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57725522 No.57725522 [Reply] [Original]

Where is the fucking alt season?

>> No.57725541
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> he's holding the last bullrun tokens
All my AI tokens already did 5x in the past 3 weeks moron.
Now it's the newer L1 that's pumping.

>> No.57725571

You morons always do 1000x last week but never post any coins, fuxking larpers

>> No.57725594
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Everything I used to hold already made it's move and now they're either crabbing or halving.
Guess you missed that windows buddy.
Now there's only what random retards inscript and publish on satoshisync left to hold.
Future of the market gives me the creeps.
At least many of this shit will draw baggies attention that will inevitably get liquidated
Just natural selection baby nothing personal

>> No.57725606

How come coins from 3 bull runs ago are still in the top 50 ? What kind of incel are you ?

>> No.57725638

>jeet thinks his dogeshibalinutrump shitcoin pumping means we're in alt season
btc dominance is still strong newfag

>> No.57725653

Good job holding xrp for 7 years for no return

>> No.57725674

>never post any coins
I did, it's just you retard never listen.
Even the highest mc AI (TAO) has already 3x'd since the end of Jan. If you blindly bought any coin with AI in its name in the 100mil mc range you'd be 5x already.
Now it's sub bil mc L1 that's pumping (AIOZ, ALPH, take your poison).

The problem with biz is every thread discussing new coins would be deleted or called jeets, so you lot stuck discussing dinosaurs.

Good luck with that mindset

>> No.57725680

I'm making fuck you money on worldcoin

>> No.57725686
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It's alt season if you bought the right coins

>> No.57725694

Past results do not predict future results, Cassiopeia.

>> No.57725705

Care to share any rwa picks?

>> No.57725708

So true, you should right yourself on fire, past results of people dying from it don’t predict future results

>> No.57725715

bnb, doge dumbass

>> No.57725718

>2/100000000 so you're saying there's a chance!

>> No.57725723

I'd rather gamble on statistically backed bets rather than hopes.
It gives good results too.

I missed RWA narrative so I can't (also missed the latest DeFi pump), the best traders I know heavily bet on Ondo so there's that. I don't hold any RWA atm btw.

>> No.57725747

You think rwa narrative over? I like ondo but it’s $500m mcap, how high do they think it’ll go?

>> No.57725768

>You think rwa narrative over?
>I like ondo but it’s $500m mcap
Exactly my thought.
>how high do they think it’ll go?
The thing is RWA is not my thingy so I don't have enough knowledge to bet on that sector.

For what it's worth, if this pump's following the Oct-Dec pump rotation (and so far I'm observing it is) the next narrative to watch is DeSci and that's where I'm rotating into.

>> No.57725781

Any desci picks?

>> No.57725793

Biggest bet is RSC (bonus point because biz HATES this token every time a thread is made about it).
LAKE is second.
GENE seems it'll give the highest reward, but also the highest prob of going to zero.

but ofc you should do your own research and don't cry to me if it doesn't pump. At most I allocate 35% in this sector (have mid 6 figs portfolio) for your info.

>> No.57725823

I always dyor so no blame to you if it fails. Thanks will check them out

>> No.57725869

Way to out yourself as a mongoloid.

>> No.57725873

>$500m mcap
ONDO is apparently the favored of BlackCock for RWA, so a 20-40B mcap at peak bull isn't at all out of the question. Fucking doge reached 80B.

>> No.57725908

Bonus info for you, besides DeSci you should look into OHM like ponzi tokens, seems that sector is also imminent to pump.
My biggest best bet is Peas & Circle (Circle got minus because biz seems to love it tho), I allocate just 10% in this round. Only 10% but if this pay it might do 10x.

>ONDO is apparently the favored of BlackCock for RWA
I've read into it, they marketed it as backed by Blackrock but it turned out they just have access to Blackrock's investment vehicle so I just don't like the misinformation.
But "Ondo will give u condo" slogan is catchy, like Kadena is babeba or Rubic is cubic so I give them that

>> No.57726021

If there’s any single decent coin mentioned in this thread, it’s Ondo. Everything else is shill. Should you buy it? Dyor anon. I didn’t take the trade because unlock inflations but if I can sell it tomorrow at a profit, who cares.

>> No.57726042


RWA narrative will trend, so as Depin and the likes of Peaq seem to spearhead in this light. Keeping tabs might be worth it while waiting for the launch.

Do you think this will hit the mcap of Doge? I saw a retard saying it would hit the mcap of Doge. What an obvious shill! kek.

>> No.57726074

Thank you for the tips anon. I did some research and I'll be buying GENE later to try my luck. The CEO convinced me. You wouldn't upload pictures of your children on Facebook if you are a scammer.

>> No.57726599

what does this mean, how do you judge a high against?

i see lots of coins that did multiple highs when valued in BTc..

>> No.57726677

>managed to buy relatively low

... But how do I know when to sell?

>> No.57726681

CZ used to give us alt szn, but they locked him up.

>> No.57726863

99% of cryptos don’t make a new ath after they’ve seen a bullrun, and almost none do a 100x twice

>> No.57726878

Nice thx

>> No.57726985
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Simple. Just type something like this in tradingview "BINANCE:ADAUSD/INDEX:BTCUSD" which gives you the price of ADA in BTC terms and look at 2017/18 bullrun vs 2021/22. If the 2021 peak is lower than 2018 then you better off just holding BTC instead of that shitcoin after its first bull run in 2017 because you'd get higher x times if you just hold BTC. Also, you'd get way less stress because you also get protected from the brutal downside of the bear market.

Do it for all coins and you'll see every coin is worthless in the long run, including ETH. The only coin I know of that break this pattern is DOGE but do you really want to bet at that statistic that your absolutely awesome shitcoin will break that curse?

That's why they said you only buy new shitcoin and sell it in its first bull market to buy bitcoin.
Newfag will learn it the hard way. While bagholder won't even have the capability to do so

>> No.57727018

enlighten us with some new shitcoins oldfag

>> No.57727036

Why would I buy Bitcoin or Ethereum when I can buy BNB?

>> No.57727252

they can't let it go up because it would take LINK up with it. This has been the problem ever since Sergey suggested in 2021 that CCIP would be released in 2022 which marked the end of the bull market and bitcoin shidding and farding ever since. If you dont understand this yet - that the market will never recover until Link dies or all nazi bagholders sell finally, then you are unironically ngmi

>> No.57727427

Baggie lives are just depressing. Hope you get some help from a therapist soon