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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57718405 No.57718405 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cope with the fact that there are normies out there that joined just couple of years ago that made millions?

>> No.57718413

They are now haircombers

>> No.57718431
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I simply live with the pain. At least I own a house now, but I'd rather be retired.

>> No.57718432
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normalfaggots either hold their bags to zero or sell everything at every small dip, they never make any money

>> No.57718662


They probably just followed better picks than you and paid less attention so they weren't panic trading. It's really not that hard to make money in crypto. For example, zk sync will have an airdrop in the future based on the amount of money you have in the network. There's a project called Fringe fi which recently launched their v2 on there and they're offering rewards for people to lend money on the platform. Their team recently also received a large pyth and arb tokens airdrop to distribute to their users. That's a lot of money with almost no effort.

But, we both know you're going to come up with some excuse not to do this because you're risk averse and in a few months you'll still be here complaining about how you knew about this and missed out.

>> No.57718711

I got into LINK at 18 cents but I fucked up before and after so badly that all it did was take my dwindled net worth and bring it back to baseline and then I got lucky as shit to finally turn a profit that wasn't worth the years of stress I put myself through. But going through it made me a better person and I hold a very diverse portfolio now compared to being in debt when I started. almost 7 years here on this board. I went from $4k in debt to having $80k net worth in a couple of years but that had more to do with saving and wanting to make it rather than the actual performance of my trades and I wasn't in profit until DOGE mooned but at that point I had left my job so I had to sell a lot of my portfolio to live anyways

>> No.57718759

my initial investment into crypto was $6500, trading brought that down to $600, and then LINK brought me back up to $6500. and then I traded options for a couple years while taking a more passive approach to crypto and I turned some profit but had to live off of the money. one year I had a 1099 over 100 pages long

>> No.57718787
File: 139 KB, 800x929, njmsjmdct2-Eqo8rhBU0AsAl7q-20210101-04-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the success of others is not your failure, anon
your failures are independent of them. by early please tell me you don't mean before 2020 because you have no excuse if so