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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57716899 No.57716899[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>try tinder
>100 swipes
>0 matches
>even the fat single moms with tattoos ignore me
>self confidence destroyed, wtf is wrong with me?
>move to Asia
>100 swipes
>100 matches
>all of them feminine and beautiful
>ohh herro anon u so hansome me sucky sucky you rong time
Why haven't you retired in SEA with your crypto gains yet?

>> No.57716906

Westoid women all want the billionaire gigachad. Asian women know you're a fat white man with money otherwise you wouldn't be there and they're a rice farmer's daughter who is mogged even by short white men.

>> No.57716910

Tbh I had better experience in South America but I am afraid to go back because I was almost murdered like 7 times in a handful of months.

>> No.57716914
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Let me guess. The jews did this?

>> No.57716926

No murderous shitskins did. Jews are importing them to my country so I can enjoy the being shanked by a third worlder at home. Why?

>> No.57716927

>with your crypto gains yet
thats what the asian women want (not You)
enjoy getting asian cyanide in your noodles incel faggot

>> No.57716934

I got a pretty good amount of matches but the women would talk to me for a bit then ghost. Doesn't matter if you match with them because 100 other dudes are talking to them at the same time. That's all dating apps.

This.. also even if the country is relatively safe you can be killed by the horrible hygiene or disease, nearly almost died when I came back when i caught something (not an STD). The women there are also giga whores despite what you've been told about them being trad western values have spread across the world maybe except Islamic countries.

>> No.57717026

>>try tinder
>>0 matches
>>move to Asia
>>100 matches
>doesnt spend $5 for tinder+ to swipe in asia/columbia for dopamine/practice
>doesnt even get 3rd world girls matching them right now while living in 1st world country
nice demoralization thread loser. do better

>> No.57717035

this dude tried to copy/paste then reply without dropping the highlight lmaoooo

>> No.57717039


>> No.57717342
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>imagine not highlighting the retarded concepts you are replying back to
Im not sorry for failing your autism filter faggot

>> No.57717359

Come back when you land a Japanese or West Taiwanese girl

>> No.57717367
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>> No.57717375
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I'm 6'3" 185 pounds and around 12% bodyfat. I even used to model for a couple clothing brands back in my early 20's. It's still hard matching with decent women. It's mostly fatties and single mothers. And in the off-chance you match with a decent woman, she's like 200 miles away or some shit.

Unless you fill your profile with pictures of you driving a lambo and your bio says you're a banker, or astrophysicist, don't expect much on there. Women use it to promote their OF, or just to get attention.

>> No.57717390
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>oh you're an astro physicist?
>tell me my horoscope

>> No.57717399
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>> No.57717417

i'm 5'11 skinnyfat with deep facial asymmetry and i never have any problem landing decent girls online
only two options here
>you come off as homosexual (maybe? from the modeling + low bf)
>you have no game whatsoever
post opening lines

>> No.57717546
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I do come off as gay, I already know that lol

I don't use opening lines. That sounds even more gay than being a model

>> No.57717634

this isnt related to /biz/, sage and reported

>> No.57717667

Can confirm. Found a gf (now wife) from SEA via a dating app with minimal effort and she sucks my dick whenever I want and also cooks me food. She also has a job and doesn't interfere with my finances whatsoever.

>> No.57717682

Which SEA bro? Hello from taipei

>> No.57717686

Also what would you say her IQ is? My thai girl is nearly a bona fide retard but hardworking and does those things. She knows her limitations and "wants to be a good wife"

>> No.57717701

Also Thai anon. I told her to learn Thai massage before she comes to Europe and now she has a comfy job at a local hotel. We will soon open our own massage parlor. They are loyal and like to please their husband. Not the smartest of the bunch but that's a positive thing.