and early adopter. I have friends that have seen my gains and are kicking themselves for not buying anything.

>> No.5774724

>put $1500 into crypto in may 2017
>portfolio value Dec 1st 2017: 12k
>portfolio value Jan 1st 2018: 180k

hold your shit nigga, you never know when a moon mission is right around the corner

>> No.5774749

Put in $25k mid 2017. Now ~$650k. If you can't make money in this market you are literally retarded.

>> No.5774790

Nice gains this past month, you go all in on XRB?

>> No.5774826

been all in XBY since may, XRB would have been even more insane gains

>> No.5774834

I'm up 6x my initial in one month

Yesterday I was 10x


>> No.5775096

how many anon?

>> No.5775155

$700 in mid-2017, $250k now, but I have barely made anything in the last 2 months and feel like absolute shit now. Fucking kill me.

>> No.5775180

I unironically bought antshares for 7.50, sold it for 18.

>> No.5775215

man imagine if you put that into XRB

>> No.5775289

Same senpai
Had a friend who offered to just fucking give me two btc if I gave him a wallet address....too fucking dumb and lazy back then. I hate myself.

>> No.5775304

Every fucking day I think about it. But what really kills me is that I used to trade TRON back when it was like 40 sats. I hyped TRON up to all my friends for 3 months and when it went down to 17 sats, I stopped paying attention. I sold my tens of millions to someone else. Now it's 540 sats. 6 months in crypto and I would have gone from $700 to $2 or $3 million.

>> No.5775319


Well, when you put it like that.....

>> No.5775360

Damn how much you put in? I started may with £5k I’m at £280k right now

>> No.5775378

>1.1 million XBY in April
>sold for $500 profit
I was new to crypto, never expected it to get this far. I doubted the sTaTiC NoDeZ.

>> No.5775390

>known about crypto since 2012
>owned several thousand bitcoins
>sold 3000+ at about 10 bucks because I needed money
>kept ~3
>still made 45k

Had I not been unemployed and needed rent money I'd be retired right now.

>> No.5775422
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>got in at march
>portfolio only 90k AUD

>> No.5775443
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never doubt the great borz

>> No.5775454

Shit man, what other memes were there.
Russian genius dev or something along those lines? XBY was my first shitcoin, bought it like 9 months ago.

>> No.5775521

That’s only like 5 USD isn’t it

>> No.5775573

I remember the original website that looked like a 90s geocities page was alway mocked.

>> No.5775576

ive been in a week and only doubled my investment, fucking litecoin at 340 fucked me so hard, took me until 280 to drop out

>> No.5775754

How the heck do I make it with $500 invested? Do I accumulate day trading? Get 10 2x's? I've only made 50 in the last two weeks getting lucky on pumps, I feel like I'm barely making enough to cover the fees

>> No.5775755

There's still time for TRX

>> No.5775785
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I started with about 1k usd in May and now have 5k, cashed out about 4k already. Couple good investments (bought some neo when it was still antshares) cancelled out some retarded trades and early sells. Its easy to look at some breakout coins and moon missions that you missed and get down on yourself but we're still making it. Its still relatively early in the game, and for most people even doubling your initial profit in a matter of months would be insane. Relax and enjoy this ride. Good luck in 2018 boys.

>> No.5775819

Would you rather have bought 5000 of them at 7 cents then sold at 15? Don't regret not buying it at all. There are people with much, much bigger regrets than you.

>> No.5776635

/biz/ seems filled with people bragging about their winnings so here's a loss for a change:
>started trading in august
>still in the negative

>> No.5776681


how is this even possible.

>> No.5776725

pump and dumps, trying to say trade, selling low, being a brainlet, etc.

>> No.5776732

You’ll be fine, i put $600 in less than 3 weeks ago and I’m already over $5k. It doesn’t take long when you pick winners.

My biggest holdings: XRB,PURE,PHR,REQ,MSP,VEN

>> No.5776797

>ITT: People who don't realise that most of /biz/ are larpers

>> No.5776848


dude. if you had literally just bought the top 5 coins and a few small coins, and then turned off your laptop for 5 months you would be a lot richer now. The moon in nov/dec was insane.

just goes to show, FUCKING HODL. if you're not a very experienced trader, swing trading is going to fuck you up and stress you out. unless you are a whale there's no reason to do anything but hodl until profits are satisfactory

>> No.5776910

teach yourself to hodl and have iron hands

>> No.5777002

In may this year? Did you travel back in time from 5 months in the future to warn us about something?

>> No.5777022

yeah literally 75% of this are total lies.

>> No.5777051

I forgot how many, but I bought $5,000 worth and came out with around $10,000 (not exactly y'know because of the little fees).

>> No.5777165

I did my own research and didn't listen to biz and I'm only up 2.5x since july 17

>> No.5777231

Started at the same time and my portfilio is only 30k, im a fuckin failure at this -.-

initial was 3k btw

>> No.5777279

I'm Satoshi Nakamoto and lost my wallet file so I'm a bigger idiot than you.

>> No.5777281

Don't feel bad guys I started at the same time and only had 6k as of last month. Then I bought 14.5k XRB

>> No.5777319

im so bad at seeing those things so idk if i will ever make it like that... at least im making steady gains as im quite risk adverse

>> No.5777395

>21 year old
>huge pressure from my father who deals in stocks
>try to explain to him the benefits of cryptos
>He doesnt care. He only cares about results.
>portfolio only 12k in one year

I can do this. I know I can.

>> No.5777433

You need to really look into every interesting project you see. Doesn't matter what the marketcap is, what the branding is, or if it's on shit exchanges. If there's no any glaring issues or convincing fud you've got a solid coin.

>> No.5777467
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>tfw started with $200 in july
>tfw only $2000 now


>> No.5777478

I know no one will believe me but I legit started on November 10th with 400 bucks and now have 75k, made almost exclusively flipping doge and then recently riding xrp and xlm

>> No.5777514

Its not that simple. Things go up and down. I tried to hodl.

>Hodl coin - goes up 30%
>damn I'm gonna make it!
>coin drops to -35%
> should've sold at the top!

Wait for next moon
>coin goes up 20%
> sell
>ok what now
>dips 10%
>buy the dip
>crashes 25%


>> No.5777544
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I got fired from my chef job at Wendy's
Now I make $100k year

>> No.5777553

Could you explain how you did that please? Be as detailed as possible.

>> No.5777673
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Given that BTC was at a low from which it rose only as early as August 2015, you made a good decission for 3 years.

If you bought around the GDAX crash, you'd e.g. buy at 700$ only to witness a bear market down to 200$ of over a year. It's not like Bitcoin always was rising exponentially.

>> No.5777687

Don't feel like typing on my phone but if this thread is alive still in like 30-40 min then yes, I will. Its not that complicated though

>> No.5777880
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For real though, how are you guys losing money? Are you guys retarded?

>> No.5778131

Hey Hal, so cryogenics actually works? I always thought it was a scam.

>> No.5778315

See my post 4 posts up. Maybe it will be easier to tell me what I'm doing wrong if you look at what I do.

>> No.5778416

Or you could just get 2 10x's.

>> No.5778570
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>10^2 = 2^10

>> No.5778705

She's not even pretty
Neither hot nor pretty
Maybe friendzone-level
wtf is this shit doing in /biz/?

>> No.5778824

I'm currently all in with 900 XLM, got in at $0.35

>> No.5778852

added a few hundo per paycheck for a total of $2,498 invested to start a few months ago.

Today just totaled to $34,555.

Yeah, this is life changing.. especially if I can keep it up. Holding some assets I believe will put me near a million dollars by 2020.

>> No.5778954
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Trying to make it like you Anon my $360 is about $1100 now after 3 weeks . Hoping to do about $300 a month before this summer when crypto explodes like a fucking squirter

>> No.5779139
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>got in back in October with $1100
>portfolio is only $10k

>> No.5779229

>10x gains in two months
Fucking retard.

>> No.5779424

i mean, you missed out on a lot but you're still doing pretty fucking good anon

>> No.5779466

i legitimately want to strangle every put in x a few months ago only 10 times larger poster.

>> No.5779536

I've been panic selling since summer thinking BTC at $2K was a bubble. Cucked myself out of literal millionaire gains. Sitting on ~$50k right now. I pulled my portfolio from june and I would be in millions if I just held.

>> No.5779701

I know, im just shitposting. im quite thankful

(im all in elix btw)

>> No.5779722

Many people who had a lot of bitcoin back in time lost it through one of the many "hacks" or troubles of the exchanges.

MtGox, Cryptsy, Btc-e, ...

>> No.5779911
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I think i might be a winner here.
This was my folio in July

Since then i have sold all ark @ 1$, bought 3k LINK at the top of SIBOS pump and sold all leftover ETH for 300$ jusy before it started pumping.

Now my folio is worth 2500$. I started with around 2000$ in May

You are crying about only 10x gains

Imagine how do i feel

>> No.5779946

good lord how much did you have in

>> No.5779949
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Sorry forgot folio pic

>> No.5780323

Different guy here, as long as your in the green thats all that matters. Plus you are learning and still an early adopter compared to the world. Put your knowledge to good use this year and youll make it anon. Many moons wished apon you.

>> No.5780350

Been in for only a month and only 2x gainz


>> No.5780361

Howd u do it?

>> No.5780419

>too cowardly to put significant cash in
>Made less than $100

How do you guys gamble so much?

>> No.5780458
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>got into crypto and bought bitcoin in 2014
>lost it all when a darknet site went down, didn't get back in until now

>> No.5780532

>How do you guys gamble so much?
I gamble absolutely all that I can spare. No more and no less. Also do not panic, ever.

>> No.5780642
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I started 5 days ago with £500. Probably because im a 19 year old stoner. I dont really like my life that much so I use money i earned from wageslaving to put in to cryptos. Hopefully I can make a lot more than I have.

>> No.5780719

i hope youre larping, this is sad

>> No.5780835

I will invest 5k for the first time as soon as my account get verified.

What decided me is that crypto are a once in a century opportunity. If I don't at least try my chance at it while it's easy I will hate myself for this.

If I lose those 5k or any gains from them... I will still be in a better situation than most people since I was able to save money in the first place. The worst situation possible is to be a normie, no big risk.

>> No.5781063

Started with $4,000 en July, currently at $30,000. Guess i'm average gains.

>> No.5781112
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>got into crypto in 2011
>mined 5 BTC on my gaming rig
>kept em all on Mt. Gox, because nothing can really happen to biggest exchange in the world, right?

>> No.5781227

Is this a rare Harold?

>> No.5781282
File: 60 KB, 464x457, 2d4d ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too cowardly to put significant cash in
Maybe this has something to do with it, at least for the successful traders.

>Second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts success among high-frequency financial traders
>Successful Traders: The Testosterone Effect
>The longer a trader's fourth finger relative to his index finger, and therefore the lower the 2D:4D ratio, the greater his prenatal exposure to the hormone.

>> No.5781351

Hm my index is the same size of my pinky
What gives?

>> No.5781409


>> No.5781452

300 late November
5k rn

>> No.5781719


that hurts

I sold 20k DASH for like 2 dollars each I thought that was bad

>> No.5781791

Dem feets

>> No.5781850
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>> No.5781895
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Oh yeah now I see

>> No.5781987

I'd suck this badly trimmed little toe

>> No.5782219

I'm a loser for only getting into it now.

>> No.5782294


>> No.5782370

>get in may 2016
>200 in LISK
>day traded it to about 300
>sold and tethered
>look at lisk now, worth 12k.
>even if I kept in btc would be worth a lot more

>sold RISE ICO at 60 cents
>sold WAVES at 5 dollars
>sold Walton at 3 dollars

At least I'm holding 300 dollar eth and .12 ada

>> No.5782378

bullshit, what did you invest in?

>> No.5782387


>> No.5782420

I would have invested when it was that low but I had no capital. I've been completely broke for years.

>> No.5782483

Invested 10k myself, started back in July, currently at $50k portfolio value

Did I do good anons?

>> No.5782548

July was a good time to start. Not much you could do to not make 5x up until this point. Half my gains are from july to now.

>> No.5782652

>>sold WAVES at 5 dollars
>>sold Walton at 3 dollars

Dont trade moron just choose a few coins and hold.

>> No.5782668

May: 1k -> 5k :/

>> No.5782675

31k invested as of last month, up almost 40k with a total portfolio of nearly 70k with current market prices. Here are my picks

55k xlm
79k trx
3k xrp
1 bitcoin
1.4 dash
7 eth
6k 0x

My investment strategy, pick company’s with operating platforms (for the most part) and HODL, for sure going to keep for at least one year to avoid capital gains, not really buying and selling in between market shifts, living like a poorfag atm.

Good luck boys!

>> No.5782719


It's ok I remember when people were handing them out to get the word out their, I didn't accept any, new about cryptos for ages, then a couple years later I got sucked into the dogecoin bought 88k could of got myself $800 give or take, and just started investing now, started with £400 now got 3.5k. Hopefully we have not missed the boat and make it brah.

>> No.5782940


yeah but if i had invest back in April I would have been so far ahead, baka

>> No.5783424

Which one’s anon? I started with 5k and I’m at 21k since August.

>> No.5783448

I saw this shit on the news and I was shocked
But everytime I see this meme I burst out laughing

>> No.5783521

Lol drupal dev meme and whatever the fuck that fucking DutchFag faggot FUDed for weeks

>> No.5783522

This is the spirit, just put in all your money
If you lose it its too bad, if you make gains it could put you on an entirely different path. I mean you don't have to live under a bridge but u can change some of your lifestyle choices to save up more money to invest

>> No.5783635

>If I don't at least try my chance at it while it's easy I will hate myself for this.

This is why I started and I'm up 1000% in a month. Its madness. A modern day gold rush.

>> No.5783671

What did you invest in?

>> No.5783702
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>got in in 2012
>porfolio only 860k
Every time I look back I want to die

>> No.5783952

Pissed away 40% of my gains panic liquidating after some Korea FUD. Pissed away another 40% FOMO-buying the "dip" on the XRP rally when it was at 2.35. Still at 2X my initial investment from mid-December, but it's easy to look back and cringe at how much of a brainlet I was/am.

>> No.5783992

>only 650k
>cant even quit my job

fuck this gay earth

>> No.5784475

This is my main problem, all my prediction are fucking spot on and would've easily made me rich for life if I just had some fucking capital

>> No.5784509

>got in May 2017 with $5k
>now only at $90k, not even at six figures yet

I'm the dumbest man on biz...

>> No.5784524

got in crypto last july. still only doubled my portfolio.

thanks airswap

>> No.5784597

I use my incel rage and tell myself that getting money is the only way I'll ever have sex

>> No.5784634

Same, I started Alts 2 weeks ago after getting into BTC/ETH/LTC around thanksgiving. My parents offered me money to get bigger gains, but I didn't want to lose their money in 1s and 0s.

I'm up 2x since then, I'm such a fucking NEET.

>> No.5784876

Is it really that simple?