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57719494 No.57719494 [Reply] [Original]

How are maxies dealing with the fact that ETH will flip BTC in 2025?

>> No.57719516

by laughing at your retardation

>> No.57719527

I'd have a psychotic break if I had been on the losing side for 7 years too
my god I am so much richer because I am not retarded enough to buy bitcoin rhetoric

>> No.57719554

why would eth flip btc while it's only dumping for years in btc pair?

>> No.57719586

because after dumping comes the pumping

>> No.57719626
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Back then threads could fill 2000 posts. Everyone made it, but me...

>> No.57719631

because it hasn't been "dumping for years"; it has basically been flatlining in a bear market
when BTC beats ETH, it's marginal, when ETH beats BTC, the returns are outsized
which is why ETH holders massively outperform BTC holders
not to mention the only reason BTC hasn't been taken out behind the barn and shot is because the market is irrational - all the upside hasn't even been realized - but its inevitable, because everything happens on ETH, and nothing happens on BTC

>> No.57719639

In the midst of divesting my ETH gains into BTC so this is a pleasant bonus

>> No.57719650

Controversial but i see bigger chance of Avalanche/Solana briefly flipping Ethereum than Ether flipping BTC.

>> No.57719664

>in the midst of burning money
okay brother

>> No.57719683

bruh lmao

>> No.57719688

Oh, shut up, you guys have been saying this for years!

>> No.57719703

if eth flips bitcoin. ill go from 6 fig hell to multi millionaire status.
lmao not happening

>> No.57719720

and you deserve it for being forward looking and not being susceptible to dogshit bitcoin cult rhetoric
not everyone is immune to it (which is why the markets are what they are), which is your opportunity

>> No.57719749

mETHheads actually believe this

>> No.57719756

ETH would need to be at $8400 right now to flip BTC and BTC would need to crab at 50k and do nothing
can't see this happening in any feasible future

>> No.57719763

what ratio of btc to eth do you suggest is good?

>> No.57719792

doubt it because normies don't give a shit about use cases. all they care about is first mover advantage. bitcoin as useless and gay as it is was the first and all normsters care about is the pump and dumps, as soon as it starts moving high they buy in, and when it starts to shit the bed they dump, and this happens over and over and over again. baseless speculation is what gives bitcoin it's value, nothing else. if anything its a temporary inflation hedge but not even a good one at that.

>> No.57719806

>70m premine
>30 cents

do people still really

>> No.57719812

believe what? that bitcoiners are literal blockchain illiterate cultist vaporware-ponzi shills? go to a bitcoin conference (or follow bitcoiners on twitter), now do the same for ethereum - it's actually incomprehensible how much more bullish Ethereum is - socially, technologically, ethically
get with the times, its free money, or don't, I don't care

>> No.57719822

This won't happen. BTW, I only ate 1770 calories today, I expect to lose 20lb by the end of March.

>> No.57719836

Sad to be low iq
BTC is performing this way because it's a far superior money, Eth is bad money, token not needed (I'm a software engineer)

>> No.57719848

No chance in hell those 2 scamchains flip ETH

>> No.57719853

eth maxis will legit buy 1 100th of an eth instead of 2.5 icy pees or .0006 btc, they're ngmi

>> No.57719854

Tell us what money you're trying to accumulate? Answer

>> No.57719872

incomprehensible is the right word. You are extremely stupid. It's actually sad. Don't talk about what you don't understand, you're tech illiterate. The kiss principle always prevails in technology

>> No.57719876

it's not superior money; arbitrary declining issuance curve (ticking time bomb) vs fixed issuance with fee burn offset (sustainable forever) - security has to be subsidized, better do it sustainably and it also happens that since POS is more capital efficient ETH manages to issue less while staying more secure.
also no demand for BTC as money because it doesn't compose natively with defi and has no scaling trajectory (lightning is a garbage fire)
ETH is the defacto money of defi and derivatives of/stablecoins on ETH are 10000000000x more likely to be used as money in the real world
no counter argument needed, you're already wrong

>> No.57719885

>...Anonymous (ID: 86xgMEco)
>02/25/24(Sun)17:59:48 No.57719516
>>>57719494 (OP) #
>by laughing at your retardation
Exactly this.
Well said anon

>> No.57719889

>software engineer
no need to larp
I'm an actual software engineer and I work in the industry
sorry bro you're just not qualified to have this conversation

>> No.57719907

Imagine being such a retard. Go play with your post retard

>> No.57719915

it literally does not matter
DAOs are what gives eth its value
defi will flip both eth and bitcoin combined

>> No.57719923

I'm dealing with it by knowing that eth will NEVER flip btc, lmao

anyone unironically spouting off about the flippening outs themselves as a 2021-era newshit

>> No.57719924

inferior minds are why I'm rich
you're a laggard, the information asymmetry works in my favor, and the best has yet to come
in other words, thank you for being retarded

>> No.57719937

the only side that has been losing for 7 years is ETH, given that for all the MUH FLIPPENING hype cycles that have come and gone, it has yet to even come close to passing bitcoin.

>> No.57719938

You don't even know what you want to achieve with defi. You can automate everything as long as you have seamless money.

Eth monetary issuance has been changed. Retard. It's worth nothing. And governments will just tax Eth and collectively own majority and then mess up with the network, if Eth is meant to be the world changing money, repeat each forks.

Money has to be desirable and secure. Eth has bad monetary policies and isn't safe : extremely bad money, which is why it never made another BTC ath last cycle.

You're tech illiterate, or you're very young. In either case don't talk about what you don't understand.

>> No.57719952

If you don't agree with me that means you're the type of incompetent person I reject during interviews. Plenty of bootcamp morons those days, I know how to filter them

>> No.57719963
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listen here bud i'm a wcdonalds chad my mind is superior to yours i'm a multi-millionaire who bought btc at $30 all while you were still at your 9-to-5 job as a software engineer i already know the truth of why eth will not flip btc and it's because we are going all in on wcdonalds ticker (wcd) and we will be delivering all the get rich quick burgers to your door

>> No.57719968

ETH maxis are the biggest faggots on the planet because they have all the arrogance of bitcoin maxis without any of the success/track record to back it up

>> No.57719999

its just not I'm sorry you cannot read a chart a toddler should understand

anyone with >90 iq who read my post then reads yours and has any bitcoin in their portfolio is currently scrambling to offload all their btc
beyond embarassing
>You don't even know what you want to achieve with defi. You can automate everything as long as you have seamless money.
>And governments will just tax Eth and collectively own majority and then mess up with the network,
>Money has to be desirable and secure.
excuse me who desires 10tx/s zero scaling trajectory 10 min finality expensive dogshit? did someone say nobody? yes, in fact, nobody desires bitcoin or uses bitcoin https://cryptofees.info/,
>has been changed
bitcoin's monetary policy is not sustainable - do you know what this means? it means it has to change, and in the meantime, it overpays/overinflates for less security than eth provides
>Eth has bad monetary policies
i just outlined why its better and you didn't respond
you lost, its over, you were just too dumb to dyor
this is your best bitcoiners, pivot while you still can, i am casting pearls before swine here

>> No.57720017

You are too stupid to understand revolution of PoW, you PoSfag

>> No.57720027

ok reddit but then why do you sound like such a massive lying faggot and why am i running laps around?

is this bitcoin humor i dont get it

>> No.57720057

mining is a mechanism that lets people agree on which block is the canonical block
turns out you can do that without unbelievable amounts of waste, have more equitable economics (i.e. even poors can stake, while only wholesale miners can mine profitably), and higher capital efficiency for more security
its over, none of you know what you are talking about, again, this is why I'm outperforming you and sleep at night knowing my investment thesis isn't "haha next buyer he pay more"

>> No.57720073

Wasted on this flag

>who desires 10tx/s
Would prefer 5tx/s De-Su.

>Zero scaling
BTC has millions of tx per sec.
Not my fault you're too stupid to know it after it's a fact since 7 years you massive ultra LAGGARD. 7 y lamao.

>> No.57720082
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I seen some twitter schizos saying eth could breach 30k this cycle. What do you anons think?

>> No.57720088

still waiting for the flippening i've heard so much about over the years

I was told it was imminent in 2021. What happened?

>> No.57720097

You are too stupid to respond to, look:
>Muh pos
Stopped reading right there.
Fuck off back to X century and run a Jewish bank or smth

>> No.57720109

If that were to ever happen it will immediately implode the market.

>> No.57720122

literally what in the flying fuck are you talking about you absolute lunatic
bitcoiners, read this drivel, please, analyze the intellectual quality, and if you aren't questioning what the fuck is wrong with the bitcoin demographic and by extension bitcoin, then i know for a fact you wear your pants on your head when your caretaker doesn't dress you in the morning

>> No.57720127

at the peak of a bull cycle exect everything to at least 5-10x...


>> No.57720141

>Reeeeee I didn't know!
What you don't know you low information faggot?
1) eth is now pos not pow, so it's shit
2) BTC has millions of tx per sec (ln)

>> No.57720143

markets are irrational
simplest explanation
fundamentals eventually win

again, literally just not operating on the same intellectual plane as me
you won't argue specifics, because you can't

>> No.57720156

>eth is now pos not pow, so it's shit
where substance? you have an informed opinion? still waiting

>BTC has millions of tx per sec
are these transactions in the room with you right now?

>> No.57720157

None of what you said matters given what I've explained. And while I've made it easy to understand you don't even understand it seems, which proves you're just an extremely stupid individual, peak dunning Kruger. Bitcoin scales in layer and block size will increase when it's time. Read me again for explanation on why Eth is worthless, bad money, unsafe, not needed.

>> No.57720187

is there a bigger reddit dogwhistle than "dunning kruger"?
>bitcoin scales in layers
no, ethereum does, cryptographically, while bitcoin tacks on centralized unusable dogshit like lightning
>Read me again for explanation on why Eth is worthless, bad money, unsafe, not needed.
i just read it again and felt myself getting stupider not only for reading your bullshit again but for being stupid enough to believe there was any chance you actually explained this the first time around, which it turns out you didn't

>> No.57720196

This moron doesn't know about off chain transactions. Lmao. Now he will write some fud about ln being insecure lol. Stupider than average poo altcoin shill...

>> No.57720243

>off chain transactions
are these super duper seamless in demand off chain transactions being performed by the impeccable not at all centralized widely adopted lightning network that I have heard so much about these past 7 years?
sidenote: did you know that funding and closing payment channels requires on-chain transactions? kinda sorta sounds like you didn't, whoopsie

>> No.57720251

>Muh centralized ln
Ok, faggot, which node is the central node?
> Ohhhh.... Reeeeeee! I meant to say: federated!
Ok who can create new federation and how hard it is?
>Ohh.. I mean... Everyone can, with the cost of like 4 on chain transactions even
Cool, so it's decentralized then.
> Ohhhh uhhh.... No it's not! Because... Because I have eth bags! Reeeeee! Reeee! Reeee!

>> No.57720262

>Muh centralized
Nope, see >>57720251 fag

>> No.57720282

This is a sad cope

>> No.57720287

even bitcoiners are in disbelief and throwing in the towel RE: lightning
its just so over if that is your investment thesis

>> No.57720317
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my ethies stay beefy

>> No.57720325

the only way for users to find liquidity for transactions is to use hubs
the whole thing is a clown fiesta
fun fact, ethereum had an equivalent to lightning called raiden - it's so great that we can sunset dogshit technologies by having a constructive dialogue and moving in productive directions and then end up with solutions that actually work - a concept foreign to bitcoiners, still operating the same worthless vaporware technology from 15 years ago

>> No.57720347

> But twitter!
See? Massive fag.
Worked fine for me, tx in seconds.

> Hubs bad

>> No.57720369

why don't you ask your grandma to "splice on more liquidity" (onchain tx btw) so she can send her retarded grandson (you) some hard earned money

>> No.57720378

>bitcoin: famous for its peer to hub to peer technology

>> No.57720415

>How are maxies dealing with the fact that ETH will flip BTC

Been reading this same shit on /biz/ since I've started here in 2017. lel

>> No.57720421

shut up retards, both BTC and ETH can't scale without sacrificing some decentralization. ETH uses L2 sidechains and BTC uses lightning hubs. same shit practically speaking. the only thing that matters is that normies are buying our bigs for more than we bought them.

>> No.57720423

Proof-of-stake is the same fiat slave system we're trying to avoid.

>> No.57720468

>>bitcoin: famous for its peer to hub to peer technology
Yes. Seethe.

Ps. Hub is just a peer, and no amount or you raging or whiteknighting can change this fact.

>> No.57720488

>he thinks he can equate rollups to ln and get away with it just like that
oh lawd I bet your portfolio is 50/50 eth/btc, you're so close, but you just don't get it
rollups have infinity better ux and design space than lightning
even assuming lightning wasn't literally unusable vaporware (which it definitely is), it's not composable, it's not programmable, and is crippled by depending on bitcoin (grandmas can only splice so many transactions before bitcoin gets clogged to shit)

>> No.57720505

a hub is just a peer that can choose to not process your transactions :^)
thought bitcoiners were decentralization maxis?

>> No.57720512

The problem with a lot of software engineer opinions, especially on hackernews, is that they only know their hyper specific domain (if that). I would say I'm in the ideal position because I studied finance in university and now work as a software dev. I think BTC wins in the end but mainly for social reasons. It's politically neutral, a financial schelling point, the only choice for the max decentralization crowd, 21m supply cap is psychologically appealing, it's the easiest to understand for boomers.

By contrast ETH is very experimental and kind of onions. ETH technical design is objectively cool, but it's in an awkward spot between BTC and more centralized alternatives like Solana. It tries to get the best possible position in tradeoff space, but ends up right in the middle which is the least interesting place to be. Also I experimented with various smart contract lending platforms. Despite improvements in eth tooling they are still insanely risky, non-devs have no idea. I remember trying out margin eth longs on summer.fi and a week later my ajna vault is shut down because they discovered a vulnerability despite having been audited previously. There is a reason Justin Drake and Vitalik don't stake their eth.

Anyway my portfolio is 90% BTC calls, 10% COIN calls for anyone interested. Trying to go where the boomer money is most likely to flow. And I don't think experimental smart contract tech is it. Might be the play next cycle but for now I don't think anything beats the r/r of leveraged btc exposure.

>> No.57720530

>a hub is just a peer that can choose to not process your transactions :^)
Yes. Same as any miner peer can refuse to mine yours or any network peer can refuse to relay your tx. You absolute zero information extreme fag

>> No.57720548
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ETH/BTC ratio at the same point where it was 7 years ago
LMAOOOOOOO at "people" who have spent years thinking and discussing which one is the better hold

>> No.57720551

wrong. printing money =/= yield

I'm mostly invested in shitcoins, but I like ETH and BTC. however, unlike you, I actually know how they work and don't parrot retarded buzzwords on /biz/ like a midwitted turd.

>rollups have infinity better ux and design space than lightning
gay buzzwords

> it's not programmable
this is by design, satoshi literally wrote about why he didn't do this. it's not a big brain move to make a ledger programmable, it's basic shit that he didn't do because he wanted a transaction ledger because the whole point was to provide an alternative currency. ignorant twat.

>> No.57720555

Bitcoin can't process transactions fast enough
>It can if you go off chain and use Lightning Network
Why shouldn't I use another solution entirely, like ETH/SOL/AVAX/whatever?

>> No.57720586

21 ETH
2.1 BTC

>> No.57720587

>politically neutral
doublespeak for "incredibly crippled"
>the only choice for the max decentralization crowd,
doesn't seem that way sorry
>21m supply cap is psychologically appealing
^ the people who have money to invest understand the dynamics at play
>It tries to get the best possible position in tradeoff space, but ends up right in the middle which is the least interesting place to be.
tell me you have zero exposure to the industry without telling me you have zero exposure to the industry
it is literally where *everything* happens and 90% of intellectual mindshare exists
>Despite improvements in eth tooling they are still insanely risky, non-devs have no idea.
retarded take; its better to be on a path to usefulness even at the cost of some risk, than risk nothing while being useless (bitcoin)
one has potential, one is a non-starter
>There is a reason Justin Drake and Vitalik don't stake their eth.
"staking is free money" or "staking is risky" - pick one and only one, bitcoin camp
>And I don't think experimental smart contract tech is it.
small minds, small gains

>> No.57720591

checked. hubs, bridges, L2 sidechains, all the same at a fundamental level. use whatever. allowing yourself to be roped in based on the ideologies of homosexuals on twitter is the worst thing you can do. the whole point of crypto is to create a frictionless environment where an alternative financial ecosystem can be seeded. it's not about a single solution, but a competitive market of systems. everything is that way, all of nature really.

>> No.57720598

maxi here, sorry I've never lost money on btc.

>> No.57720599

market irrationality was eth even getting close to flipping bitcoin lmao

>> No.57720620
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buys over red line, btc better
buys under red line, eth better (both price magnitude and timeline much larger)
guess who made more money
guess where the chart is headed
its so easy

>> No.57720630

I bought 1k ETC

>> No.57720655

it's only going to go up slightly more than BTC, like 50%+ more. shitcoins will do better

>> No.57720696

exactly, you're getting it
ETH is the perfect sweet spot - the best risk adjusted play possible
better gains with none of the gambling
there is not one situation where having any unit of btc is better than any unit of eth
want to be further down the risk curve? go for shitcoins
want to make safe gains? eth

>> No.57720730

you are literally arguing for composability while not valuing it at all, lmao
how can this go over your head? it's crazy how little imagination you must have
LN is an isolated ecosystem, a crippled piece of shit attached to another crippled piece of shit, that integrates with nothing
in a world where this is your goal
>do. the whole point of crypto is to create a frictionless environment where an alternative financial ecosystem can be seeded
how in the flying fuck do you justify owning a single bitcoin

>> No.57720735

honestly I don't put much thought into what coins I buy or even the ratios. I barely even look at the price, just the public sentiment. I'm a terrible investor and yet I've made a stupid amount of money on crypto because I think the tech is neat and I'm pretty good at detecting scams.

>> No.57720765

ok well your portfolio and investment thesis is just less refined than mine then
stop apologizing for bitcoin, it's retarded
it is "not the same" as ethereum, it isn't even a hedge, because it is not on a forward trajectory - if crypto succeeds, it succeeds with ethereum, if crypto fails, it doesn't matter what you are in

>> No.57720821

eh forest for the trees. it's fundamentally the same thing even if they fucked up the implementation. personally I think BTC scaling will effectively be BTC bridges to other chains. this can all be abstracted away at higher layers, doesn't really matter how clunky or fucked up the lower layers are unless you are a dev or power user. to the typical user the UX and whatnot will essentially be the same and to the people who actually care about the underlying layers, well the trust equation will essentially be the same see as the scaling is happening on more centralized off-chain areas in every 'solution'.

>how in the flying fuck do you justify owning a single bitcoin
BTC's advantage is that it doesn't allow smart contracts. think about it. I hold 3 of these bad boys.

>> No.57720842
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BTC's neutrality and psychological appeal has won it investors like El Salvador, Tesla, Saylor. Eth doesn't have any notable names to it. BTC isn't useless. It can simply be digital gold and nothing else. See pic related. ATHs in 14 currencies already.

Yes most devs are in ETH currently but that doesn't mean anything for the price or its users. Normies don't want to spend $50 on a transaction. Despite having a small fraction of the mindshare, Solana was able to almost completely steal Eth's memecoin culture. No one outside of /biz/ talks about eth memes anymore except maybe ticker bitcoin and mog.

>"staking is free money" or "staking is risky" - pick one and only one, bitcoin camp
No intelligent person calls staking free money. It's a significant risk for about 1 day's worth of volatility in return. Over the course of a year.

>small minds, small gains
My calls brought my portfolio from around 100k a few months ago to almost 500k now. Congrats if you beat that but I wouldn't call these small gains, especially considering I didn't have to risk anything in obscure alts no one has heard of.

>> No.57720941

>considering I didn't have to risk anything in obscure alts
there is no risk in alts if you pick the rights ones. risk is simply a word used by people who don't actually know what they are buying, which is most people.

I think BTC maxis shouldn't be allowed to talk about PoS or staking. I've never seen one that knows how it works. you superstitious folk who think swapping the sybil defense mechanism will insult the gods. it's the most mundane change and barely effects underlying consensus protocol. BTC could switch to PoS and literally nothing would change

>> No.57720957

bridge to what? ethereum? that's where cryptocurrencies go if they want to be useful/compose/integrate/whatever - eth is the native currency of that infrastructure; it is the money of defi, the unit of account, and the unit with which you pay to participate
the future you describe *relies* on ethereum, and if ethereum succeeds, it will be more valuable than bitcoin, at which point people will ask themselves what the fuck the point of bitcoin even is? simply a vastly shittier version of eth

>think about it. I hold 3 of these bad boys.
i thought about it
then i sold every last one i had
i've probably made at least 300k solely by realizing how inferior bitcoin is before most people did, and this trade hasn't even seen the majority of its upside yet - the situation is even more dire for bitcoin now than 7 years ago

>> No.57720997

that looks bullish AF for eth. has any other crypto ever made that kind of recovery vs btc??

>> No.57721035

people buy bitcoin because ethereum is too esoteric for them
they buy it for a potential they don't know isn't there
saylor is a literal lunatic, it is unbelievable how out of touch that man is, and it has cost him

>Despite having a small fraction of the mindshare, Solana was able to almost completely steal Eth's memecoin culture.
the buzz has basically fizzled out already, but I can actually sympathize more with sol than I can btc - it's at least purporting to make progress/making meaningful tradeoffs, which means its in the competition, unlike btc
sol is a great eth hedge, btc is unjustifiable

>> No.57721065

sol is trash
over half of its validators are located in like 2 cities in the US
massive scam

>> No.57721071

>I think BTC maxis shouldn't be allowed to talk about PoS or staking. I've never seen one that knows how it works. you superstitious folk who think swapping the sybil defense mechanism will insult the gods. it's the most mundane change and barely effects underlying consensus protocol. BTC could switch to PoS and literally nothing would change
/biz/ redeems itself
finally, something based

>> No.57721088

>there is no risk in alts if you pick the rights ones.
Which ones are those?

>I think BTC maxis shouldn't be allowed to talk about PoS or staking. I've never seen one that knows how it works.
Quite a strong vote of "no confidence" when the designers of the mechanism are forfeiting millions of dollars by not staking. Hard to make the claim that you understand the risks better than them.

>> No.57721134

for those individuals its not just about risk, its a neutrality consideration (which i happen to know for reasons undisclosed)

>> No.57721228

why are eth holders so mean

>> No.57721264

because bitcoiners are smug, wrong and spent the last 7 years superfudding every step forward to justify being crippled vaporware

>> No.57721291

lmao the nerve on some of you ethfags, 0 humility. Be grateful for btc or your shitcoin wouldve never existed, and the only reason it pumped like it has is because btc pumped too, everyone knows this

>> No.57721294

I just hold BTC because its comfy, made most of my gains on ETH granted, and swapped them over. I don't think ETH is vaporware like alot of posters here but my longterm ETH bag is very small.

>> No.57721303

midwit take
eth has been carrying the market for months

>> No.57721366

I don't care about your centralised DEFI run by russia and vitalik who can re-roll chain again or change rules again like from PoW to POS.

>> No.57721373
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>it hasn't happened yet so it will never happen!!!

Same mentality boomers have

>> No.57721378

humility to what? a technology? lol
all the cypherpunk ethos and intellectual capacity already braindrained to ethereum, there is nothing left to respect, just a hollow shell of ponzi-esque influencers and "when go moon" losers - go to a bitcoin conference, it is fucking insane how comical that demographic has become - and then to an ethereum event - the contrast is palpable

>> No.57721396

without defi the crypto market would be like 1/10th in size

>> No.57721429

And what do you do, anon? I ask from the heart. Please share your thought processes here.

>> No.57721458

>muh russia
lol your brain on cnn

>> No.57721503

>>muh russia
>lol your brain on cnn
I don't watch CNN. And Vitalik is russian. And he already decided to undo operations on chain once. He do so again. And if 2rd world power ever needs some "bad" transactions undone they know who to find (or get gulag/polon)

Imagine heaving a CEO of your chain. you sleezy scumbag POS pusher.

>> No.57721656

My portfolio is 90% BITO $25 1/17/25 calls, though you could swap that for a btc miner like MARA with similar results. Think they could reasonably go 5-10x this year if BTC gets 80-100k. Even seems conservative considering the 67k ath in 2021 is 76k today when adjusted for inflation. Only a matter of time until BTC breaches previous highs due to ETF buyers. 113k BTC purchased since they launched last month.

Also have some COIN $200 1/17/25 calls as a proxy for alts.

>> No.57721677
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listen here little buddy let me tell you about this thing called wcdonalds token ticker (wcd) it's going to make so many people rich quick do you like money do you like free money do you like fries do you like delicious burgers wcdonalds has everything you could possibly need forget about those silly calls just come down to your nearest wcdonalds and order a giga pump get rich quick burger on the wcdonalds secret menu with some money fries on the side

>> No.57721899

STX would like a word with you

>> No.57721947

launched in 2015.
topped in less than 2 years.
there's a reason you can count the alts that have missed out on a full bull market cycle and come back to make a new bitcoin high on one hand. old alts just can't capture the monetary premium magic once their limitations and failures have been documented so thoroughly.

>I'd have a psychotic break if I had been on the losing side for 7 years too
>34 posts by this id
>the lowest estrogen ethereum holder

>> No.57722003

this but unironically