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57722941 No.57722941 [Reply] [Original]

Is industrial and manufacturing engineering a good field to start a career in? What are job prospects like in the West?

>> No.57723523

decent. lots of jobs but you’ll hit a pay ceiling at mid-career. you also will never be considered as “engineering” but rather as “operations” / “manufacturing”. you should be good at dealing with dumb mexican technicians if you want to thrive.

>> No.57723816

>you also will never be considered as “engineering” but rather as “operations” / “manufacturing”
But why, because I don't directly make shit?

>you should be good at dealing with dumb mexican technicians if you want to thrive
I thought mexicans worked on construction sites

>> No.57723837

Get to know some management-tier ppl in some big firms and get give them a knob polish or two and you'll get a high paying in no time.

Oh wait you're a guy? Oh....er....sorry anon

>> No.57723871

I am a white male that has EU/burger citizenships. That should count for something.

>> No.57723890

>white male
No job

>> No.57723904

My friend has an outwardly racist boss who got caught discriminating against moozlims a while ago. Maybe he would hire me.

>> No.57723953

If you're talking machinist the pay sucks for what you do and every shop has it's own obscure qualifications. Also you work with boomers with negative social skills who got into via being near a factory after loosing their license in a dwi. But if you keep learning, picking up skills, you have a 95% white work force and comfy but boring job that pays decent. Hint, get into sheet metal.

>> No.57723961

Try it, saar.

>> No.57723980

>If you're talking machinist

Industrial and manufacturing engineering are not machining.

>> No.57723997
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Although engineering pays well you will always need to look for interstate jobs and, if that annoys you, you can always come back to gamble on Eesee for a few bucks

>> No.57724028

>But why, because I don't directly make shit?
because you do not take part in design.
>I thought mexicans worked on construction sites
the "smarter" ones work in manufacturing. could be assemblers, technicians, operators. also random mudslimes and niggers and mystery meat.
no but they tell the machinists what to do.
tip would be to figure out the quality standards for your chosen industry and do a bit of online learning to familiarize yourself before starting the job. then, get certified on these ASAP.
you'll never need to pretty yourself up for investors or customers, and you'll probably never need a clearance even in mil/aero, but this is because your function is replaceable and not that important to the greater goal.

>> No.57724051

do petroleum engineering

>> No.57724211

>because you do not take part in design.
I thought you did some design?
>figure out the quality standards for your chosen industry and do a bit of online learning to familiarize yourself before starting the job
Aren't these pretty similar for the types of industries you'd expect to be in?

>> No.57724240

>I thought you did some design?
yeah maybe design of tooling, fixtures, process flow. maybe even contributing design-for-manufacturing input. but you will get a product that has already been designed and be tasked with figuring out how to make it at scale.
>Aren't these pretty similar for the types of industries you'd expect to be in?
what is the minimum annular ring for a Class 2 PCB fab?

>> No.57724245

>what is the minimum annular ring for a Class 2 PCB fab?
yeah what the fuck is that, school aint taught me shit bout that.

>> No.57724272

plus the ambitious dumb mexicans are going to try to become manufacturing engineers like you by turning your product into a toy firetruck for the sake of output capacity